If you can get your hands on a copy of today's USA TODAY, check the photo on page 2 of the Reagans with Frank Sinatra -- it's worth a gazzillion words, or at least a whole load of blowjobs by Nancy Reagan!
She was the best female practitioner of the art in Ronald Reagan's Hollywood -- so good she got him to marry her (see detailed and documented story in earlier postings in this blog), and then she (if not exactly THROUGH Sinatra, at least through his mafia contacts), ran the country while blowing Sinatra under the desk in the Oval Office. Poor Ronnie dozed in chairs on his pre-Alzheimers drugs, but he was not oblivious -- he gave many hints in his speaches that he knew he was only a trapped puppet. Trapped, ultimately, by Daddy Bush and Cheney's CIA operatives, who had not yet expanded CIA extra-government funding by sale of illegal drugs beyond the opium derivitives that they were already importing from Afghanistan.
Hence, eventually, our invasion of that poor country whose devilish Taliban had done one excellent thing: they had stopped the growth of the opium poppy. Bush/Saudi Royal families had planned 9/11 (ask my former GA Congresswoman and failed 2008 Presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney about that one. She appears to know a lot).
Later, CIA/Republican Party/PRI Party Mexico/mafia/Catholic Church hierarchy, allied to control all distilled illegal drugs in the Americas (but not really marijuana, mushrooms, peyote, etc.).
In the photo, you see everyone's attitude about the situation perfectly expressed on their faces.
I find the image of President Reagan difficult to look at. I met both him and Nancy in the White House when I worked for Tennessee Williams in late 1981. He totally disarmed me of my prejudices of him, and it took years to understand how a man with such a good heart and absolute love of our country could have brought so much evil to politics.
He didn't. The evil was brought by Bush/Cheney. Mr. Cheney needs a heart IMPLANT -- not transplant. If he falls off the podium while speaking tonight and dies, it will have been rehearsed. That's how Nazis are.
Ask my mother.
She was the best female practitioner of the art in Ronald Reagan's Hollywood -- so good she got him to marry her (see detailed and documented story in earlier postings in this blog), and then she (if not exactly THROUGH Sinatra, at least through his mafia contacts), ran the country while blowing Sinatra under the desk in the Oval Office. Poor Ronnie dozed in chairs on his pre-Alzheimers drugs, but he was not oblivious -- he gave many hints in his speaches that he knew he was only a trapped puppet. Trapped, ultimately, by Daddy Bush and Cheney's CIA operatives, who had not yet expanded CIA extra-government funding by sale of illegal drugs beyond the opium derivitives that they were already importing from Afghanistan.
Hence, eventually, our invasion of that poor country whose devilish Taliban had done one excellent thing: they had stopped the growth of the opium poppy. Bush/Saudi Royal families had planned 9/11 (ask my former GA Congresswoman and failed 2008 Presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney about that one. She appears to know a lot).
Later, CIA/Republican Party/PRI Party Mexico/mafia/Catholic Church hierarchy, allied to control all distilled illegal drugs in the Americas (but not really marijuana, mushrooms, peyote, etc.).
In the photo, you see everyone's attitude about the situation perfectly expressed on their faces.
I find the image of President Reagan difficult to look at. I met both him and Nancy in the White House when I worked for Tennessee Williams in late 1981. He totally disarmed me of my prejudices of him, and it took years to understand how a man with such a good heart and absolute love of our country could have brought so much evil to politics.
He didn't. The evil was brought by Bush/Cheney. Mr. Cheney needs a heart IMPLANT -- not transplant. If he falls off the podium while speaking tonight and dies, it will have been rehearsed. That's how Nazis are.
Ask my mother.
My heart goes out to Ron Reagan, who, if the exerpts printed in Sunday's PARADE magazine are truly indicative, has found the perfect tone in his book to honor the absolute best in his Dad, respect the good intentions of those who near-deified his father, and simultaneously tell the truth (in thinly coded language).
Ron Reagan, I salute you!
And President Reagan: You were one of the finest men I ever met in person. I'm sorry your presidency had to be so complicated, but perhaps best of all was your ability to keep your sense of humor through it all.
You inspired me to pull the masks off George Herbert Walker Bush, Dick Cheney, Newt Gingrich, Fox News (and many of its mouthers) -- but especially my own mother.
Scott David Kenan
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