Wednesday, March 16, 2016

RP: Have I Been CYBER-STALKED by "cyberstalkinglawfirm" -- Such a SURPRISE, No???

RE-PRINTED from here


Well, I just awoke from a nap, and found that between 3:01 and 3:06 PM today, someone ANONYMOUS (and I DOUBT it is Miss Donald Trump), has left text-less comments on FIVE of my most recent postings to (actually blogged from Wilmington, NC, now).

They simply refer the reader to the following site -- and RECOMMEND that everyone familiarize themselves with this law -- in case someone tries doing this to YOU!!!:

But also read this, as it clarifies things a bit

1. The person who hastily (and apparently also under the influence of DRUGS -- not meant to IMPROVE mental abilities), made up the identity "Cyber-Stalking Law Firm", didn't realize that he (likely to be Ryan Lee Burris -- but I can't say for sure), took a name that POINTS FINGERS TO HIMSELF -- LOL!!!

2.  Since the person doing this did it THIS MONTH -- and BOTH of the views of his BLANK profile were just made by MEwe must conclude that it was only done to HARASS/BULLY me (NOT a crime that I know of -- and it happens QUITE OFTEN). 

3. With the EXCEPTION of David Nash:

NO ATTORNEY in Wilmington, NC would be so STUPID 

4. If ANYONE feels I have "Cyber-Stalked" them -- or for that matter, slandered or libeled themTHEY WOULD ALREADY HAVE SUMMONSED ME TO COURT!!!

And I've PUBLISHED much about MANY top lawyers, politicians, and "Christian Ministers" on my blogs.

5. HOWEVER, taking a CLUE/CUE from my first Public Defender, Emily Zvejnieks, from 2011, I have published the PURPOSE of this blog in the upper-right corner of this blog -- in case there is ever any question about it.

And of course BLOGS are legally part of the Press, and enjoy extra protections -- ESPECIALLY when the subject matter is a "Public Person or Persons", like politicians, elected Party Officials, Ministers, and even "gads-about-town".

6. I am NOT publishing these five comments -- as they are no more than I've shown you above, so BORING. 

7. I have SAVED all five comments in my "SPAM" folder -- as well as in my email files -- IN CASE they are ever needed for COURT!!!

>>> AT THIS TIME, I WILL TAKE TIME TO MAKE FEW MORE COMMENTS -- before writing to President Obama and Scott Rudin:

1. I NO LONGER feel any animosity toward Emily Zvejniecks -- she was a relatively GREEN lawyer, and SWAMPED by the tactics of the Drug Mafia.

2. I believe that Judge Chad Hogston -- and judges have complete control of the order in which they hear cases -- in scheduling my case FIRST when Jennifer McCracken/"Hitchenteimpo"(sic)/"Christine Hitchens"/"Tamira Blakeman" recently CLAIMED I had violated a Restraining Order:

Jenny McCracken -- before she got obese and "Afro-clad"

 . . . was ACTUALLY offering me an APOLOGY for 2011 -- the MOST he could do -- NOT SAY -- without leaving himself open to IMPEACHMENT.


Ain't he just CUTE AS A BUTTON???

But I harbor NO DESIRE to give him "manly benefits" (I reserve THOSE for fellas with larger noses).



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