Thursday, December 26, 2019

RP: And on Boxing Day, I Prepare to Write My "Christmas Thank-You Notes") -- but NOT YET!!!


Today, I ran a LOT OF ERRANDS around Wilmington, North Carolina -- and the homeless people must have had a GREAT CHRISTMAS because almost NO ONE was out PANHANDLING!!!

I plan to go to bed early tonight (before 11:00 PM), so I can get up and write a few thank-you notes to my family -- that sent me enough money not to be NERVOUS for a month or more!!!
TRUST I just bought my last package of adult diapers today!!! My rump is almost healed after three weeks plus -- LOL!!!

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The New Yorker Cartoons
7 hrs
Better gifts for Mary and Joseph.
(W) Fiscal conservatives who have supported Trump have no answer for this. Party of "fiscal responsibility"🤣🤣🤣 

"Trump inherited a deficit of $585 billion when he took office in January 2017. That was 58 percent lower than the $1.4 trillion former President Barack Obama inherited in 2009 following the financial crisisa number his administration slashed over two terms

According to the latest Congressional Budget Office data released on Mondaythe full-year deficit for 2019 is estimated to come in at $984 billion,"
This is NEARLY a year old, and in June of this year, over 200 Southern Baptist Youth Ministers in Texas -- ALONE -- were charged with sexually molesting minors. They are catching up with the Catholics!!! 

On February 11, 2019, Iceland declared the Southern Baptist Convention a TERRORIST GROUP!!!:

(W) This 2015 study conducted in six countries is worth resharing today:
- The study found that “family religious identification decreases children’s altruistic behaviors” and “children from religious households are harsher in their punitive tendencies.”

In other words, children raised in the absence of religion are more giving and generous.


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