Tuesday, December 31, 2019

RP: NEW INFO on Kenan-Family-Caused Antisemitism -- AND on Frank Sinatra's MOM, Dolly (aka "Hat-Pin") Sinatra: a DEVOUT Roman Catholic Nurse, Midwife, and Abortionist!!! / More:

For WIDER GRAPHICShttps://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2019/12/new-info-on-kenan-family-caused.html

Natalina Maria "Dolly" or "Hat-Pin" (Garaventa) Sinatra, 1896 - 1977:


1. I am SO GRATIFIED that blog hits have remained HUGE over the Holiday Season this year (when they normally drop off about 50%) -- and that it is AMERICANS who are hitting this blog to see my EXPOSE' of the CRIMES of my Christian Kenan relatives in Chapel Hill, nearly ALL Politicians in Wilmington, NC, and MOST of the Christian Churches here.

And that Law Enforcement is FINALLY taking me SERIOUSLY!!!

2. A SPECIAL SHOUT-OUT to WECT-TV of Wilmington -- for posting so many CONVERSATION-CAUSING News Posts!!! They get LOTS of comments -- from the ridiculous to the hateful to the entirely reasonable -- and HOPEFULLY in this interaction, people are coming to UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER BETTER -- the first step in learning how to all LIVE TOGETHER in RESPECT -- if not always LOVE.

3. Bug-n-a-Rug exterminators, https://www.bugnarug.com/, stopped by this morning for their contracted spraying against roaches and regular bugs, and I BRAGGED TO THE GUY that because I could not afford their minimum $1,000.00 heat treatment to kill bedbugs, I had finally gotten rid of them (and seen none for at least five months), by FINALLY springing the $54.00 at Stevens Hardware for a gallon of Harris Bedbug Killer -- used with Hot Shot Bedbug Aerosol Bombs that can be bought anywhere.

TWO treatments -- and they were GONE!!!

4. Yesterday, I met the mother of the guy who bought the "Feral-Cat House" across the street, who had traveled from Virginia to see the house her son is renovating to sell. We talked ALL ABOUT my Kenan Family's CORRUPTION of the ENTIRE USA and putting Trump into power -- and she LOVED WHAT I HAD TO SAY and ENCOURAGED me to NEVER STOP BLOGGING about it!!!

SHE had been a top assistant to one of Richard Nixon's CORRUPTED REPUBLICAN advisers who was GUILTY -- but escaped being CHARGED -- so knows ALL ABOUT how HATEFUL CHRISTIANS CAN BE!!!

Faith leaders say the growing number of anti-Semitic attacks is hard to ignore.
    • Scott Kenan Robin Buckalew: Keep your God-Hating, Trump-Loving Antisemitism (and I assume Drug Addiction as well -- look what it apparently did to your relatively young face), up yer "Rumpus Room" -- LOL!!! I don't argue but keep a database of who we might need to INVESTIGATE FOR CRIMES, but will BLOCK YOU, now:
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    • Scott Kenan SAD that our Jewish neighbors must live in this fear -- but SHOCKING that two of the four main comments showing (and many sub-comments), are completely CLUELESS. Some of them indicate the writers are definitely antisemitic -- but they are BRAZEN (in Donald Trump's America), so do NOT hide their identities. When I first came to Wilmington (early 2011), after General Colin L. Powell's retired Chief Protocol Officer Army Col. Dorothy Newman had to get me to Political Exile in Puerto Vallarta Mexico PV -- because I knew too much of my Kenan Family's hatred of Jews (I was raised with Swastikas on our dinner plates and my parents' friends have been MANY top Republicans), as well as setting up the Christian Drug Mafias of Wilmington, NC and Atlanta, GA. I ran into a group of about eight Jews leaving Temple of Israel, and I told them how when low, I visited with the Jews in a Jewish resort south of Puerto Vallarta where they cheered me. I could not then accept their invitation to join them for lunch -- and decided that I needed to fight the "NAZIS" in my Kenan Family myself without troubling JewsRob Reiner's cousin Jonathan had made me an "Honorary Jew" (there is no such thing), in 2010, after I first blogged that my parents were America's TOP NAZIS as told to me by two top Jews in business in Atlanta in 1990. Later, I wrote the Rabbi at the Temple when they allowed "The Anchor" church (which had been sending me male prostitutes I was not interested in in 2016), to worship in their building, that they harbor a LOT of Drug Mafia and to BEWARE. After seeing this, I think I had better get back in touch with Wilmington's Jewish Leadership and EXPLAIN how my Kenan Family corrupted MOST of Wilmington's Political Leaders and TOO MANY Christian Churches with HARD DRUGS. Here is my Letter I sent Rabbi Paul Sidlofsky on May 2, 2015. The Letter is halfway down: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/.../my-emails...
      My Emails Sent Today to Danny Hefner and Rabbi Sidlofsky of Metro-Wilmington, North Carolina!!!
      My Emails Sent Today to Danny Hefner and Rabbi Sidlofsky of…
      My Emails Sent Today to Danny Hefner and Rabbi Sidlofsky of Metro-Wilmington, North Carolina!!!


Robin Buckalew posted an animated gif of a goofball in a "tin-foil hat" -- JUST LIKE DISGRACED former Republican NC State Senator (and DEVOUT Roman Catholic who supplied lots of Hard Drugs to Democratic Party Official Ryan Lee Burris and other Democrats and Republicans -- Ryan DIED of an overdose in November 2018), Thom Goolsby frequently claimed I wear a TIN-FOIL HAT -- LOL!!! 

Then, after Thom Goolsby LOST his licence to sell financial instruments, Thomas S. Kenan III and his relatives hired Thom Goolsby to KEEP "Silent Sam" on the UNC campus -- which he FAILED TO DO -- and today, Thom Goolsby is being investigated for MORE FINANCIAL CRIMES!!!

Yeah, I am not at all self conscious about initially being raised Roman Catholic.
But I'm very angry at the hard, over-wrong direction that some groups who claim an association with the church are going.
This is America, damn it.
Of all my resentments about Barr,
his association with the church of my youth is the most grating.
-Except, perhaps, that fraudulently "moral" legal tape worms like Barr make it -very- clear that
I -not they- took the moral high road.
This IS America,
and here the rule of law is NOT set by anyone's favorite religious dogma.
S/SGT, USMC, -ex

  • Sherry Russell They were planted years ago. Now they are growing like hogweed.

  • Scott Kenan I LOVE this posting!!! I, too, am no longer Roman Catholic and HATE what so many "Catholics" have done to my former Church -- where I learned THE BEST VALUES -- the OPPOSITE of those of Republican "Catholics" like William Barr, Newt Gingrich, and Sean Hannity!!!

  • America's Progressive Voice I'm Roman Catholic, and continue to pray for the well being of the Church. - Carolyne

    • Scott Kenan Are you who writes "America's Progressive Voice"??? My SENTIMENTS are with you on this -- but I learned that prayers have little value except to make the one praying feel better. I HOPE you prove me WRONG!!!

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    • America's Progressive Voice (CB) Scott, there's a few of us. I respect Carolyne rather a lot. I have dear relatives who remain sincerely Roman Catholic... on both sides of the issue divide I alluded to.

    • Scott Kenan America's Progressive Voice Me, too, but MY Kenan Relatives of Chapel Hill put Donald Trump into power for JESUS -- and my own parents set up Wilmington, NC's and Atlanta, GA's Christian Drug Mafias (my good friend Lt. Gen. Russel Honore' -- a devout Catholic -- knows all about this), and Mom got her orders DIRECTLY when she visited Pope John-Paul II in Rome. We had Catholic Swastikas on our dinner plates growing up -- yet today, some of the BEST people I know are devout Catholics. It's the CHURCH that I have a problem with.
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>>> COMMENTS ON MY LAST POSTING FROM A WILMINGTONIAN FROM HERE: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2019/12/shock-my-nc-state-rep-deb-butler-is.html


  1. Not that it matters, but Frank Sinatra's mother, a nurse, was an abortionist in the 20s and 30s.
  2. Walter Five: I'd had NO IDEA of that -- and now see it is TRUE!!! Frank's heirs were INVALUABLE to me in researching the CRIMES of my Kenan Family -- but NOW won't speak to me because I disclosed that Patricia Sinatra (Frank's FAVE relative who runs Sinatra Enterprises and sold control of Bank of America to Kenan-controlled NationsBank), told me that Old Joe Kennedy got Frank to get his friends in Chicago to stuff the ballot boxes and STEAL the election for JFK -- who didn't know about it until later. Her son Danny was one of my good friends who helped me after Judges Sandra Ray/Criner AND Jeffrey Noecker violated my Civil Rights in their Courts MOST egregiously. Danny also told me he wanted to have sex with me, but could not because of his marriage vows to Phoebe Dollar. I had promised Patricia I would help get Danny off his METH/Adderall addictionbut could not and Danny ended up spending three years in California Prisons on Drug/Parole Violations -- getting out just over a year agoBUT, at least he is not DEAD of those drugs!!!

Danny Sinatra with Phoebe Dollar and their "Little Dividend" -- at home in Ontario, CA, Christmas 2018 -- right after he was SPRUNG.

And REALLYEVERYONE loves Frank Sinatra -- and HIS MOTHER'S STORY is just AMAZING!!! 

My friend John Lahr's book on Frank Sinatra

Mr. Lahr and I COLLABORATED SECRETLY while I wrote my memoir: http://laterdaysoftennesseewilliams.blogspot.com/, and then he wrote his BIO -- https://www.amazon.com/Tennessee-Williams-Mad-Pilgrimage-Flesh/dp/0393351653 -- and TOGETHER, they PROVE the timeline of how the Episcopal Church with the Republican Party and corrupted elements of the FBI and CIA (and the Kenan Family)MURDERED Tennessee Williams and STOLE his estate from Harvard University -- just like Jackie Kennedy Onassis had WARNED Tennessee they would do when we met on January 11, 1982.

"Live Life to the FULLEST!!!"


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