Candyman unicorn panties for HAIRLESS MEN!!! Not to be confused with the following:
"Tata Towel" for HAIRLESS GALS. As opposed to THIS sexy display:
This is actually just CHOCOLATE, and here are MORE GOOD IDEAS:
And HERE is something funded by my Kenan Family that Duke Students must sign up for BY VALENTINES DAY:
DUKE STUDENTS: Learn more about the Global Citizenship and Ethics LLC and apply at
>>> AFTER TWO+ MONTHS, PETE FROM UPSTAIRS DRIVES A DIFFERENT CAR -- ALSO WITH DEALER PLATES (yet comes and goes here at all hours of day and night, unlike a Car Dealership Employee):
A tag in the window says "2004 Mazda" and NO GUARANTEES. The Dealer's Plate expires the end of this month and written on it is "Murray Motors":
And one FUNNY thing is that I frequently run errands around Wilmington and WITHOUT EXCEPTION people KNOW that my wealthy Kenan relatives from around Chapel Hill -- with Mayor Saffo, D.A.s Ben and Jon David, Police Chief Evangelous, and Sheriff McMahon -- and CHRISTIAN CHURCHES -- run the local Drug Mafia.
But only the Democrats admit that local Drug Trafficking is all FINANCING Donald Trump with my Kenan Family turning the USA NAZI!!!
Today, when I walked to the store to buy cigs, one of my neighbors right across the street knew all of that, and ALSO that my landlady Gold Walker is involved in it (which I am not yet CERTAIN of). But I DO KNOW that after talking to residents of all FOUR houses across from this property, that the NICEST thing any long-time neighbors say about Gold is that:
Now, I DID get my letter to Gold Walker into the mail yesterday ( -- after adding this note:
"And then if you wish to dispute any of this with me, I would be happy to sit down with you one-on-one to do so."
So, before making a round of phone calls to Patrick and Gloria Stansbury, Gerry Flynn and hubby Joel Miller, Mike Massicott, and other undisclosed Pentagon Publishing contract-employees (to fill them all in on the DIRT I have gotten from Lee Gosney, whose FIRST WORDS to me were that he wanted me to help get HIS REVENGE AGAINST PATRICK STANSBURY -- and NONE of the others, much like my OWN intention), here are my LATEST exchanges with:
Sheree Gay Griffin asked me to replace her actual photo, so this.
On Saturday, February 3, 2018, Scott Kenan <> wrote:
Good afternoon, Sheree'!!!
Your 10:30 AM deadline for me to remove what you sent me to post on blog is now past, and I hope you have calmed down to realize your ACTUAL position.
Thank you for sending me emails that make it easy to respond and then I save writing-time publishing our correspondence. And again, I will intersperse my comments in red between your paragraphs, and copy Lee Gosney who despite his rabid support of Trump and his former Narco-Trafficking crimes, now seems to have graduated to a BETTER LIFE, and is taking care of a lost soul that he rescued from a life of over-medication in a Mental Hospital.
This is poignant to ME, because not only is that soul the brother of Patrick Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing. Inc. of Snellville, GA -- whom I worked for 1990 - 2010 -- but my own MOTHER had me on the "soft lobotomy" of Lithium Carbonate on a false diagnosis of Bipolar from 1978 - 2009, but I have recovered from its effects, which took about five years -- and only lost all my previously perfect teeth, but NO ORGANS, as is TYPICAL of long-term Lithium use, ILLEGAL in nearly every country except the NAZI/Christian USA.
From your reading of my blog, you know that D.A. Ben David and Republican Judge Chad Hogston SEVERELY violated my Civil Rights in 2011, falsely convicting me of "Cyber Stalking" in collusion with my mother who told them I AM Bipolar, despite no Psychiatrist finding me so in many years. Mom and I spoke for half an hour this morning, we being now on the same page (mostly), including wondering what kind of self-destructive NUTBALL you are.
First, here is link to the White Supremacist org info from Ireland on Judge Lindsey McKee/Luther that you sent me. I suspect it is TRUE:
So now, I will respond to your points in the body of your email:
-----Original Message-----
From: Sheree' Gay Griffin <>
To: Scott Kenan <>
Sent: Fri, Feb 2, 2018 10:47 pm
I thought you were a nice person until I have reviewed your recent postings which named me in an ambiguous manner. You took my LinkedIn URL & my picture & posted it on your blog. I didn't give you permission to use my information off any social media.
What kind of paralegal ARE you, if you don't know that long ago Courts ruled that to take anything from the internet -- INCLUDING material that is password-protected -- and re-post it is LEGAL TO DO. I learned this in Court here in 2015. That said, there are copyright protections for LONG MATERIAL, and if one makes money using borrowed things for PROFIT, which I never do.
I know I haven't done anything to you. I reached out because of your blog post about Lindsey Luther McKee. Which was a mistake.
Anyone else I ever ran into that had positions like yours and is a PUBLIC SPEAKER (or claim you are), has LOTS of photos of themselves easy to find on the internet. YOU just have a shot of yourself as a RED-HEADED MORMON SEX-VIXEN, and in fact you have told me that you demanded MORE SEX from your dead-beat, criminal husbands and boyfriends than they cared to give you, so you remained FRUSTRATED -- LOL!!!
Well, TRUE that you haven't shot or slapped me, but you have lied to me about what you are doing and you lie to yourself. I still wish you well in your Legal Crusade against Judges Jay Corpening and Lindsey McKee, but I DOUBT your mind is well enough organized to be EFFECTIVE.
If it was a mistake for you to contact me, then OWN IT by saying it was YOUR mistake -- NOT MINE. I suppose you sort of did, but like my landlady Gold Walker, you are full of HOT AIR and if you had a legal leg to stand on, then you would have charged me by now.
You do knot have any right to harass and bully people for any reason.
Ignoring for now the IMPORTANCE of clear, grammatical writing free of typos to the Legal Profession, I reserve the Right to "harass" and "bully" anyone who does so to me. It is FUN to ridicule the ridiculous!!!
I asked you to remove my information.
At this point do not under any circumstances contact me. If I see anymore of my information posted on your blog and if my information is not removed by 10:30 AM EST on February 3, 2018, I will have Law Enforcement involved going forward.
I am QUAKING in my BOOTS -- MERCY!!!
/s/Shereé Gay
What is this "/s/Shereé Gay" signature and what does it mean???
SHEREE'S REPLY: "Scott, you don't have any right to post my email information to the public nor post. I'm not reading your responses. It's a waste of time."
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