Tuesday, June 4, 2019

RP: Scott Kenan LAWYERS-UP!!! / Strokes of SHOCK, and Strokes of LUCK:

For WIDER GRAPHICShttps://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2019/06/scott-kenan-lawyers-up-strokes-of-shock.html

Well, the NRA and allies support anyone having a MACHINE GUN, so why not anyone having an ATOM BOMB!!! Next, anyone having a HYDROGEN Bomb, and perhaps even a NEUTRON Bomb (which everyone declared many decades ago to be too immoral as it leaves property untouched but kills millions by radiation).

Robot also has audio function which makes fart sounds and says ‘no collusion’, ‘you are fake news’ and ‘witch-hunt’

Seeskeleton of babysitter:

ACTUALLY, I am TRYING to lawyer-up -- to RE-OPEN the settlement between me and Time-Warner/Spectrum/Charter Communications, in which I was FORCED to accept $2,500.00 when my lawyer (Bruce A. Mason) BAILED on me, told me that ALL Republicans and MOST Democrats are "in the pockets" of my wealthy Kenan Family in Chapel Hill, and that he had to FIRE ME, said he would tell me how to go about being my own lawyer -- since NO LAWYER WAS ALLOWED BY MY KENAN FAMILY TO WORK WITH ME.

Instead of telling me how to demand the best settlement, Bruce ran out of his office past me and his Admin Hannah, and yelled back, "I have no conscience!!!"

Hannah quit within a couple of days -- afraid that Bruce was behaving illegally and that she too might be a co-conspirator if she continued working for him.

The admin of my second cousin Lawyer Robert C. "Bobby" Kenan, Jr. of Burgaw, NC told me in 2015 that because I had "angered" Lawyer David A. Nash -- by blogging about all the Drug Trafficking in his Costello's (gay) Piano Bar (now defunct), in 2011, I will NEVER be able to hire a lawyer closer than Charlotte -- but David Nash and his Drug Pals are so POWERFUL, I'll probably have to go to Asheville.

In 2012, this proved true, because I was unable to find anyone to represent me against D.A. Ben David (I tried about five lawyers and every one of them said a version of, "I see Mr. David in Court every day -- I couldn't POSSIBLY represent anyone in a suit against him.") -- but since then, Public Defender Jennifer Harjo FORCED the District Attorney to ERASE all convictions of me he had and drop all cases -- since Ben David had NO EVIDENCE I ever committed a crime -- and NOW I have a Grievance filed against Mr. David with the NC State Bar, and intend to SUE HIM for financial award when I can.


Lawyers and Staff from Shipman and Wright, LLC: https://www.shipmanandwright.com/ -- Gary Shipman is the second male from the right.

I had called them because James L. "Buddy" Allard, Jr. -- whom I'd met in Court a couple of years ago and he handed me his promo pen, saying to call him if I ever need a lawyer, doesn't handle Civil Injury cases, but recommends Gary Shipman and his office, always, for such things. I called them and left a message since Kelly, whose phone I was directed to for screening, was busy, and she called me back.

Now HERE is the KILLER!!!: I was on the phone with Kelly for TWENTY-THREE MINUTES, and she was obviously highly skilled at screening. I had to tell her how I can prove my blood kinship to Thomas S. Kenan III. She had to know my parents' and my Kenan Grandfather's names -- and other similar things, then got off the phone for ten or so seconds and came back on and said "no conflicts there", etc.

Early on I told her that D.A. Ben David had been forced by Defender Jennifer Harjo to ERASE my false convictions from 2011 and 12 -- and he later partnered with a Fox News Talking Head/Chicago Lawyer and Wells Fargo Exec in Chicago, and without legally serving me, tried and convicted me falsely of LIBEL in Chicago, and STOLE copyright to my memoir, which Scott Rudin and the producers of the Harry Potter films were looking to buy movie rights to:

Kelly is REALLY GOOD, because while we were talking she found this blog -- and said it's a good thing I blog -- and found my Williams memoir as well.

I explained all about how Col. Dorothy Newman (Colin Powell's Chief Protocol Officer), had had to get me to Mexico for Political Exile for several years, that I'd been held hostage there by Drug Mafia five times, beaten severely, etc. -- WHY I could be so tough when the Time Warner truck hit me.

I told her how I work with Lt. Gen. Russel Honore' -- who knows the wealthy Kenans are HUGE in the corruption of Atlanta, GA, and with NC Prosecutor and Justice Speaker Kimberly Overton Spahos. She liked all of that and so much more in the 23 minute interview.

She had NO PROBLEM with the possible motivation of the truck hitting me. Remember, it was 9:30 AM, full sun, and I am 6' 11" tall, and the driver hit me after I warned Mayor Saffo I was walking to his office to demand the FULL Police Report on Evan Fish's death that NHC Sheriff's Deputies told me Wilmington Police had forced Evan to jump. BUT, I told her it would be too tricky to establish that, so I don't think Saffo should be sued over it.

Kelly knows that my Kenan cousin Barbara B. "Bonnie" Weyher and her subordinate Brian A. Williams of http://www.ymwlaw.com/ REFUSED to consider the reports from my doctors of the artery and vein damage, and told me their top offer was $2,500.00, that . . . 

>>> At 5:43 PM, Kelly called me back and for nearly 28 minutes, our conversation took another tack.

The conversation I did not finish describing (above), ended when the seemingly encouraging and empathetic Kelly, suddenly said after I told her I had filed a Grievance against District Attorney Ben David in late March that is still being investigated by the North Carolina State Bar, that ABSOLUTELY, every lawyer in their firm TOTALLY SUPPORTS BEN DAVID and would NEVER represent ANYONE who ever tried to file ANYTHING against him.

YES, I blew up, told her off, and hung up on her. After all of that positivity, she suddenly TANKED IT ALL -- and what I want her firm to do has NOTHING to do with any complaint against Ben David -- nothing AT ALL!!!

But in our second call, not only did she want to tell me which organization would be BEST to help me (and not affected by loyalties to the D.A.), but that she really wishes me the BEST. 

And I have to say that I KNOW the POLITICS around here are like LIVING IN ADOLPH HITLER'S BUNKER with a bunch of his people, so I DO GET THE PRESSURES, and as both Bruce Mason and my cousin Bobbie Kenan's Admin have told me -- NO LAWYERS in Eastern North Carolina will EVER represent me since I PISSED OFF DAVID A. NASH and all the other White Supremacists and Hard-Drug-Traffickers in TOTALLY Kenan-Family-Endowed First Presbyterian!!!

OTHER TOP CRIMINALS in or recently in Elder and Deacon Positions at First Presbyterian include:

Judge Jeffery Evan Noecker's crimes against me were significantly LESS SEVERE than the others' listed here.

Beth Dawson, Republican HEAD of New Hanover County Commission did NOT abuse me -- but look at THIS -- LOL!!!

WHY do Presbyterians end up in all these CRIMES -- especially the Deacons and Elders???

The Yin in the Presbyterian Yang (or vice-versa), is Judge Robin Wicks Robinson, who THANKED ME for returning to Wilmington to expose the crimes of my Kenan Family, both immediate and distant.

And there is ANOTHER attorney I have decided to offer my case(s) to -- that Kelly got a KICK out of as well -- before trying Legal Aid Society.

I have decided that I will write up this experience to ADD to the documents in my Grievance against Ben David with the NC State Bar (very delicately and for reasons I cannot now reveal to my Readers).

And I need to get all my Grievances filed with the North Carolina Judicial Standards Commission against Judges Hogston, Ray/Criner, McKee/Luther, Faison, and Noecker -- as well as Grievances with the NC State Bar against Lawyers Bruce A. Mason and Brian A. Williams.

And be in Court this Friday morning regarding the matter with Katrina Knight and her Good Shepherd Center.


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