From Brian M. Williams of
But FIRST, my reply:
From: Scott Kenan <>
To: bwilliams <>; dmclamb <>; dmclamb <>; cbutler <>; cskinner <>; kbrewer <>; kbrewer <>; mgruman <>; mschulze <>
Cc: scott <>; jkenan02 <>; kenan5 <>; duffyjr3 <>; connor.kenan <>; bojones <>; marlowe.schaeffer <>
Sent: Fri, Oct 13, 2017 8:58 pm
Subject: Re: settlement offer, 499-176
Many more times, and my co-pay from Medicare for only one doctor was nearly $150.00 -- and I have nearly $100.00 still to pay off. Here is the truck that hit me. You take a hit that buckles the hood to the windshield and breaks the top bar of the grill. That was SERIOUS pain and suffering and I can't believe you would insult me with this. I thought you might low-ball me with an offer of $10,000.00.
THEY WOULD NEVER HAVE WASTED THE MONEY ON A LAW FIRM when ESIS, that usually handles claims, would do this for a cut with two stitches.
From: Brian Williams <>
To: Scott Kenan <>
Cc: Brian Williams <>
Sent: Fri, Oct 13, 2017 6:22 pm
Subject: settlement offer, 499-176
-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Williams <>
To: Scott Kenan <>
Cc: Brian Williams <>
Sent: Fri, Oct 13, 2017 6:22 pm
Subject: settlement offer, 499-176
Mr. Kenan,
I have your medical records and bills. According to those records, you saw a doctor no more than two times for your accident and were fully recovered by March 27, 2017. Your medical bills are less than $200.
Based on this, my client will offer $600.
Please advise.

Brian Williams
434 Fayetteville Street
Suite 2200
Raleigh, NC 27601
P.O. Box 2889
Raleigh, NC 27602-2889
Telephone: (919) 835-0900 Ext. 148
Direct Line: (919) 719-6047
Fax: (919) 582-2513
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