Thursday, June 6, 2019

RP: Russians Hit My Posting on Commissioner/Lawyer Woody White OVER 900 TIMES with Americans Hitting It LIKE CRAZY, Too!!! / Spectrum FIXES My Internet Connection after POOR SERVICE for FOUR FULL YEARS!!! / I'm PREPARED to Meet Katrina Knight/Good Shepherd Center in COURT, Tomorrow!!!


Woody White, being a Republican, the Russians and Vladimir Putin (BEST FRIENDS of Thomas S. Kenan III and his near relatives who control Exxon-Mobil and Rex Tillerson, Bank of America, Coca-Cola, the Ku Klux Klan, Episcopal Church USA, Republican Party, and Clinton Democrats), must have been reading to see if he supports Donald Trump and the Christian Swastikas and Klan Robes of ALL CHRISTIAN REPUBLICANS!!! 


NEVER expected this posting to go SUPER-VIRAL -- and in RUSSIA with just more than 900 hits there, when Russians typically hit 2 - 5 hits per day!!!

Rex Tillerson worked his ENTIRE LIFE for my Exxon-Mobil-controlling Kenan Family of Chapel Hill, NC who are DEVOUT EPISCOPALIANS and also gave the Episcopal Church -- especially Sewanee, that MURDERED Tennessee Williams and stole his estate now worth $2/3 Billion, and Kenans themselves gave at least $100 Million that I documented over the last 100 years -- in SUPPORT of the Episcopal Church's Confederate Maceonly removed from view in 2005 -- and JUST LAST FALL (2018), they removed the Confederate Emblems from their CHAPEL to their RACIST, DRUG-TRAFFICKING God of HateJesus Christ:

Apparently, the “D” in D-Day stands for “Donald Trump,” at least according to Ronna McDaniel, the Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee. She then suggested that Trump should be a main focus of the 75th-anniversary commemoration of D-Day

“We are celebrating the anniversary, 75 years of D-Day,” McDaniel said. “This is the time where we should be celebrating our president, the great achievements of America, and I don’t think the American people like the constant negativity.”

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Ronna McDaniel made the comment on Fox Business while griping about the media coverage of Trump's European trip.

“The only way you can take a shower there (Vietnam jungle), is, a guy had to get up on a chair — me — have a bucket of water, pour it into this canvas tank, pull the chain and the guy underneath took a shower,” said Rose, the former Cincinnati Reds star and manager. “I gave Joe DiMaggio a shower.” 

Then Rose gave an unsolicited appraisal of Joltin’s Joe’s junk. 

“The best way to describe Joe DiMaggio is he was a penis with a man hanging from it,” he said. Rose, who is promoting a new book, “Play Hungry: The Making of a Baseball Player,” is banned from baseball for life for gambling. But stories like this (which he has told before) make us glad he isn’t banned from the talk-radio circuit.

The two were visiting U.S. troops during the Vietnam War when the Yankee Clipper needed help from the all-time hit king to bathe.


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Theresa Kachindamoto refuses to see young girls in the district she governs in Malawi robbed of their childhoods and a chance at an education. She's made it her mission to save them from the horrors of child marriage - and she doesn't mind ruffling some feathers to make sure her laws are enforced.



Michael Faulkner STILL has not gotten back to me after I responded to his invite to share lunch -- BUT now has added TONS OF POSITIONS to his Campaign Site, he is DEFINITELY running for Mayor of Wilmington as an Independent -- and figures his HOT, HOT Chest and Titties will BEAT Bill Saffo!!!

I with wish him LUCK!!!

2. Amazingly, Spectrum Cable sent the SAME TECH (from Kenansville, NC), who KNOWS my Kenan Family runs all the HARD-DRUGS and put Trump into power to DESTROY DEMOCRACY for Jesus Christ and the GOD-HATING CHRISTIANS -- who are MOSTLY TOO STUPID, so have NO IDEA that Jesus is actually the Devil in Disguise.

It APPEARS he's actually FOUND THE PROBLEM and corrected it -- but we'll see.

3. I got my new Car Insurance Policy offer for the next half year -- and my premium has gone DOWN 2%!!!

4. I wrote up my Comments for Court tomorrow -- so I can READ THEM and in response to every one of Katrina Wright's/Good Shepherd Center's points -- so that I don't GO OFF and talk all about taking D.A. Ben David to the NC State Bar -- and Judges Hogston, Ray/Criner, McKee/Luther, Faison (whom everyone is NOW claiming is the MOST DRUG CORRUPTED of them all -- and he RUNS Drug Court), and Noecker to the NC Judicial Standards Commission. 

That time in 2014 that my friend from Cape May, NJ (owner of the Mad Batter restaurant and Carroll Villa Hotel)Harry Kulkowitz went to Normandy for D-Day -- 

"And Harry Kulkowitz, the son of Russian-Jewish immigrants, lied about his age to get into the service."

"Don't worry, Harry," Obama said. "The statute of limitations has expired."

(Obama didn't say "Jewish", but I added it because I think it is also important -- Scott)


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