Sunday, November 20, 2011

Darkness Just Before the Dawn . . .

1. Saw Ben David with his wife and kids this morning while I was checking the Biblical Herb Garden at First Prez to see if all the plants I put out Friday needed water. Ben and I greeted each other haltingly with frost. Mercifully, his wife -- at that very moment -- saw a friend of hers whom she was simultaneously greeting.

I don't know her name -- and couldn't pick her out in a line-up -- but I honestly feel for her. I'd bet my bottom dollar she's very nice and has been shielded from knowing what-all her husband's been doing on the sly, including of course the criminal activities. I've hoped all along to discover that the guy who claimed he was or had been Ben's male lover was just someone telling me lies out of spite-for-Ben and I could denounce him in this blog, but AGAIN (without my seeking-out), someone else told me this afternoon that they know Ben has things on the side with men. I suppose it's true that "cocaine makes ya queer." TOO many people tell of Ben and his brother Jon doing cocaine for THAT to be denied -- several admitting to me that they've done it (cocaine) with Ben.

2. Disturbing news regarding North Carolina's District Attorneys: .

Now, I don't know anything about the 2009 North Carolina Racial Justice Act, but perhaps some of my readers do. An Editor's note from the Wilmington Journal: "43 of the 44 NC DA’s, including DAs Ben and Jon David, signed the resolution requesting the appeal of the Racial Justice Act. How troubling!"
But this is the most troubling paragraph (my emphases):

1) The 2010 Swecker Report revealed systemic perjury within the State Bureau of Investigation crime labs. It found the SBI, which works for the DA's across the state in difficult cases, had a policy of perjury. SBI agents routinely misrepresented SBI lab results when examined by the DA's in case after case. Even if the DA's did not know at the time their star witnesses were lying to the juries (which we find hard to believe), how can the DA's now, since this policy of perjury has been widely publicized, be against a law that gives death row inmates a chance to have their sentences changed to life if there were evidence of racial bias in the perjury? When the Swecker report was first released, the DA's said they looked at the 268 cases where intentional perjury by SBI witnesses helped gain convictions, and found that in every case, the DA's still believed there to be no question of the guilt in those cases. The DA's also found 75 more cases, where SBI perjury was a part of the State's case. Still, the DA's insist everyone they convicted was guilty, and that there is no need to check for racial discrimination post-conviction.
3. I've been told by several people that I've been on at least one local TV station's evening local news all this past week. That, part of the footage taken on a cell-phone-sized camera that I forgot was rolling when I bloviated for 15 minutes to someone at Occupy Wilmington last Monday after I was in court. I DO remember telling them they could use it any way they chose -- and I'm still fine with that. Just wish I knew what-all I was ranting about on TV.

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