Friday, November 18, 2011

For the Butts!!!

Mine looks MUCH like this, but is a hard un-burnable wood and is slightly(?) older than me, who am 60.


1. James Sharpe might have lost one job, but he picked up another yesterday: putting in skylights at Costco -- or so he claimed. My "almost-a-doctor" advisor tells me he thinks James has about four years to live, given his degree of tardive dyskinesia.

2. Robbie Trahan has a tumor on his pancreas and according to Robbie, has had some chemo-therapy, which he hates and is discontinuing. James Flowers, whom I have every reason to believe, told me he saw the papers from the hospital attesting to Robbie's condition. I hadn't believed Robbie due to his past record of "crying wolf" with me. I'm more empathetic now.

3. Because of point #1, I am RENEWED in my anger at the American Medical System that allows drugs that harm more people than they help. Even Mexico and the Third World don't allow most of the new drugs Americans pop like candy (European Union countries don't allow them either).

4. My new-ish street-bud Scully gave me the ashtray today -- a TREASURED OBJECT because Kenans and Founders of This Nation are united (historically) in being members of the Masons. Scully was in charge of security at the Atlanta Olympics. More on that as soon as I have time.

Gotta run . . .


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