Friday, May 31, 2019

RP: From Frida to Shining Frida -- on a Friday:


Thank GOD -- we made it to FRIDA!!!

The wholedangFRIGGIN' WEEK'S been like this. -- but GREAT SURPRISES, TOO!!!:

This week's Kilted Coaches' FITNESS RAP:

THANK GOD!!! I always knew Tony Robbins was a CHAUVINIST PIG and a RACIST -- but did NOT have the PROOFmyself.

A Simon & Schuster representative said that plans have changed.
Kim Hyok Chol, the chief negotiator who led the working-level negotiations with the U.S.was executed in March alongside several other officials in punishment for the outcome of the event, the newspaper reported. “Kim Hyok Chol was investigated and executed at Mirim Airport with four foreign ministry officials in March,” an unnamed North Korean officials told the Chosun Ilbo, according to a translation from Reuters. 

Another officialKim Yong Chol, who worked with Vice President Mike Pence in the lead-up to the Hanoi summit, has also been punished, reportedly with forced labor and “ideological education,” according to the South Korean paper.

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Talks between the U.S. president and Kim Jong Un abruptly collapsed in Hanoi earlier this year.
LOL!!! Lawrence Tribe has always been so "sober" before!!!

Laurence Tribe used a blistering tweet to accuse the Republican Senate majority leader of hypocrisy over his plans to fill any Supreme Court vacancy next...
"Silent Sam" discussions -- my Ku Klux KlanDEVOUT Episcopalian, and HARD-DRUG-TRAFFICKING Kenan Family is STILL DEMANDING to keep the CONFEDERACY ALIVE on UNC's campuses!!!

And then ALL SEATS were reserved by Republicans -- who didn't SHOW -- so Liberals COULD NOT WITNESS THE MEETING!!!

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Hoping to hear some discussion of the future of the “Silent Sam” Confederate monument, Lindsay Ayling and a few other UNC-Chapel Hill students attempted to attend last week’s meeting of the UNC Board of Governors. Attempted, as it turns out, was the operative word.

Frank Meyer, DDS (NOT a relative of my Meyer Mother), from Puerto Vallarta Writers Group had been Frank Sinatra's Palm Springs dentist -- who married Frank's old girlfriend (after Sinatra paid to fix her teeth).

When I knew Dr. Meyer, he was on his FIFTH SERIAL CHRISTIAN WIFE!!!


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