Saturday, August 26, 2017

RP: Thank GOD I Checked Facebook First -- Before Facebook Messenger -- After Returning from the North Carolina Writers Network Critique Group (managed via Wilmington Meet-Up), Meeting -- DANG!!!

RE-PRINTED from here

>>> ADDED: The TITLE to my email when I sent this out to my 220 Political Contacts:

I would ADD Mark Kulkowitz to this mailing, but he's in mourning now for his GREAT DAD (just ask Barack Obama, who was JUST AS TRICKY getting elected TWICE with great margins -- he a GAY MULATTO)!!!

You see, the comments and postings I had left on Facebook this morning before the meeting -- including link to what I read at the meeting -- had a LOT of only positive responses, while my reading was completely panned, and for understandable-to-me reasons. I was trying to bang a square peg into a round hole (or vice-versa)!!!

While it was NOT at all a personal reason for any of us -- why my current writing doesn't fit -- it's a matter of incompatible format that does not fit their structure of rules, which NONE of my other five writers groups going back to 2003 had, and unlike my other groups, and my most recent one in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico ALWAYS moved on to a couple of hours in a restaurant/bar together, drinking and eating (maybe a toke or two in a Mexican lane -- and yes, with CHICKENS!!!)

One of my favorite co-members, Ginger Tindall.

Don Gallery (yet another homo), also a member -- actually the LEADER -- in 2010 when I first joined, was Elizabeth Taylor's closest friend since GRADE SCHOOL, and told me a lot about her -- seen here WITH "Party Girl Tindall".

This Wilmington group is particularly frosty -- compared to any I've been in before. 

"End of Discussion" is the name of the game, there.

Now HERE is something more CHEERFUL out of Wilmington -- and Mayor Bill Saffo, some Judges, many Police, Ministers, and more than 600 all together participated -- before I DRONE ON:

How cool is THIS?!?!?

More than 600 people helped paint a 240-foot-long mural on the side of the DREAMS building.

Actually, I need to process what happened at the meeting for a while. I learned SO MUCH about human nature (or at least of these people), that I'm currently in OVERLOAD, but I do want to say that EVERY ONE of them showed a lot of talent in writing and I completely ENCOURAGE all of them to KEEP WRITING!!!

Anyway, I was enjoying all the positive responses on Facebook (and seeing so many hits to this blog), and last checked Facebook Messenger, where I found that Mark Kulkowitz, whom I barely knew, had just accepted my attempted message from December 26, 2015 -- more than a year and a half ago (but most people never notice when messages from those not Facebook-friended come in), and then that his father, a friend -- and an INSPIRATION later -- in Cape May, NJ back in the years 1973 - 78, the years of founding first Incite: a Gallery actually IN the Carrol Villa -- and then the following year, -- still owned by my original partners, Chuck and Hilary (Russell) Pritchard.

When Harry Kulkowitz got his Special Award from President Obama.

Harry Kulkowitz shaking President Obama's hand.

“Think of Harry Kulkowitz, the Jewish son of Russian immigrants, who fudged his age at enlistment so he could join his friends in the fight. Don’t worry, Harry, the statute of limitations has expired. 

Harry came ashore at Utah Beach on D-Day. And now that he’s come back, we said he could have anything he wants for lunch today—he helped liberate this coast, after all. 

But this humble hero said a hamburger would do fine. And what’s more American than that?”

– President Barack Obama

Harry Kulkowitz in Normandy.

This, published just yesterday, is even BETTER 

So for now, I'm sobbing tears of sadness and tears of joy, for knowing Harry and that some part of his INDOMITABLE spirit will always inhabit me.

I shall seek to smoke the Peace Pipe in honor of Harry tonight.

Too bad Harry didn't live to see Trump go downno???


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