Saturday, June 15, 2019

RP: On the Eve of My 68th Birthday, Two Homeless People Addressed Me as "Chairman" -- and God's Gift of MALE HOTNESS Told Me He Is My TWIN, and Hollered in My Face Things I Might Yell:


This story was MOST POPULAR on Fox News online when I got up today:

Today, I parked downtown in a semi-hidden place -- because I feared that Jennifer McCracken -- not satisfied by the results in Judge Lindsey McKee/Luther's Court yesterday,, would be out and about downtown today -- hoping to trick me into interacting with her -- I'm sure she is SEETHING WITH DESIRE to somehow get me back into Court.

I'm still AMAZED that while I was in Court yesterday morning, Readers found and were hitting like CRAZY several old postings from when I had my FIRST TROUBLE with Jennifer McCracken in 2015. I haven't even gone back to read all I linked to, but the GIST of them is:

1. Ms. McCracken really WAS showing symptoms of both of her Diagnosed Illnesses: Bipolar Illness and Borderline Personality Disorder -- and admitted then she had gone OFF her medications, and was self-medicating with alcohol, marijuana, and probably others of the many varieties of Opioids and other pills she sold all around Wilmington.

2. Ms. McCracken had a CRUSH SO BAD on Judge Lindsey McKee/Luther, she claimed that Lindsey had NEVER done a wrong thing or made an error in her life. And if Judge McKee HAS read anything I've been publishing about her in CONCENTRATED FORM this past week, she is probably SHOCKED that a little Mor(m)on Lesbian could feel such an ATTRACTION to her:

Reminiscent of Glenn Close in Fatal Attractionno???

3. I really did NOT remember all the interaction I had with Judge Richard Russell Davis in Court in 2015 -- as is seen in these old postings. My FOREVER-SEARED MEMORY of Judge Davis is the day Chief Defender Jennifer Harjo presented me to Judge Davis -- in early 2012 -- with D.A. Benjamin R. David's FINAL ATTEMPT to commit me PERMANENTLY to a Cherry Mental "Hospital" that was notorious for killing those who were sent there -- and Judge Davis LITERALLY LAUGHED IT OFF!!!

I have NEVER felt BETTER in ALL MY LIFE!!!

Jennifer Harjo LOOKS Native American to me (but I've never asked her). She IS -- or at least WAS back then -- a Republican and a devout Roman Catholic.

Carrie Menke, PhD, (a bit of a "HOT-LIPS HOULIHAN") from D.A. JON DAVID'S "Drug Court" in Brunswick County was called in by New Hanover County D.A. BEN DAVID to examine and evaluate me -- and then it took her THREE WEEKS to concoct her lies that were so OBVIOUS Judge Davis just CRACKED UP and DISMISSED IT!!!

Carrie Menke has since then FLED to ASHEVILLE, NC -- LOL!!!:

Dr. Carrie Menke's ENTIRE Psychiatric Evaluation of me can be read here:

So, back to today, I didn't bother stopping at the William Rand Kenan House at 110 Nun Street -- although I saw the owner was actually there and workmen were busy. My SICK Kenan relatives who essentially LED the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898 from that house and First Presbyterian Church, and more recently Thomas S. Kenan III and Betty (Price) Kenan of Chapel Hill are the BIGGEST FORCE to RESURRECT THE CONFEDERACY with the Episcopal Church USA, so they put Donald Trump into office.

The Groom and his party get ready for his wedding this morning. The one marked "Groom" said that the one marked "Best Man" is GAY, and I could have SEX WITH HIM -- but I DECLINED, explaining that I had just taken my "Heart Meds", so NOT UP for ANYTHING -- LOL!!!

Gus Villapiano and I sat on a bench together for twenty minutes and although he is NOT available to me for ROMANCE/SEX, he and I have the SAME WORLD-VIEW -- and People sometimes call him "Voltaire":

Gus -- sober from alcohol for four years now -- just opened a BAR in Chandler's Wharf, that I stopped by today. Gus invited me to come party there tonight, but I'm too BROKE to go out spending money in a bar!!!

But YOU should check it out, and I'm sure I will LATER!!!:

From Gus Villapiano and his bar's website.

This couple was coaching their three sons on how to play music to RAISE DONATIONS so they could go to Vacation Bible Camp!!! They are TOO YOUNG to have jobs, but NOT TOO YOUNG TO BEG!!!

They totally cracked me up, and I told them how in 7th and 8th grade in Catholic Grade School in Exton/West Chester, PA, we had to go door-to-door selling Raffle Tickets for a "Basket of Cheer" (Booze) -- just to KEEP THE SCHOOL RUNNING!!!

This is Mother Mary Austin, my 7th grade teacher there -- this taken in 1964 when I was in 7th grade. That is Katherine Baugher on left -- I forget the other girls' names.

And finally, downtown, I was speaking with my friend who makes balloon animals for children -- usually near Kilwin's Ice Cream or the Dixie Grill. He said he had searched to find Wilmington's Gay Pride Events -- to make Gay Pride Balloon Creations -- and he found NO EVENTS!!!

I explained that the Gay Organizations of Wilmington are MOSTLY fronts for selling HARD DRUGS and associated with the Democratic Party of New Hanover County. NC Rep Deb Butler told me to my FACE she does Drug Trafficking with Republican Jonathan Deputy (who committed me on LIES to the Mental Hospital last year), and Deb's wife Anni Parra DIED of a Drug Overdose on December 28, 2018: 

Ryan Lee Burris -- 3rd Vice Chair of the local Dems, and HEAD of Cape Fear Equality, Died of a Drug Overdose in October 2018 -- and his fiance Wes Taylor, predeceased Ryan 1.5 years before that -- of a Drug Overdose.

Ryan Burris with Jeff Mills of the Frank Harr Foundation, raises and spends money with NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT but drug-addicted GAYS!!!

ONE GREAT NOTE TODAY: When I got home from downtown Wilmington, on Facebook my high school friend Bob Jones and his wife Diane Catrambone, announced the ENGAGEMENT of their daughter Shannon Jones to the handsome Thomas James.

And BAD NEWS also came via Facebook:

Politically Incorrect -- but too good.


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