Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Next Morning . . .

1. I stayed up until 4:00 AM, unable to get an Internet connection to change my last posting -- and got pretty drunk on straight Kentucky bourbon -- but am not in bad shape today.
2. OF COURSE I was over the top last night -- but I'm letting it stand. I have sent Father Bob in Wilmington MORE than 10% of my royalties from WALKING ON GLASS: A MEMOIR OF THE LATER DAYS OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS -- first, retroactively sending all the BACK ROYALTIES after I got through the WORST of my homelessness, and then quarterly rounding up to the nearest $25.00 and sending him that for Tileson Outreach.
Each time I have sent him money, I also sent him a note -- even with questions that were NOT antagonistic, but Father Bob has REFUSED TO ANSWER A SINGLE ONE after the very FIRST  time, and NEVER ONCE sent a simple "Thank You" after that EITHER!!!
I am glad that I FAR MORE paid back Tileson Outreach than Sister Isaac ever helped me. I will NEVER give money or help to ANY CHARITY associated with a Christian Church AGAIN!!! The ONLY exception is if it's a NOT WHITE congregation.

THIS is what God taught me about CATHOLIC CLERGY HYPOCRISY.

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