Sunday, October 23, 2011

Thank God for the Wilmington (NC) Journal (our "black" newspaper)!!!

>>> THIS JUST IN!!! 10/24/11, 10:23 AM: Today, I got five hits from Mexico -- the first from there in MONTHS. Previously, I had had FAR more hits from Mexico than from any other country. Perhaps Carlos Slim has relented and unblocked my blog and email from his TelMex and TelCel Communications companies that DOMINATE Mexican communications. PRAISE YESHUA-THE-JEW!!!

The Republicans are cannibalizinig each other so that they cannot win. The candidates do not know why they are compelled to do this, but they cannot seem to stop themselves. They do not even realize they are being manipulated by the TRUE powers that be: The Banks. The reason is so that the TRUE DARLING OF WALL STREET: Barack Obama is certain to win. From yesterday's Huffington Post:

Instead of merely looking at campaign contributions in one dimension - that is, cash given directly to... the candidate - they decided to expand their analysis to include contributions given to the Democratic National Committee for re-election purposes by individuals in the financial sector. This time around, Obama is at top, beating Romney with double the amount of total Wall Street contributions.

According to American-owned THE WILMINGTON (NC) JOURNAL (the Star-News is owned by the New York Times, recently rescued from a near-death experience by the richest man in the world, Carlos Slim, who owns so much stock and debt in NYTimes he effectively controls it to keep it off the backs of narco-traffickers -- of which he is one (the biggest in Mexico) and also controls Telmex/Telcel (land and ce...ll companies controling over 80% of Mexican communications and BLOCKING my blog and emails for several months now. See for more on Carlos Slim -- actually, his Arabic family name is "Salim": ), the National Black Chamber of Congress recently released figures showing that the percentage of Federal contracting dollars to black businesses which peaked under Reagan at 6%, declined slightly under Clinton, rose a little under G. W. Bush, and than fell into the toilet after Obama was inaugurated -- falling to a mere 0.3 (ZERO point three )% currently -- and falling . . .

I propose that Obama jump parties to Republican, Hillary run for President with unwanted-by-the-Republicans Sen. Richard Lugar of IN as VP. Joe Biden would be a GREAT Sect. of State!!! See my blog for more. Index is two scrolls below link to my memoir of working for playwright Tennessee Williams: ..

>>> ADDED 10/24/11, 8:33 AM: Actually, with Biden now talking 2016, maybe HE should head the 2012 Democratic Party ticket!!!




  1. Biden!?! really?!? good for what? watching football with? I'm sure he is just what OWS has in mind as a real leader for this century! Since Obama sucks, his second in command must be the next lesser-of-evils?

  2. MickyD!?! really?!? MickyD is the slang term for McDonald's (a discount burger chain). I doubt you represent them or wanted me to think you did -- so why did you select that moniker??? Can't use your REAL NAME like me???

    Why are you so sure what OWS has in mind when THEY seem to be collected from people with ALL KINDS of beefs and have not yet coalesced into a movement that has an agreed on agenda or leader.

    Perhaps you are Psycho. (Disclaimer: Some people claim I am Psycho, so you are in good company!!!)
