Sunday, February 22, 2015

RP: Livin' and Learnin' -- Cha, Cha, Cha . . .

RE-PRINTED from here 


Is to whenever I tried to respond to Senor Sandom's Facebook comments -- or post to this blog, they cut internet connection immediately, and throw up this WARNING, which when I go to LOOK at my settings, they remain PERFECTLY CORRECT, and the act of my looking at that IMMEDIATELY RESTORES INTERNET -- HA!!!

It is NOT REASONABLE to blame this on Mr. Sandom -- although he has HUGE programming acumen.


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  • J.G. Sandom Going after candidates' families is not cool.
  • John King Yep ! The apples do not fall far from the tree !
  • Scott Kenan I assume Senor Sandom is kidding -- but some of my friends turn out to be secretively evil, so I can't tell, here.
    16 hrs · Like · 1
  • J.G. Sandom No, Scott. I'm not kidding. I don't think this is cool. Sorry. I think going after the family of candidates prevents people from entering politics. Their mistakes may have something or nothing to do with the candidates. But that's just my opinion, Scott. Hopefully, it doesn't make me secretly evil. I have a lot of weird friends and family members. But they are not me.
    2 hrs · Like
  • Scott Kenan No J.G. Sandom, it does not make you secretly evil, I think it just shows your weakness. Now in a better world, I would be the first to agree with you, but what you are saying is that protecting criminals in the family is more important than understanding the nature of the specific Family's Values, shown by chosen spouses and reared kids -- because holding it together without criticism is more important than MORALITY. This is doubly true for "chosen" families such as gay people might have. And what is the purpose, primarily -- to protect inherited income, an issue for YOU in a significant way. We all work for something, ultimately. And the REAL issue is not their crimes petty to major -- it is HOW THEY WERE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE, which has a LOT to do with those family ties -- especially in the Bush Family. I hope this makes some sense to you. Scott
  • J.G. Sandom I'll see your one weakness and raise you two strengths! LOL It's all good, Scott.
  • Scott Kenan ASSHOLE!!! if it were "ALL GOOD", I would have a family that at least ONCE treated me like a human being. HOW FUCKING DARE YOU make a comment to me like that when you know enough of my story to know that nothing could be more false. That said, I MAKE it all good by learning about their hatred so I can be free of its influence. And frankly, I have always used that phrase because I come from a positive spiritual place of my own chooing, rejecting the hatred of Catholicism of my Mom's type. So bottom line, for this comment I give you a "heterosexual man's kiss" (whatever that might be) -- because I just learned something about my own foolishness, which might be impossible to entirely escape -- LOL!!!
  • Scott Kenan The time-honored order of importances is love of God first (of "nothingness" is even better -- if you understand that scientifically), Country, then and only then, Family. Even dear ole Jesus made his 12 closest followers ABANDON THEIR WIVES, LOVERS, AND CHILDREN to follow him -- not because it means he was homosexual, but because people, at least then -- we DO keep evolving -- were such animals they would betray God or godly humanJUST FOR A GOOD FUCK.
    1 min · Like

Scott Kenan For the FIRST TIME, I see that J.G. Sandom has COMPLETELY made it impossible to post to HIS pages -- yet he LIKE A FUCKING CHRISTIAN-REPUBLICAN, gets lecturing to ME -- on MY comments as well as directly on my Page. What a TOTAL REPUBLICAN HYPOCRITE!!! This is now published on my blog:



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