Sunday, February 21, 2016

RP: TOO HOT for the Wilmington Star News to Report!!! / Dewain Hall UPDATE (a seriously separate event)!!! / Story Cowles Has NOT Responded Yet . . .

RE-PRINTED from here

Yes, every now and then I drink too much (including last night).

So this posting might be SLOWLY written.

But I PROMISE to get to the planned very bottom, which will include a flaccid "Magic Mike" salute (legally allowed male anatomy study -- downright scientific).

"Prudes" and Fake Christians should be CERTAIN not to scroll down there -- without being CERTAIN that no one is watching.

You know, like Baptists in liquor stores, casinos, dance halls -- or picking up the daily crack whore.


1. I DID actually get CONFIRMATION of ALL of this -- from a person who could fairly be called a "shift manager". I don't want to accidentally give that person's identity away, putting them at risk of being fired.

My original report from here:

>>> HA, HA, HA!!!:

This morning, I FINALLY got down from a high floor via elevator -- half the elevators being out so long that the remaining two in the 13-floor hotel get overcrowded and are sometimes commandeered by staff as freight elevators or to get linens to the laundry, etc.

However, this time I rode with a long-term employee of the hotel who told the complaining co-riders that the hotel is "entirely illegal" -- because those elevators have been out of service for over two years, NO inspections have been made my ANY NYC Authorities in over two years, and the OWNER was recently ARRESTED by the FBI for ILLEGAL CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS TO HILLARY CLINTON!!!

cannot say that I have confirmed this -- or know how to go about doing that.

Well, NOW, it has been CONFIRMED!!! 

But HERE is a LATE SHOCK: Just talking with Testosteroni, his credit card with which he paid the hotel bill IN FULL when I checked in (and I had no charges to add to it), was hit with an ADDITIONAL $10.00 charge when I checked out.

Looking at my detailed bill print-out, I see that for each of the five nights, I was billed $2.00 for "Safemark", something I have no idea what it could be. Googling for info, I see that it is a company that provides safes in hotel rooms, and even though I did not say I would use the safe -- and I did NOT use it -- and NO ONE said I had to pay this charge anyway, that is what it must be.

And on my bill, at the end there is a $10.00 CREDIT labeled "Safemark" -- zero-balancing the bill to what Testo paid originally -- but he was STILL charged the $10.00, separately!!!

Days Hotels Corporate needs to know about this, but I don't know if I'll bother telling them.

Days Inn/Hotels customers BE FOREWARNED!!!

>>> ADDED @ 11:13 PM: "Testosteroni" just emailed me that he RE-CHECKED his credit card bill, and the $10.00 was a CREDIT, not a charge -- which means that someone saw they had overcharged me, and corrected it, late.

This means that they USUALLY overcharge people -- but weren't going to TANGLE with ME!!!

My WARNING still holds for OTHERS!!!

2. Here is a little tease

3. This is actually a RE-PRINT -- due to the CIA-controlled mainstream broadcast, print, and online Press continuing to SUPPRESS this report!!!:
The trip was a gift from the ranch's owner, who just last year obtained a favorable result from the Supreme Court.

Justice Antonin Scalia was taking a free vacation at the exclusive Cibolo Creek Ranch in western Texas when he was found dead inside a guest room Saturday.…

AND TWO related items regarding the CLINTON DIRTY TRICKS!!!

Hillary Clinton's campaign is attempting to trick Bernie Sanders supporters in Nevada into voting for Clinton by disguising themselves as nurses affiliated with the…

Scott Kenan shared Meredith Stark's post.
1 hr
They even caught it on video here...

The Democratic Caucus at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada erupted in chaos after the chairman ended the event before delegate selection. Effective commun...


Don't worry, he'll be revealing more soon!!!

5. THIS JUST IN -- and I HAVE to SHARE IT!!!:
How many people have to suffer and die before her thirst for money and power is quenched

This woman has no moral compass.

Hillary Clinton, then secretary of state, lauded Colombia's human rights record as…

>>> AND NOW, THE DEWAIN HALL UPDATE (with Joe Manganiello aka -- "Magic Mike" -- NEWS, to follow):

Dewain Joseph Hall -- original July 2015 MUG SHOT

"Testosteroni" having just sent me some money to give Dewain -- in person, only -- if Dewain did NOT get on the bus to his mother's house in Hutchinson, Kansas. I managed to get hold of him a few minutes ago via cell phone.

Dewain Hall's mother's house on Liberty Street is FAR NICER than the others in the neighborhood -- and a pretty expensive, newish vehicle toono???

At least according to Google Spy Systems.

But Dewain DID get on the bus, and was in Indiana when I reached him, with a 5:00 AM scheduled arrival, tomorrow, in Hutchinson, KS.

He claims that no one will help him with food, and he is broke and has only water to drink.

Sounds like he has CONVERTED TO ROMAN CATHOLICISM and is doing a recommended Lenten Fast -- like was urged by the Church so that we atone for our sins of MURDERING JESUS -- this typical Catholic Crap from the late 1950s.

But under the circumstances, he was in good spirits, THRILLED that he first BROKE THE BACK of his Heroin addiction, then took the bus to his mother's house. He said he KNOWS he is going to be FAR BETTER OFF, and his suffering is temporary -- his mother being a good cook. 

I told him I am PROUD OF HIM, and we agreed to stay in occasional contact. 
So all of Testo's money -- and MY PATIENCE and inconveniences -- have PAID OFF!!! BOTH psychologists and local Law Enforcement should be PLEASED with this outcome!!!

As readers will recallONCE in 2011, and TWICE since my return in 2015, I have gotten THREE US VETERANS who were addicted to alcohol and HARD DRUGS off the street and on buses to be admitted to the EXCELLENT program in Charlotte for Veterans!!!

Yet Mayor Bill Saffo, City Council, Judges Noecker, Ray, Faisson, Hogston, and Luther -- as well as District Attorney Ben David, Sheriff Ed McMahon, and Police Chief Ralph Evangelous (and DISGRACED former NC Senator Thom Goolsby and lawyer David Nash with Democratic Party Third Vice Chair Ryan Lee Burris), have treated me like:

Well, rather than get EVEN, I offer the FUN STUFF -- just AHEAD!!!

As reported by Port City Daily in my news-feed, today!!!:

And as I reported in on FACEBOOKearlier:
I'm either Havin a Psycotic Episode or a Religeous Eperience...Do it Matter?

John Plummer and 12 others like this.
Gerry Lo Same thing, really
Furanku Sabanai Frenchi It's a Spiritual Orgasm.
Sandra Beckham Ecstasy Is Ecstasy Spodge is Jizz Spodge!
Richard Bicknell Close your eyes and ride that fucked.
LikeReply216 hrs
LikeReply316 hrs
Sandra Beckham Richard... I didn't know you cared? DO ME NOW DO ME HARD!!!
LikeReply25 hrs
Anna Collins It's gettin' hot in here! 😈
LikeReply15 hrs
Scott Kenan Here is a scientific consideration of that question:
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Scott Kenan Here is one of his G-rated photos:

Scott Kenan's photo.
LikeReply14 hrs
Scott Kenan Miss Anna Collins should come to Wilmington and we can compete for the MEAT!!!
LikeReply14 hrs
Scott Kenan Facebook won't allow me to post this URL because it is "offensive to most on Facebook" (it has HARD images). But I found one flaccid which means "scientific study of anatomy of the male", so maybe I can post:

Scott Kenan's photo.
LikeReply14 hrs
Sandra Beckham NIPPLE BONER!!!!
LikeReply4 hrs
Scott Kenan
Write a reply...

Sandra Beckham DATZ FLACCID??? looks like WOOD ta Me!!!OK WHEN???
LikeReply14 hrs
Scott Kenan Also:

Scott Kenan's photo.
LikeReply24 hrs
Anna Collins WOOF!!!!! 
UnlikeReply14 hrs
Sandra Beckham He Put Da Magic in MIKE!
UnlikeReply24 hrs
Sandra Beckham MMMMMMM Dat Some Plump & Ready to Pump Juicy Weeeeeeeeeener dar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yummy!
UnlikeReply34 hrs
Sandra Beckham Worth Possibly gettin Thrown offa Da Dang FB For!!!
UnlikeReply34 hrs
Robert Howell Teresa of Avila Returns
LikeReply219 mins

ORIGINAL WEBSITE with HOT SHOTS (stiffies and flaccidities)



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