Sunday, June 16, 2019

RP: Merry CHRISTMAS EVE!!! / The Nightmare of My 64th Birthday in 2015 That Has Become TOO REAL!!! / My Family CHEERS ME UP:


Dale Evans and Roy Rogers were the FIRST celebrities I knew. Roy's first cousin lived next door to us on Ebenezer Road in Cincinnati, OH, and while I was 2.5 to 6 years old, when they visited, they dressed and entertained the neighborhood kids.

Of course, Bible Scholars now pretty much agree that June 17 was the day Jesus was born (December 25 was when 95% of all Pagan Gods were born and the early Church moved the celebration to where everyone was getting drunk and partying already, anyway), but as Dale Evans makes CLEARANY day can be Christmas!!!

Sadly, my own 64th "Beatles Song" Birthday was ruined by this:

And I have PRIVILEGED INFO on the Beatles as well: Tennessee Williams's last lawyer John Eastman of Eastman and Eastman, in NYC, not only planned and executed Tennessee Williams's murder with the Episcopal Church USA/Sewanee and their top lawyer in 1983 Michael Remer, Maria St. Just (nee Britneva, whose Morgan-Grenfell Bank is now the CORE of Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump's TOP CREDITOR and conduit to Trump of Putin-Pal Cash), as well as the Republican Party, and corrupt elements of the FBI and CIA -- just like Jackie Kennedy Onassis WARNED Tennessee at George Plimpton and Jean Babette Stein's party on January 11, 1982.

And the CIA also via John Eastman, murdered John Lennon:

That time in 2010 when Paul McCartney got the Kennedy Center Honors. Left to right: staff member, Mr. McCartney and his third wife Nancy Shevell, Ms. Shevell's Aunt Barbara Walters (who made the presentation to McCartney), and John Eastman and his wife -- Eastman managed McCartney's business empire up until very recently.

AND that time in 1981 that Tennessee Williams and I attended all the festivities around that year's Kennedy Center Honors -- Tenn was invited back after getting the Honors in 1979:

Then Jean Babette Stein was MURDERED by the Christian CIA -- and only European Press made a big deal of it -- NBC, one of the networks Jean's father had owned, was FORCED by the Christian-controlled CIA NOT TO REPORT IT!!!

And the CIA put out that it was a suicide.

Well, I admit to staying home last night and after getting SO MUCH RESPECT from Law Enforcement and the Courts -- EVEN JUDGE LINDSEY MCKEE/LUTHER -- I got DRUNK ON TEQUILA -- on half a 750 ml bottle, like I did nearly EVERY NIGHT in Puerto Vallarta while I was in Political Exile April 2012 - June 2015, so my rump is DRAGGIN' TODAY.

In any case, my mother and sisters Jane and Julie sent me some financial assistance for my birthday that was more generous than I had expected -- then my brother Mike (who's been NOT helping me and NOT communicating with me), sent some MORE assistance too. 

So I can PAY those once-per-year bills that are piled up and get a DECENT RESTAURANT MEAL as well (but not on Father's Day when restaurants are crowded).

So, I'm not worth much today -- but to RELAX that the Law and Courts now treat me with RESPECT -- and my immediate family is realizing that my REAL BEEFS are not with any of them (now, anyway).

So here are some INTERESTING SEXUAL TRIVIA -- ALL ILLUSTRATED -- for your Christmas Eve Entertainment -- before I SIGN OFF for the night: 

But look what a HUMAN MALE HAS!!!:

And WHO gave him the hickeys -- Straight or Gay; Men or Women???

ALL of the above???

Click image to EXPAND TO READABLE.

How many days did Jesus teach after his resurrection? Most Christians know that “He appeared to them over a period of forty days” (Acts 1:3). But the supposed author of that book wrote elsewhere that he ascended into heaven the same day as the resurrection (Luke 24:51).

When Jesus died, did an earthquake open the graves of many people, who walked around Jerusalem and were seen by many? Only Matthew reports this remarkable event. It’s hard to imagine any reliable version of the story omitting this zombie apocalypse.

The different accounts of the resurrection are full of contradictions like this. They can’t even agree on whether Jesus was crucified on the day before Passover (John) or the day after (the other gospels).



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