Saturday, December 31, 2011

Year-End Wrap-Up

Is a Presidential run in her future???

>>> FIRST:

1. I'd like to thank the two most important "Winds Beneath My Wings" in Wilmington, NC -- BOTH ARE REPUBLICANS!!!

>>> And neither had ANY contact with me except for quick, chance meetings months ago, except for the second one, as I'll explain . . .

Tom Fetzer: Former Mayor of Raleigh and former Chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party, Mr. Fetzer was drummed out by the "Tee-Tee Party" faction in about as an adult fashion as their name implies. He now lives here in Wilmington with his wife (whom I also found charming) and young child.

I met him as he left the Dixie Grill after breakfast one spring morning, and he HEARTILLY challenged me to CONTINUE forcing the Republican Party to reform. He was a good friend of the late Frank Hawkins Kenan, the man who absolutely tops my list of PEOPLE I WANT TO MEET IN HEAVEN.

Napier Fuller: Former (and, unfortunately, losing) candidate in the recent Wilmington City Council elections. I met Mr. Fuller for the first time when he was frantically running around planting election signs. He didn't know who I was, but correctly blurted out that also-Republican candidate (whom I knew personally) Josh Fulton was "a Tea-Party NUTBALL."

I also liked what Napier said about using Goat Island for nature trails (inexpensive government improvement!!! The island immediately across the river from downtown -- whatever its name), and some other things as well (although I never did hear his full schpeal).

Then, late yesterday afternoon, I ran into Napier for the second time as he left the Murchison Building where his family's offices are. He ran over to me and said he just HAD to tell me that he reads this blog and finds it HILARIOUS.

"Praise Jesus!!!" I said. "Most people take me FAR too seriously. I write about serious things, but it's of the utmost importance to me to ENTERTAIN as well."

Mr. Napier is young and -- dare I say it: HOT AS HELL (for a white boy -- and the "marrying type", as they say -- and he DOES, apparently successfully). I'm sure we'll all be seeing a lot more of him in the future -- and will ALL BE IMPROVED FOR IT.

2. I am THRILLED that my posting about Sen. Goolsby has rocked-to-the-top!!! If you haven't seen it with Sen. Goolsby's thinly-disguised back-and-forth with me in comments posted beneath it (a tetch hair-curling -- you are FOREWARNED!!!), check it out.

I suppose Goolsby got confused (thinking it was Halloween -- fave holiday of his Family, I reckon -- rather than Christmas) and dressed up as a "neighborly grandmother" to tell me what he REALLY THINKS:

3. See my Facebook Page for more subjects than written about on this blog:!/profile.php?id=1111771878 .

* * *


Dear Gov. Perdue,

It is with the highest delight that I write to send you a copy of the Letter to the Editor I just sent the RALEIGH NEWS AND OBSERVER. Who knows if they'll have the nerve to print it. HA!!!

When I saw that you had had a lunch meeting a few weeks ago with Randall Kenan (one of my favorite writers and a political ally and acquaintance, internetically, as well) and Philip Gerard (who wrote CAPE REAR RISING -- which although I have not had time to read completely, chronicles the story of how my distant relative -- and BLACKEST SHEEP of the family -- William R. Kenan, SR. fomented the Wilmington Race Riot in 1898), I KNEW you were MY KINDA WOMAN (and Patriot).

Greetings, Ma'am!!!

I would like to direct you to my political blog where you can read how I am taking down the very top of the Republican Party -- as well as two local District Attorneys: Benjamin and Jon David. Ben is not only President Elect of the NC Conference of District Attorneys, but Deacon Elect at my former church, First Presbyterian (heavily endowed by William R. Kenan, SR's children).

I am also working with the US Attorney in Raleigh to bring Racketeering Charges (explained within blog) against Ben David, New Hanover County District Court Judges Sandra Ray Criner and Jeffery Noecker, "First Prez" Senior Pastor Ernie Thompson, the US Coast Guard's see-no-drug-traffic head of Drug Interdiction in the Port of Wilmington -- and quite a few others!!!

You see, not only have they been hiding the cocaine and heroin importation (partly via mini-subs that unload under Snow's Cut Bridge) behind Ben David's "devout" Presbyterian "faith" consciously and deliberately -- THEY ARE ENSLAVING OUR CITIZENS AND CHILDREN WITH THEIR HARD DRUGS AND GIVING ALL THE PROFITS TO THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!!!

Well, it's been QUITE the year here in Wilmington, and I couldn't have had more fun doing all of this. Please don't hesitate to call on me if I can be of assistance in all your better efforts (I'm pretty good at writing -- in fact John Lahr of THE NEW YORKER gave my Tennessee Williams memoir RAVE reviews. See: ).

Also, should you happen to know Thomas S. Kenan III of Chapel Hill, would you please tell him THANKS for sending 60 MINUTES to interview me when I lived in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in exile for half a year? You might also tell him that Robbie, the guy Tom and I both dated at different times in the mid-80s, is afraid to communicate with me. I fear he has a boyfriend now who is actually a Republican Party "handler", but I also feel that Robbie is entirely safe.

Mega-Cheers to you, and below is what I sent the Raleigh paper. We'll see if they DARE publish it. LOL!!!


Sirs and/or Madams:

Although I have lived in North Carolina for only one year (after having visited it many times as my father is from the Wilmington area and a sister and my parents now live in Raleigh), I have been APPALLED by the racial, gender, and sexual-orientation BIGOTRY I have both seen and experienced here (but certainly not by all).

But today, I'd like to call your readers' attention (if this is allowed) to an exchange between me and Republican State Senator Thom Goolsby, whom I am working to file major charges against in Federal Court -- as well as District Attorneys Benjamin and Jon David -- Goolsby's TOP support in gutting the Racial Justice Act.

You should be warned that the language BOTH of us use might curl some people's hair. Index to post subjects is below link to my memoir about working for playwright Tennessee Williams.

Thank you,
Scott D. Kenan

Oil portrait of Napier S. Fuller by Chiara Williams 1997


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