Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Unknowingly, I was OFF MY MEDS for Three Days!!!/An Amazon.com ROUND OF NON-SENSE!!!

Sunset from my front porch an hour ago . . .

It was an astounding day today -- and the lawyer's advice below was only a minor part. I actually plan to publish the book in chapters online for free and anyone to access or read. I hope to begin doing it tomorrow, and might do a chapter a day.

And I realized that my blow-up of last night was PARTIALLY because my neighbors had NOT had a SINGLE "hempy" bonfire in 2 1/2 days, then, and that I really DO use those "chance encounters" with air pollution to CALM MY NERVES so I think more clearly -- EXACTLY WHY if rolled into a joint or smoked in a pipe, I only like about two tokes.

While I DO enjoy the "high" of it -- enhanced appreciation of people and nature (and AUDIO), I can't write AT ALL on it, and I do NOT like getting "stupidly high" at all -- my circumstances REQUIRE I be ready to handle ALL KINDS OF surprises and even shocks coming "out of the blue", so that FURTHER LIMITS how much I like.

But the FACT IS that there is a quickly growing body of evidence that MANY people -- usually on psychiatric medications, but sometimes for physical ailments, pain, especially -- can get OFF all the manufactured drugs and feel FREED from the uncomfortable PRISON many of these drugs cause people to feel locked in and even HOPELESS.

The drug industry in the USA is HUGE, Americans taking several times as many drugs as people in Europe and other developed nations, and is probably one of the BIGGEST BLOCKERS of legal pot. And then when you look at just the OTHER illegal drugs (which lead also to HUGE BILLS FOR TAXPAYERS -- not just the law-enforcement, court costs, jail costs, but also the many emergency room visits, public assistance, probably MOST crime of the neighborhood kind -- and to THAT you have to add all the UNPAID TAXES (the illegal drug industry is like charities and churches and ARGUABLY BIGGER) -- actually SUBSIDIZED by the TAXPAYERS, since they pay none -- BUT STILL GET ALL THE SERVICES OF GOVERNMENT!!!

Very costly, indeed!!!


A. I met an American in Salulita (beach town about 40 minutes from here), who moved there about six years ago, after living in the gay, Old Town of Puerto Vallarta for a few years (BECAUSE HE WAS SICK OF THE DRUG MAFIA) -- and he KNOWS all about Toro and his CIA connection. He also knew about Benjamin and Adrianna Shields of Conchas Chinas who ALSO held me captive (only a few days), until I got the actual Police Chief of Puerto Vallarta to help me REMOVE THE CUFF LINKS CORRECTED: HAND CUFFS that locked me then OUT of my apartment in Ben's house so I could get my things.

I did not think to ask him if he knew Luis Melgoza (of www.PVGeeks.com ), or Salvador Fuentes.

B. My landlord stopped by the other day to say that his relatives had CAUGHT Toro UP THE HILL to the back of my house and trying to figure out how to scale, or otherwise breach, the fence so he could then scale down the 12-foot wall into my back garden.

As he said: "That is NOT what friends do."

* * *


Dear Ms. Natalie P.:

I'm sorry, but no one at Amazon has told me WHAT EVIDENCE YOU HAVE that Jed Clampon has a claim to ownership of my book. I mean it is an intimate story about my life experience working for America's best playwright, Tennessee Williams (I bet you've sold a book or two by or about HIM -- to say nothing of DVD's of his plays and movies), so it's not likely that I could have STOLEN my life story -- or someone else could OWN COPYRIGHT to MY LIFE.

I know this can be a REAL PROBLEM with things like historical scholarship, findings of patentable processes or syntheses of new compounds in a laboratory, so I KNOW Amazon must have some very HIGH STANDARDS to screen out the claims of kooks and such. So please send to me the electronic communications you have received from Jed Clampon, or scans of paper documents.

If you feel you CANNOT send Jed's actual email or letter, then I need to see scans or other electronic copy of EXACTLY WHAT JED SENT YOU AS EVIDENCE. Since you never mentioned WHAT you based your decision on, I have no idea if he called or emailed making a spurious claim, or if he sent some actual evidence.

As far as the book's being in limbo -- I don't mind that so much, in fact I've wondered if I should just ASK YOU TO REMOVE IT. I'm not doing that yet -- if at all.

You see, the American lawyer (I live in Mexico), whom I spoke with today said it sounded to him like I might have MORE of a case against Amazon.com -- and told me how to approach you and then depending on your response, sue Amazon or Jed.

Seems to me that Amazon has more money than Jed Clampon -- BY FAR!!!

Thank you for your cooperation (in advance), and I look forward to your reply!!!

Scott David Kenan

On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 4:33 PM, Amazon.com <ip-inquiries@amazon.com> wrote:

I'm so sorry, but we can't offer any additional insight or action on this matter. We are unable to provide you with legal advice. For any specific questions you have about your publishing rights, we recommend you consult an attorney or copyright law professional.

Until this dispute is resolved by all parties concerned, the title will not be made available for sale in the Kindle Store.

Best Regards,

Natalia P.

Your feedback is helping us build Earth's Most Customer-Centric Company.

* * *

This really did happen -- LOL!!!


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