Saturday, June 1, 2019

RP: INSIDE the House Built by William Rand Kenan, Sr. -- Who Led WHITE Wilmingtonians to MURDER BLACKS, Steal Their Property and Businesses -- ALL in the NAME OF JESUS (the acknowledged Patron God of White Supremacy and Hard-Drug-Trafficking -- my Kenan Family's OTHER recent feat, was putting Trump/Putin into the US Presidency)!!!



While Jesus was a GREAT PROPHET, it takes a TURD to think he was the "Son of God" (who is/was NOT a man and who has/had NO PENIS EVER)!!! But Christians insist, so let us examine the question:

Inquiring minds want to know!!!

You ever wonder how big God's penis is? I'll be honest, I do. Genesis, Chapter 1, Verse 27: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him," according to

Japanese annual festival to the Penis God is the BIGGEST "God Penis" I could find, but there are also these other ones -- also from ASIA, the "Land of Diminutive Penises" -- (compared to Black AfricansArabsItalians, etc.):

My father, William Scott Kenan (here flanked by two friends in NYC in the late 1930s), graduated New Hanover High, Wilmington, NC, in 1935, best friends with David Brinkley (of NBC News fame), and with the nickname "Middle Leg" -- because he put many Black guys to shame!!!

Dad loved sharing it with both guys and gals, got his older brother Joseph Harlee Kenan, Jr.'s girlfriend Virginia Mintz pregnant -- and they blamed my Uncle Harlee, who was so stupid he fell for it and my eight-year-older first cousin Graham Harlee Kenan is actually my half-brother, now retired and living near Charlotte, NC -- but REFUSING to speak with me.

In 1949, Dad's live-in male lover was shot in the head (in Cincinnati, OH), and Dad given the choice of PRISON for an UGLY HOMO-LOVER'S MURDER -- or to turn Roman Catholic, EMBRACE HITLER'S SWASTIKAS, and marry my mother. 

Dad told me his lover's Death Certificate states "Russian Roulette Suicide" as Cause of Death -- and when I TRIED to get a copy of it from Cincinnati RecordsALL similar were lost in an Ohio River Flood many years ago -- or so they told me!!! 

>>> OK, TODAY:

Capt. William Rand Kenan's Rapid-Fire Brigade, included Kenan's primitive Machine Gun -- the ONLY one in town -- that he used to MOW DOWN BLACK CITIZENS INDISCRIMINATELY in the Name of Jesus Christ, and His Christian Churches -- ALL OF WHOM (Whites ONLY), in Wilmington then participated!!!

1. First, I stopped by the William R. Kenan House on my way to enjoy Saturday in Downtown Wilmington, the front door was WIDE OPEN, two trucks in the driveway, but NO ONE answered my call, so I took the photo above (knowing the new owner won't allow anyone inside), from the threshold.

A six-year-old boy from next-door came out to play, and I asked him if he was GLAD the Kenan House is being fixed up. He sounded like such a "big little man" when he told me, "Yes, and it was SO HORRIBLE when the people lived there -- I barely remember it!!!"

A recent photo, and that is Billy, chief agent of new owner Doug.

2. I ran into the merchant who told me that some Drug Trash had showed him my photo and called me the BIGGEST QUASIMODO -- and learned they actually called me the biggest BIG FOOT -- LOL!!!

And he confirmed that he told them to find ME with the photos they took of me around town -- since I would absolutely LOVE IT and FALL OUT LAUGHING -- but they have NOT done that, unfortunately.

3. In four hours, I spoke with many dozens of people -- more and more of them knowing me from before, some of them saluting me for what they have recently read in this blog, and EVERYONE ENCOURAGING ME to tear the S*H*I*T (verbally IN PERSON and ON BLOG), out of each and every Christian -- they being so HATEFUL in Wilmington -- and REJECTING Jesus's Ministry of LOVE.

4. There was a Church Group giving a large group of homeless Drug Addicts (which was super-obvious -- the drug addictions), at the covered picnic tables behind Wilmington's Welcome Booth, a bunch of stuff in woven purple bags

Think: Advent or Lent -- both now FAR AWAY!!!

I CHALLENGED THEM to stop ENCOURAGING DRUG ADDICTS -- but to encourage them to TREATMENT, and those White-Assed Christian Bitches (very few men among them), began CUSSING ME OUT like Sailors -- LOL!!! 

I just laughed at them, and said it was nice to see that Christians are all so CHRIST-LIKE.

5. I went by the Kenan house on Nun Street again, and was able to meet owner Greg -- but some woman had been waiting to speak with him for some time (she in her car covered with Hippie symbols, but about 55 years old and clearly rich). Greg and I both arrived at the same time, and she was a bit steamed for his being late.

Greg said he'd heard about me and definitely wants to speak with me, but to come back another DAY (Miss Steamy had to be appeased, I could see), and the two of them went inside talking about the house, so I guess he is renovating it fully expecting to rent it to HER!!!

That was what his chief deputy had told me -- that Greg has renovated about a dozen mansions in Wilmington, but continues to OWN every one of them.

6. At Aldi's, I met so many cool people -- even the Republicans hating Wilmington's Drug-Trafficking Christians and their Churches -- but after having several great conversations with young and old people -- as I was in line at the registers, the middle-aged White Woman behind me, grabbed my elbow to get my attention, and said very confidently. "I'm a total BELIEVING CHRISTIAN and I FULLY SUPPORT the TRUE CHRISTIAN DONALD TRUMP!!!"

That has become such a MINORITY POSITION here in Wilmington, I had to LAUGH and asked if her pussy had a bad yeast infection for her to say such a STUPID THING

There were about 15 people in three register lines, so she got REALLY LOUD and said I am the "NASTIEST PERSON" she's ever met!!!

I had ALREADY spoken with about half the people in all the lines -- they AGREEING WITH ME and "hating" Christians -- so THOSE people were all STIFLING LAUGHTER -- while those who had NO IDEA what the disturbance was all about, were looking SHOCKED at she and I arguing about her PUSSY!!!

But I said to shove a plaster Jesus up her ASS, because EVERYONE has one of those -- and saying to shove it up a woman's pussy seems Trump-like and misogynisticno???

I felt bad for the young female clerk -- who knows me well and ALSO HATES CHRISTIAN ASSHOLES, so I told the bitch to SHUT UP, so I could quickly pay and get AWAY FROM HER VENOM AND HATRED -- before the store got upset with us BOTH.

She did NOT shut up, but got louder calling me "NASTY" (this seems to be the ONLY description Christians have for those who HATE WHITE SUPREMACY and HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING), and I pasted on a smile, paid quickly, and waved -- calling back -- "You are so OBVIOUSLY a CHRIST-LIKE LADY -- and I HOPE you get ARRESTED for your CRIMES -- or at least addicted to Heroin, CRACK, or Meth -- the drugs of Christian Commerce!!!" as I rolled my cart out the door (only to have several outside laugh and give me BIG THUMBS UP)!!!


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