Monday, June 3, 2019

RP: What if Scott Kenan LOSES His Godzilla Reputation (or gets MORE DESPERATE for a Blog-Post Title)???


How those who worship Jesus Christ see me -- coming in to DESTROY my Kenan Family's Exxon-Mobil Oil Infrastructure.

I think most of my Readers know that my Kenan Family is the LARGEST EMPLOYER in North Carolina (Bank of America), Georgia (Coca-Cola), and Texas (Exxon-Mobil) -- and run Worldwide Hard Drug Trafficking with the Bush, Cheney, Clinton Families -- the CIA and US State Department -- and of course the DYING CHRISTIAN CHURCHES that are DESPERATE for funds for their staffs and all that REAL ESTATE they mostly use only a few hours per week.

Europe has been MAJORITY Atheist since about 1999, and the USA is headed in that direction fast. European churches of architectural and/or historical interest are being converted mostly to Art Centers and Performance Spaces -- like the Catholic Church on Dock Street (between 2nd and 3rd Streets), and the Brooklyn Arts Center (a Presbyterian church):

The FIRST thing today, I learned that I won't get my weekly allowance from Benefits Management, Inc., until tomorrow -- which kept me from being a SPENDTHRIFT today, the first week of each month is loaded with extra money to pay bills that I can pay electronically -- which B.M. is not allowed to -- and I avoid LATE CHARGES that most of B.M.'s clients get stuck with, and owner Teri Motsinger has been fighting Spectrum Cable for over TWO YEARS, and they REFUSE to stop holding the check she sends for her other clients in aggregate. They hold it a week or two -- just long enough to stick every client with a $10.00 Late Charge. 

Time-Warner/Spectrum Cable truck that hit me.

Mayor Bill Saffo and the Independent HALFWIT Todd Zola in Saffo's LAST election. Saffo must have ORDERED that truck to hit me -- because soon after that, his biggest co-criminal Councilman Charlie Rivenbark told me he HOPES I get a dog -- and it's run over too!!!

Charlie Rivenbark and Mayor Saffo's and City Council's secretary, Dawn Grants, now clandestinely share a HOUSE. Dawn giggled when she found out I first published that -- she told me by accident and no one's supposed to know.

Remember: They are the SAME CABLE COMPANY who knocked me 12 feet out of the crosswalk in front of City Hall February 13, 2017 -- after I WARNED Mayor Bill Saffo I was walking to his office to DEMAND the full Police Report on Wilmington's Christian Police forcing Evan Fish to jump to his death on 9/3/2011 -- because he knew my employer 1990-2010 Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., Snellville, GA and (in partnership with my own parents, CNN, the Atlanta Journal/Constitution, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, Nixon's Aide John Ehrlichman, etc.), supplied Wilmington (and the east coast Maine to Florida), with the Hard Drugs flown into Maxwell AFB.

So JUST NOW, I called Patrick Stansbury: 800-325-2855 Extension 1251, but it cut off three times right after it first dialed, so I am BLOCKED to that number, then called their landline: 770-979-8157, and Patrick's wife Gloria's voice on the recording -- and they BOTH claiming to be the most DEVOUT PRESBYTERIANS -- I began by explaining that I NO LONGER tell women to stick a Jesus statue up their pussies -- that being TOO MISOGYNISTIC and Donald Trump like, so she and Patrick should just STICK THEM UP THEIR ASSES!!!

Lee Gosney on far right with his wife, son Chris, and Patrick Stansbury's brother Michael Stansbury -- who Patrick kept SUPER-MEDICATED in the back of a Mental Hospital for YEARS -- until Lee got pissed, FIRED by Patrick a couple of years ago, and ADOPTED Mike Stansbury who has learning disabilities -- but is also GAY.

And Snellville, GA's Westminster Presbyterian has also "adopted" Michael Stansbury and made him very welcome!!! Too bad they LOVE HARD DRUG TRAFFICKERS just like First Presbyterian, Wilmington, NC!!! But if you LOOK at their staff in Snellville, the top ones look like THUGS, but they don't look like RACISTS, like we have so PROMINENTLY in Wilmington:

Patrick Stansbury uses this online Christian Minister thang to pick up guys for sex (according to Pat's employee Geraldine "Gerry" Flynn/Miller, who lives with her husband -- also a sales employee -- Joel Miller). You can call them at (678) 425-5382 to ask THEM about that!!! I just left them a two-minute message, since they are AFRAID of what Patrick Stansbury will do to them if they TALK TO ME.

And of course there was the time Gloria answered her phone, and in an ANGRY CRYING VOICE claimed that Patrick had DIED -- but he had NOT!!!

Patrick's LINKED-IN photo shows the devastation of METH to his face, and here is where Gloria CONVINCED ME he had died. Patrick is a GOD-HATING, White Supremacist, DEVOUT CHRISTIAN Drug Trafficker who partnered with MY PARENTS setting up the Mafia in Atlanta in 1990 -- and today works with Thomas S. Kenan III's people Exxon-Mobil, the CIA, and US State Department/Rex Tillerson -- TODAY!!!

I have just discovered that Pentagon Publishing's main number, (404) 262-3121, is sending phone calls DIRECTLY to sales staff now. While I worked there and last I checked (two years ago), you had to record who YOU ARE as the caller, then wait for that to go through and people picked up or sent you to voicemail.

And the WHOLE STAFF is listed with extensions, so you learn all their names etc., too!!! Lee Gosney is GONE, of course, as are the HONEST SALES PEOPLE who aren't also Hard-Drug Traffickers, and Vice President Michael Massicott (who really runs things -- Gosney told me two years ago that Patrick is far too high by late afternoon to function), was TRAINED by AT&T Matrix of North Atlanta and is as "TOTALITARIAN" an actor as its name sounds.

Mike was SUPER-HOT while young, and his girlfriend Caroline Price (possibly related to Betty Price Kenan, and Stanley Winborne III, but I don't know), kept going back to being GAY, and Caroline always PRIDED herself in how she CURED MIKE MASSICOTT time and time again (but he STILL told me what sex he likes best -- and even asked me if I am JESUS COME BACK, once)!!!

YES, that PROVES Mike Massicott is CRAZY -- HA!!!

* * *

Well, it's been FUN this evening. I was SO THRILLED to see that hits of my last posting -- the Letter to the Clerk of Courts regarding Katrina Knight's Civil Action on behalf The Good Shepherd, had FOUR TIMES normal full-day hits by the time I woke this morning -- so I ASSUME Wilmington and at least North Carolina Readers are tuning in more and MORE!!!

Then I tweaked it before printing it and taking it to the Clerk's office, where she asked me if it was INSTEAD of showing for Court Friday morning. I explained that I was CONFUSED and didn't want the Court to be EMBARRASSED if I have to talk about all of these things under Oath -- but I had also made my case. I explained that there was a LOT OF INFO that Court Officers of ALL STRIPES would find helpful in cleaning up the CORRUPTION of our Local Courts, and I trusted her to disseminate all info to those who would find it most useful -- and I WILL BE IN COURT.


1. I ran into an assistant to a Lawyer I know who has a SENSE OF HUMOR, and the guy said that lawyer might very well be willing to represent me in some Wilmington Lawsuits to get MONEY!!! 

I had no time today, but will check it out soon.

2. Friday night, I got the following email:

Scott D. Kenan,

I understand you have been though a lot from WPD.

So have I.

I would love to grab lunch sometime and discuss.

Michael Faulkner

I sent him a reply, saying as long as it's not at the YACHT CLUB (due to my finances), but have heard nothing back from him yet -- which is ODD.

But SO IS that he appears to be running for either City Council or Mayor of Wilmington, NC -- owns (or possibly just sold) a limo and bus chartering company -- has NO Political Party Affiliation -- and his site for his Campaign shows him SHIRTLESS!!!

That is a FIRST (unless they do it in Key West or San Francisco)!!!

WOOF!!! This comes from his CAMPAIGN SITE!!!

But he appears to actually be STRAIGHT, anyway, and I CAN'T imagine he'd be sexually available to me (nor am I looking for someone to date at this time)

I'll start trying to CALL HIM tomorrow -- if he doesn't email or call me.

3. I joined the NEW-ISH, suddenly popular Facebook Group -- only to discover it is the NASTIEST SITE I've even been to on the internet. People are there from EVERY GROUP and PERVERSION PERSUASION -- out Gays, Proud NAZIS and Confederates, Flaming Liberals -- YOU NAME IT!!!

I'm just super-surprised that Facebook that has now kicked me off THIRTEEN TIMES -- mostly for criticizing Christians, including once for posting this TRUTH:

 . . . ALLOWS THIS, and here is a sample:


The TRASHIEST STUFF (guys commenting about their girlfriends licking their butts, they begin pooping and the girls continue to eat it -- THAT kind of SHIT), has been deleted.

BUT, it's still like DONALD TRUMP'S WORSHIPING JESUS CHRISTMITCH MCCONNELL, and THOMAS S. KENAN III (sorry -- I'm too lazy to untangle that, but YOU get the idea), and worth a TRY -- until you vomit or similar -- just to SEE what is so POPULAR in Wilmington, NC:

GOOD ANTIDOTE to Drug-Rush Limbaugh and his Christian Donald Trump Klan:


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