Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Letter to My Pastor at First Presbyterian Church, Wilmington, NC

Interior of First Presbyterian Church, Wilmington, NC before Christmas decorating. "Christ" IS coming -- make NO mistake about that!!! What do YOU have in your consciousness???

>>> DISCLAIMER: Christ Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness, etc. are all the same thing, customized for different cultural groups or personality preferences.

>>> FIRST: I still have received no replies from my sister Jane or Sean Blackwell (of http://www.bipolarorwakingup.com/ . I actually GAVE Sean this domain. After he did not recognize its worth, I bought it and immediately gave it to him. I'm glad he's using it now instead of his previous, less-easily-found address).

>>> I also have NOT heard from Frank Delia or his staff from the Italian Market and Coffee Shop on Front street here. See: http://scottkenan.blogspot.com/2011/12/as-great-white-shark-circles-in-waters.html . Time is up!!! They could have decided not to support the slander about me spread by Frank's friends in his coffee shop for the benefit of District Attorney Ben David.

I will include Frank Delia when I speak with the Feds about filing RACKETEERING  charges against Ben David and Judge Sandra Ray Criner -- but not right away. I'm having too much fun discovering who-all supports Wilmington's HEROIN AND COCAINE traffic!!!

* * *

Hi Ernie,

Thanks for taking the time to look (for the final file of my book) -- and sorry you did, as well! I'm not sure what to make of its not being there, and I HATE forever belaboring my "conspiracy theories" so I won't (for the moment at least). HA!

The good news is that I'm fairly certain it exists on the CD of files the computer doctor recently extracted from the so-hacked-the-operating-system-couldn't-be-reloaded computer I was using back then. Although the CD has been scanned for viruses, etc., my experience has been that my computers tend to be hit by viruses so exotic that the anti-virus companies haven't had enough reports of them to write a solution yet -- so I'm timid about accessing material there.

Also, somehow, most of the files from that computer were "encrypted" -- although NOT by me. The doc told me how to work around that and still access them. I just hope I find all of them intact -- and his tricks work. If not, I DO have the Amazon final as a .pdf file. That means that I can copy all the text -- but the formatting (indents, italics, line spacing, etc.) will be lost, but I can do the laborious task of going through the entire doc line by line and correcting it. I just pray I will find the final files.

I also have the Amazon Kindle version on that computer and had the free Amazon download to read it with. I should also be able to access those -- although Amazon's controls might not let me read the book on a different computer. I KNOW my pdf file matches the Kindle file -- which CANNOT be copied -- so I appreciate your offer, but it is not necessary. I expect to use church facilities again soon to work on this. My pledge not to blog from church is the BEST pledge I could have made in terms of practical distraction-avoidance. It matters not whether anyone would have asked me to or not. LOL!!!

Also, before replying, I was doing a little research on Presbyterianism online and came across this that you might get a kick out of: http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=5836428239&v=info .

I'd been meaning to tell you also that while I was stuck in The Oaks psychiatric ward of New Hanover County Medical Center for three days after the lying commitment, I went to a group meeting on spirituality. The moderator (a staff member), said that Presbyterianism is distinguished by the dogma of predestination which means that some little children born into this world are GOING TO HELL NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO OR DON'T DO.

After a deep breath, I gave an uncommonly civil response offering an alternate definition. After a mumble, she went on to another subject, but made the same statement again and I replied civilly again with additional explanation. But later, when she AGAIN made the statement, I BOLDLY called her a spiritual bigot, decried that public funds in any way supported the hospital, and left in a sort of whirlwind.

I was NOT reprimanded (the groups are not exactly mandatory, but if you don't attend them all, your release can be delayed), nor was I delayed in my release. Dr. Martin and I had had a very frank discussion on my arrival, in which he had spontaneously offered that he KNEW my commitment was based on lies, but said he had to hold me three days since the judge had signed it. In gratitude, I offered that I would cooperate and take all drugs prescribed until released -- they could not actually harm me, at least not if only taken short-term (I knew this would make his job easier, should he later be questioned on how he had dealt with me -- a person non-compliant in taking drugs CAN be detained longer, and a doctor NOT treating a non-compliant patient somewhat harshly CAN be reprimanded or get a "black mark", etc).

Besides, I told him point blank that if he and I couldn't work out a reasonable solution, I would see to it that he lost his job (he's the head administrator). He hung his head, indicating he did not doubt my ability to do that.

Point being: I'm not bad JUST AT CHURCH. LOL!!!

You might also get a kick out of this quote from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/12/10/ron-paul-proposes-interes_n_1140723.html?ref=mostpopular :

(Ron) Paul inspires that kind of devotion. But there are many naysayers, even among those who know him best. Jerry Paul, a retired Presbyterian minister and registered Democrat, says his brother "does not appreciate the depth" of human sinfulness and selfishness. He goes as far as to call Ron Paul's philosophy "kind of naive." Life is complicated, he suggests.

"Freedom, to me, really comes with responsibility ... to work together with others in the political realm, to work on behalf of the governed," he says. "That we're going to have a safety net ... Who else is going to do that, other than our political structure?"


Since I have spent so much time here bloviating, I might excerpt part of this reply as a blog post. I had planned to cut Sen. Goolsby a new you-know-what in my blog because of this: http://www.wilmingtonjournal.com/news/Article/Article.asp?NewsID=111719&sID=4&ItemSource=L . Writing you has softened my approach.

Although in eye-balling it now, I do not see the reference, in other reports, twin brothers who are North Carolina District Attorneys are Goolsby's top backers of this action to repeal the Racial Justice Act. Today, however, rather than do that, I'll just post part of this reply and get on to working on readying WALKING ON GLASS for print publication.

All best,


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