Wednesday, December 25, 2019

RP: It's Been an UP-and-DOWN Christmas -- Ending on the UP!!!


Joel 2:1...
2 Blow ye The Trumpet in Zion, And sound an alarm in my set-Apart mountain: Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: For the day of YAHUWEH is coming, For it is close at hand! 🕊😇😁
Matthew 15:24 ---> YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, Declared "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Yisrael." 👀🐑🐑🙏

  • Scott Kenan William Beverage: Just checked your photo and you need to SMOKE MORE METH!!! LOL!!! And if you continue cussing FAR MORE THAN ME, you are DEFINITELY a TOP CHRISTIAN -- HA!!!

    Image may contain: one or more people, beard, hat and closeup


    • Scott Macfarlane Scott Kenan you are obviously in no place for judgment friend. Why do you think your belief system is so much better then one that has been accepted for over 2000 (sic), years? Are you even educated enough on these topics to make that claim? Or are you just completely narcissistic?

    • Kyle Bowers Mason Wright oh, no. He called you an atheist.

      Such a scathing insult .

    • Scott Kenan Scott Macfarlane: NO ONE else is watching this thread, but Scott Macfarlane, who posts MEMES from Breitbart News claiming Climate Scientists say that Global Warming is a HOAX!!! When every head of nearly every CHRISTIAN DENOMINATION (Pope Francis came out AGAIN, today, and the Head of Southern Baptists says the same things too), to follow Jesus you have to RESPECT THE ENVIRONMENT -- HA!!! And then you accuse ME (who graduated with the HIGHEST College Boards in Math and Science in my large, academic High School, attended one of America's TOP COLLEGES -- an American Baptist school -- on scholarship), took FIVE COLLEGE COURSES in the Bible, and am a Trained Practitioner in Science of Mind of having NO BASIS for my claims. I feel sorry for you. You are YOUNG and will destroy your life REFUSING to believe in Science. All REAL CHRISTIANS DO!!! Well, you look like one of the cute homosexual boys in my neighborhood who claim to be straight and Evangelical -- and then want me to suck their danglies!!! You show pictures of you loving Coca-Cola (my NAZI and KLANSMAN filled Kenan Family that controls that company, Exxon-Mobil, Bank of America and the Ku Klux Klan, put Donald Trump into power and it's all falling apart rapidly with desperadoes posting non-sense to support Trump). And also of you EATING HOT DOGS like good homo-boys do. Christianity has NEVER, EVER been accepted as truth by most of the world. And today, as Fox News reported TWICE in the last week, Christian Churches are losing members FASTER than at any time other in their history -- since Trump was elected President. Legally, yes, but Hillary Clinton (whom I HATED having to vote for), beat him by over 3,000,000 votes, so Trump did NOT win a majority and still doesn't have one. Bless his HEART!!!
      Image may contain: one or more people, meme and text


Homo-in-Training Scott McFarlane chows down on hot dogs with BACON -- HE sure didn't follow Jesus's advice to convert to JUDAISM if you want to follow him -- HA!!!

Oh, "BAH HUMBUG!!!": "While the Pilgrims are well-known for celebrating the First Thanksgiving in 1621, Christmas that year was a decidedly Grinch-like affair. The Pilgrims, a group of Puritan Separatists, did not observe religious holidays because they believed celebrating Christmas and Easter was not specifically sanctioned in the Bible. When they came to the New World, they sought to abandon traditions that they believed interfered with the sanctity of Christianity. They found European Christmas traditions — which included loud caroling, public drinking, feasting, and other rowdy behavior — deeply offensive to religious worship."
GOOD NEWS for those pigging out at the Holidays!!! CNN's TEASE photo that got me to this article was a photo of a HUGE TURKEY and "Christmas Dinner" spread:
Sad, how the PUFFED-UP Christians FAIL!!!
Thank you Walter Five!!! You might enjoy my blog posting of last night that I sent and got received receipts from all of the Sheriffs and District Attorneys of the Lower Cape Fear who ALL Traffic Hard Drugs for Jesus and LOVE Donald Trump. It has gone VIRAL!!!:

My Mercy House homeless shelter buddy from late 2011, Brian (48 years old, white, THIN, and looking at least 60), DID come to my apartment last night after he finished working in a restaurant downtown.

And he knows all about the near ABSOLUTE CORRUPTION of nearly every Politician and Christian Church in Wilmington -- ALL of them running Hard Drugs, and half of them being White Supremacists as well. He said he only drinks beer and smokes pot (both of which we did), and then he pulled out a glass tube that he scraped down the inside of, saying it was full of SPEED -- and he smoked it.

He completely disrobed and for three hours we talked about "Old Days" and "Old Friends" -- including Robbie Trahan and "Jersey" (Michael Keogh)BOTH of whom D.A. Benjamin R. David -- an ELDER at First Presbyterian -- had paid with WHORES for info on ME -- that was actually FALSE), and he encouraged me to handle all his excitable parts -- but I stopped short of anything that is usually called sex.

Three hours of this!!!

Brian is on Disability, getting over $1,000.00 per month, and regularly works as a Day Laborer with a service, and at several restaurants as well. He has a camp near 11th and Red Cross Streets (that got flooded in the recent rain, and why I invited him for a hot shower, laundering, and some good food and drink).

Before I learned all of that, I had thought he MIGHT make it as my roommate and he told me he WANTED to move in. BUT, he said every day after being paid cash, he buys a HUGE THING OF SPEED that he smokes.

He woke up at 7:00 AM, I fixed him a BIG BREAKFAST of sausage, eggs and grits, and then dropped him back downtown.

I went back to bed -- DEPRESSED -- over the intractability of the beliefs of DRUG ADDICTS, and ADDICTS to Jesus Christ and his Agent on Earth: Donald Trump!!!

I talked at various times today with my mother, and sister Jane -- and just missed my brother Mike and sister Julie. Mom has enjoyed Christmas ALONE in Raleigh, and the rest of them got together at Julie's rented house with my brother's parents-in-law (RABID White Supremacist Evangelicals who love to call Barack Obama a "NIGGER" in the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!!!), my sister-in-law Gail, and my nephews and niece -- worried SICK how it would go if POLITICS came up (no report, so far)!!!

And then, this afternoon, I saw a bicycle parked on Robert James McKinney's front porch and the door open, so I knocked and a thin 23-ish red-headed guy -- who mysteriously addressed me by name -- said I had JUST MISSED ROB, but yes, he totaled his car about six days ago -- but NO ONE WAS HURT, and the other guy was at fault, so insurance will soon buy him another car.

SO, we will SOON have our local Marijuana and Other-Drugs Dealer installed back in my apartment house -- YAY!!! And REALLY, I was thrilled to hear it was NOT ROB'S FAULT!!!

The BEST THING today, was REALIZING that although my mother and siblings might not want to believe EVERYTHING I CLAIM (especially about some of Mom's BIGGER CRIMES), they all know I am HONEST and do my BEST to get PROOF before I claim a thing -- and they LOVE and RESPECT ME!!!

My FAVORITE North Carolina Politician:

From Tina DeGuzman: "I really believe you’re a pretty amazing man to our state. I know you don’t let God down. Happy Hanukkah"💙
“From combating the opioid crisis, to fighting to find justice for sexual assault victims, to blocking an e-cigarette industry that is hooking teenagers, Attorney General Josh Stein has been at the center of it all this year.” #ncpol via @ncpolicywatch.


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