Monday, September 9, 2013

ABSOLUTELY NO ONE on Earth HATES "Jesus" more than Father Bob and Sister Isaac of St. Mary's Parish, Wilmington, NC!!!

Sister Isaac HATES GOD absolutely!!!
>>> AND HERE'S THE PROOF that she hates GOD far more than even Rev. Ernie Thompson of First Presbyterian --- an ALMOST impossible feat!!!
1. While her BLOOD SUR-NAME "Koenig" -- which means "WHITE FUCKED-UP KING" means little, she ACCEPTED HIGHEST HONORS from THE BIGGEST NAZI Pope John Paul II, she did NOT "spit in his NAZI EYE" A NT reasonable human WOULD HAVE, but ACCEPTED NAZI DOMINATION -- FOREVER!!!
2. Father Bob Kus PRETENDS TO GIVE A SHIT -- but absolutely REFUSED TO  THANK ME for the LAST SEVERAL donations I've sent of ROYALTIES from my book WALKING ON GLASS: A MEMOIR OF THE LATER DAYS OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS. Father Robert J. Kus HATES GOD FAR more than almost ANYONE because he Consciously PREFERS to lick my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan's RABID, FETID PUSSY -- that is Father Bob's TICKET TO HELL, CONSCIOUSLY (with Sister Isaac) CHOSEN!!!
And FUCK Ben David, Mayor SAFFO, Sen. Thom Goolsby for HATING GOD in Wilmington, NC, the city Father BOB and Sister Isaac ABSOLUTLEY HATE (proven by their SILENCE toward me -- but SUPPORT ALWQYS of my NAZI-Bitch MOTHER, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan and GERMAN WHITE GOD-HATE, and the Catholic Church's PRE-EMINATE  POSITION AS
Isaaac and Father Bob LICK MY MOTHER's FETID NAZI PUSSY, just like
POPES John Paul II, Paul VI, and the rest of the CATHOLIC HOLY NAZIS!!!

If they DIDN'T, they would have THANKED ME -- and CONDEMNED NIGGER-FAG Barack Obama from the pulpit.

But they DIDN'T-- and HATE the good new Pope Francis I even more than "THE DEVIL", wholm Father Bob and Sister Isaac are CLEARLY CLOSELY REPATED TO.

I give NO MORE DONATIONS to the "Catholic Church", which Father Bob and Sister Isaac have PROVE is just a NAZI FRONT by their BULL SHIT and support of Republican Party SUPER NAZIS, like Ben David, Sen. Thom Goolsby, and my GOD-FUCKING MOTHER!!!

May GOD FUCK the entire Catholic Church because of such GOD-HATING COWARDS!!!

And may Sister Isaac and Father Bob suffer the GREATEST FRIES IN HELL for their ABSOLUTE HATRED of GOD!!!

"PROVEN BY THEIR ACTIONS" (which i can ABSOLUTELY testify to "My Father" about when I return to him with MY REPORT!!!

FUCK, FUCK!, FUCK!!! Almost EVERYONE wbo pretended to GIVE A SHIT about "Jesus of Nazareth" -- more than ANY OTHER GROUP, "Christians" ABSOLUTELY HATE GOD more than any other group in HISTORY,which Sister Isaac, a history Scholar, KNOWS BETTER THAN MOST!!!

Sisgter Isaac is NOTHING BUT the "Biggest God-Hating CUNT" in History!!!


No MORE donation s EVER to these two FAG-PHILIC (and sucking) ABSOLUTE GOD-HATERS from me!!!

If they saw things any differnet, they have had NEARLY THREE YEAR to declare them,but KNOWING THAT, they CONSCIOUSLY decided they would rather FUCK GOD than be kind to me.

SORRY, but FUCK each and every other GOD-
hating CATHOLID TOO, who chose MONEY DONATIONS over Love og God, like thwes two NAZIS (like the last three God-hating Popes).

FUCK Fr. BOB and Sr. Isaac for DEDICATING their lives to the PROMOTION of  "The Devil", My CUNT-MOTHER, etc.

They BOTH had the opportunity to GET RIGHT WITH GOD -- but BOTH chose the NAZI DEVILS instead.

GOD HATES CHRISTIANITY because it's TOTALLY a bunch of FAGS (like Father Bob) who seek to DESTROY (willfully), EVERYTHING "Jesus" stood for -- and Father Bob serves FUCKED-UP Cannibalistic CATHOLIC/EPISCOPAL "Cum-UNION" (as Catholic priests and Monsignors I've had TONS OF SEX WITH like to all it!!

ASSHOLES BOB and "ISAAC" :FUCK YOU AND MOST CAT-LICKERS!!! (exceptions made for Jennifer Harjo -- who ADMITS she cannot STAND Father Bob.

From now on (in honor of Father Bob and Sister Isaac): I will NEVER give a Catholic ANYTHING (unless truly suffering -- possibley due to Sister Isaac's SHITTY WAY with homeless -- which she CLEARY misunderstands (because SOME may be as HOMOSEXUAL as she and Father Bob)!!!

Again, due to the INFLUENCE of Father Bob and Sister Isaaac: Catholics are THE DEVIL INCARNATE -- more for what they REFUSE TO DO FOR GOD, than what they actually do.

For higher "PLATE COLLECTIONS" as we kin the "Religiosity Business" call it.


Scott David Kenan

PITY!!! -- but Sister Isaac and Father Bob CHOSE THEIR UPER-HATE of God -- and THIS is NOT MY PROBLEM, but THEIRS, alone!!!

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