Friday, June 7, 2019

RP: The Good Shepherd Center LOST $2,650.00 (est.), and Got LESS in Court Than I OFFERED THEM (and they CONFIRMED they did not want what I offered many times) -- Should Katrina Knight SUE Her Lawyer for INCOMPETENCE???


Matthew W. Thompson, attorney with, a firm with five offices from Asheville to Wilmington, all in North Carolina.

>>> You should be able to understand the case/action from my Reply to Clerk of Superior Court:

* * *

I had to search Ward and Smith's entire list of male lawyers in Wilmington to find his photo to I.D. him, since the paper I got from Court today only named his firm -- and he was hired AFTER I was first served, a week ago today.

1. Ward and Smith is yet ANOTHER LILY-WHITE LAW FIRM (at least here and of the males).

2. Ward and Smith's homepage is OBSESSED with "Hemp Law" -- LOL!!!

3. Young Mr. Thompson specializes in ALCOHOL LAW (DUIs, etc.), and Estate Planning and Law -- so defends drunks and helps wealthy people minimize taxes, especially around their deaths.

4. My big concern now for Ms. Katrina Knight is that her Board of Directors at the Good Shepherd Shelter will soon FIRE HER. 

She apparently filed her action against me using the Charity's Funds, and since Lawyer Bruce A. Mason (whom I hired in 2015 to rep me in a similar matter), said his flat fee for that was $2,500.00 -- plus Katrina had the Shepherd pay the $150.00 filing fee as well.

She did NOT have to pay anyone a penny, because I offered in writing on June 10 that if she dropped her action, I would write a contract that I would not contact her or any of her employees ANYWHERE for a year -- and the action she sought would ONLY protect them at work, but NOT at home or around town in general. She would have saved nearly ALL her lawyer fees -- getting a lawyer to vet that contract before we signed it would have cost her FAR LESS!!!

Also, since she has such POOR COMMUNITY RELATIONS, New Hanover County Commission Head Republican Woody White TRIED to cut all taxpayer funds to the Good Shepherd Center (before he was recently replaced by Democrat Jonathan Barfield), and those funds WERE actually cut by somewhat MORE THAN HALF!!!

Apparently, Ms. Knight and Mr. Thompson had PREVIOUSLY AGREED that under NO CIRCUMSTANCES were they going to abandon the action against me and accept my offer that would have RESTRICTED ME MORE than what the action would do, because EVERY TIME Judge Richard Russell Davis asked them, without even looking over to Katrina nor her muttering a word, he said they wanted to PRESS ON.

And we spent more time in informal discussion (none of us were ever sworn in), than most of the people who had had Full Hearings.

The REASON Ms. Knight REFUSED to take my BETTER OFFER is because as Mr. Thompson articulated very clearly and plainly, what Katrina REALLY WANTED was for Judge Davis to RULE THAT I WAS NOT ALLOWED TO EVER AGAIN BLOG ABOUT HER OR THE GOOD SHEPHERD!!!

In fact he added that she did NOT want her employees or the Board reading about these things.

Welcome to the Christian/NAZI USA -- as led by Herr Trump:

Judge Davis SEVERAL TIMES made clear that regardless anything else, he could NOT rule in any way to RESTRICT WHAT I PUBLISH (and I should have pointed out that if it were UNTRUE Lawyer Thompson would have IMMEDIATELY recommended taking out CRIMINAL CHARGES against me of LIBEL, SLANDER, etc.).

But they COULD NOT DO THAT -- I having published the TRUTH.

Perhaps FUNNIEST about the hearing -- informal as it ended up being -- is that NONE of Ms. Knight's allegations against me were ever even read and were barely referred to. Judge Davis made a couple of comical comments about my blog -- proving he at least sometimes reads it and gets a KICK out of it, and making it CLEAR that he knows that I know that I deliberately poke at Authority, and it is NO SURPRISE that they get MAD and CRAZY.

I do this because then they MAKE ERRORS and THEIR Criminality becomes clear.

First it was Donald Trump yesterday with his Mexican Tariffs -- then today, it was Katrina Knight getting LESS than I offered, and having WASTED $2,650.00 of Good Shepherd Funds to get that -- LOL!!!

I kept promising that if she took me up on my offer, I would simply blog that we had reached an amiable solution, and my concerns about the Good Shepherd would fade into the past. Now, I am NOT bound by that, but I expect that to happen.

I kept promising that if she took me up on my offer, I would simply blog that we had reached an amiable solution, and my concerns about the Good Shepherd would fade into the past. 

Now, I am NOT bound by that, but I expect that to happen.

>>> BOTTOM LINE: I followed the gist of what Judge Davis seemed to be suggesting to me -- and AGREED to "the entry of the order without findings of fact or conclusions of law."

So it has the SAME FORCE as if we had signed my proposed agreement -- just not as many restrictions on ME -- and violations do not necessarily mean punishment (but THEY WILL NOT HAPPEN -- THAT is MY PROMISE)!!!


1. Blog Hits have REMAINED in VIRAL STATUS -- except the Russians RETREATED from over 900 hits two days ago, to 32 hits today (Blogger days begin and end at 8:00 PM EDT). NORMAL hits from Russia are 2 - 5 per day.

The Russians were all REPLACED by a HUGE UP-SWELL of hits from the USA!!!

Well, THANK YOU for that -- and I DID have Fried Chicken today after Court for my lunch!!!

2. I got a call from the office of the doctor who will perform the Repair to the Aneurysm of my Aorta -- and it is now scheduled for July 11.


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