Monday, December 30, 2019

RP: SHOCK: My NC State Rep. Deb Butler Is FUNDRAISING on the Drug-Overdose Death of Her Wife (one year ago), Anni Parra -- and Deb ADMITTED TO ME She Traffics in HARD DRUGS with Republican Jonathan Deputy!!! / More:


Click on image to EXPAND.

This is the PHOTO MONTAGE Deb Butler used in yesterday's FUNDRAISING EMAIL that features Anni Parra in the first two photos. Deb WROTE THIS (and very well), on December 28, 2019, on the FIRST ANNIVERSARY of Anni Parra's overdose death

My FIRST account of this from January 1, 2019, when the NEWS finally hit Wilmington's Press!!!:

>> BEFORE I GET GOING, let me say that my friend James from Georgia -- featured in yesterday's posting -- wrote that he LOVED what I wrote about his visit and other things -- and I thank READERS, who hit it so much it went to the TOP HIT POSTING of the last seven days BEFORE it was up 12 hours!!! 

That popularity happens only a couple of times per year. If you missed it, you can read it here -- and NO, I got NO FLACK from ANYONE for pointing out Georgia Congressman John Lewis's HYPOCRISY -- he also has MUCH to his CREDIT!!!

I'm PLEASED to see that the County Democrats posted the ENTIRE LIST of all candidates of all parties for the upcoming Primary (filing is now closed), and it has everyone's CONTACT INFO so I can write any of them Letters if I feel a need to.

Also, it shows that the Republicans who want to PRIMARY SUPER-CORRUPT District Court Judge Sandra Alice Ray/Criner, are PROCEEDING, and I HOPE (especially since she was ENDORSED by MOST County DEMOCRATS -- the ones that ALSO LOVE Hard-Drug Trafficking for Jesus)

Here is Sandra Ray's list of ENDORSEMENTS that includes TONS OF CORRUPT DEMOCRATS (shockingly includes Judge Robin Robinson -- but BLESSEDLY NOT Deb Butler):

Here is the email I sent those Republicans to HELP THEM expose Sandra Alice Ray's CRIMES:

Judge Sandra Ray's former husband, Sherman Lee Criner, not only was caught in 2006 diddling the vagina of a five-year-old girl in Thalian Hall -- but Wilmington Christian Police INTIMIDATED the girl's father into NOT filing charges because the Criners were then TOP REPUBLICANS and CHRISTIANS, but after I published this photo of Sherman in Christian SNAKE WORSHIP, Sandra Ray DIVORCED HIS PECKER!!!

>>> IT'S GETTING LATE, so let me write about Deb Butler's FUNDRAISING EMAIL: 

Dear Scott,

It's that time of year when we all get sort of introspective. What were my successes and failures in 2019? What can I do better in 2020? What are my personal and professional goals?

For me, this past year was a whirlwind. A year of terrible grief at the loss of my Anni, and a year of political chaos both nationally and here in my beloved North Carolina. Folks have said my response to the political deception concerning the ambush budget vote, and the ensuing viral video, was courageous, and the phrase "I Will Not Yield" has become a bit of a rallying cry particularly for womenI think. I don't really see it that way, but if it empowers some or motivates others to engage politically, I'm glad about that for there is much critical work that lies ahead.

As I reflect on the gift my Anni gave me in supporting my service in our legislatureI realize that being in service to my community in her absence is the thing that has saved me. This community, this state, and the work I see so clearly that needs doing, are the things that keep me putting one foot in front of the other. So to Anni, and to all of you, I am eternally grateful. I hope that you can support my campaign for re-election. I am ready to fight like there's no tomorrow and I know you are too for the things that matter most; our children, our teachers, our water, our healthcare and so much more. Together, We Will Not YieldAre you with me?

Best always,

Deb Butler

The PROBLEM HERE is that Deb Butler mentions ONLY "our children, our teachers, our water, our healthcare" as SPECIFIC things she cares about -- all of them GREAT -- but in NOT including FIGHTING THE DRUG-ADDICTION and DRUG-TRAFFICKING CRISIS -- PERFECT to do in Memory of Anni Parra -- Deb REVEALS her TOTAL HYPOCRISY!!!

Here is Jonathan Deputy -- the REPUBLICAN (who with Deb FALSELY COMMITTED ME to the New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital in January 2018 -- because I kept BLOGGING about Deb's and Jonathan's DRUG TRAFFICKING)!!!

Chief District Court Judge JH Corpening RELEASED all my Commitment Papers PROVING THIS -- and Deb has admitted that Trafficking to my FACE more than once -- but considers herself PROTECTED FROM PROSECUTION by the Democrats and Republicans in Law Enforcement who work for my wealthy, Christian, Republican Kenan relatives in Chapel Hill: 

Please call Jonathan Deputy to ASK HIM about this -- and I will INCLUDE HIM in the email to my 100 Political Contacts so he is WARNED that he might get some calls:

(910) 367-1756

Frank and I on Mulberry Street in Little Italy, Manhattan, December 2009.

"Yes, Frank, and please make it a DOUBLE!!!"


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