Monday, June 17, 2019

RP: WHY All Religions Are Now DYING (God RULES!!!) / I Pay Off MOST Debts (thanks to my family!!!) / I Am Invited to Join a Group of Wilmingtonians Who Worked as -- or with -- Heads of State, Captains of Industry, and Military Leaders -- WORLDWIDE!!!


Although five-year-old data, I bet the SAME APPLIES to who supports Donald Trump as a TRUE CHRISTIAN!!!


A few comments on some of these: 

1. Renee Saffo had to get a Restraining Order against Mayor Bill Saffo when she divorced him over his thing for YOUNG GUYS.

2. Marie D. DeLamar was the genealogist commissioned by the wealthy Kenans to UPDATE and CORRECT in 1999 (in hard cover and published by Mercer University Press), the 1967 edition of the book The Kenan Family, written by Alvaretta Kenan Register, and available online to all here:

3. Henryk Jaronowski was a young man (late 20's?). whom I met at a Bernie Sanders rally in 2016, and invited him to become my roommate -- his parents had had ENOUGH of his non-sense still living at home in a Republican Mansion a block or two from D.A. Ben David. 

It turned out he was ADDICTED TO DRUGS and EXPECTED to bring UNDER-AGED GIRLS to my apartment for sex. I have NEVER kicked anyone out faster than I did Henryk -- if he lasted 90 minutes, I'd be surprised -- LOL!!!

4. This is the ONE AND ONLY time I've seen "fanciful delusions" of my behaviors turn up as search terms -- HA!!!

In the LAST WEEKFrance, Canada, and the United Arab Emirates have each hit this blog just under 5,000 times each -- while those in the USA have not even hit it 2,000 times!!!

The NAZI USA TODAY is a creation primarily of the Christian Church, with the Kenan, Bush, Cheney, and Clinton Families.

Christians in the Americas (Protestants primarily in what is now Canada and the USA -- Catholics primarily in Mexico south to Tierra del Fuego), killed FAR MORE NATIVE AMERICANS IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST THE HATE GOD than did Hitler ever kill!!!

And EVERY CHRISTIAN LEADER from Pope Francis to Donald Trump who doesn't admit this is a TOTAL TRAITOR TO GOD.



1. Pete and Chasten Buttigieg's 1st Wedding Anniversary was YESTERDAY -- same as my 68th Birthday and the 4th Anniversary of Trump announcing his run for the Presidency!!!

I WISH Pete Buttigieg was not so WHITE BREAD, and that he was NOT a Devout Episcopalian -- the Christian Church that reveres the Episcopal Confederate Mace kept at Sewanee, that my Confederate Kenan Family of Chapel Hill has given OVER $100,000,000.00 the last 100 years in support of their WHITE SUPREMACY and HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING.

Otherwise (except for his youth and experience running such a SMALL city)I LOVE MAYOR PETE!!!

My entire immediate family: my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan, and siblings Jane Ann Kenan, Michael William Kenan, and Julia Ruth (Kenan) Duffy (but now divorced from Joel Duffy -- THANK GOD!!!), sent me more Birthday money than I expected -- and Mike who has NOT helped in recent months nor communicated with me in any real way, sent the MOST!!!

I spent the great bulk of it today getting my car inspected and renewing my registration, renewing my Costco membership (for cheap drugs, mostly), paid OFF all that I owe the Hospital and its "Physician Group" -- as well as over $100.00 in NEW charges for old things that I was just billed. THEN, I paid $100.00 of the $297.00 I must pay the surgeon BEFORE I get my Aorta Aneurysm repaired next month, but they will accept two more $100.00 installments, paid the next two months.

I now have just less than $200.00 left, but decided to have some LIQUIDITY since the surgeon has some FLEXIBILITY (and everyone KNOWS I PAY MY DEBTS)!!!

While waiting for my car to be inspected, I met a gentleman of about my age who knows ALL ABOUT all the HARD DRUGS in the USA being run by my Kenan Family with the Bush, Cheney, and Clinton Families -- and the CHRISTIAN CHURCHES.

But BEST OF ALL, he belongs to a group of 185 people who meet once-per-week in a Major Cultural Facility. They ALL are or have worked with TOP INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE (the guy I spoke with, a retired engineer, had opened manufacturing plants all over the Middle East, Europe, and Africa -- and knew and worked with the Heads of State of all those countries).

They have SPEAKERS every week in 90 minute programs, including Q & A, then many go to lunch afterward to continue discussion. He said that Mayor Saffo ALWAYS gives them his "State of the City Address" every year -- BEFORE giving it to the public (so he can use their feedback to tweak it).

And YES, he knows Bill Saffo, Councilman Rivenbark, D.A.s Ben and Jon David, Police Chief Ralph Evangelous, and Sheriff Ed McMahon -- ALL WITH THEIR CHRISTIAN CHURCHES -- run all the Hard Drugs, and many of them are White Supremacists too. 

Apparently, these things are ALL WELL KNOWN to this group -- and I CAN'T WAIT to join up with them!!!

This evolved Wilmingtonian who has invited me actually spent the first ten minutes before we began speaking reading the ANNUAL SWIM-SUIT ISSUE of Sports Illustrated

But he had NO PROBLEM with me being GAY -- HA!!!

Why must STRAIGHT GUYS imagine WHORES to get it up over WOMEN???


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