Monday, December 23, 2019

RP: Well, THAT Got Me out of BED!!!


It's almost CHRISTMAS!!!

The American Santa Claus images were TOTALLY DEVELOPED by the Coca-Cola Company MANY decades ago -- back when it had Coca-leaf juice -- instead of today's Caffeine.

FEW people know that my Kenan Family owns one of the BIGGEST blocks of Coke stock -- and likely decided to take the Coca-leaf juice OUT -- after Mary Lily (Kenan) Flagler, and then Bingham DIED addicted to Cocaine and Laudanum that she got addicted to while doctors treated her Syphilis with Arsenic -- before Penicillin was invented!!! At that time -- much like AZT (the first drug against AIDS), was poison that hopefully KILLED THE VIRUS -- before killing the person -- ARSENIC was used to kill Syphilis first -- and the other drugs used to MUTE THE PAIN.

Santa Jesus Malverde (Saint Jesus Evil-Green), is the Patron Saint of the Sinaloa Cartel.

Just this week, I learned that former Mexican President Vicente Fox -- whom I call my "Co-Cincinnatus Retorno" (his Grandfather Fox was born in Cincinnati like me -- and then emigrated to Mexico), is accused of taking HUGE BRIBES from the Sinaloa Cartel!!!

I guess NO ONE IS CLEAN in the MASSIVE DRUG CORRUPTION of the USAMexico, and too much more of this world.

But this morning, I'd gotten up, eaten, played online and watched some news -- then went back to bed to let my poor, healing rump rest without the pain of sitting -- so it heals faster.

I was ALSO getting a bit DEPRESSED, given the ABSOLUTE REFUSAL TO FACE REALITY by the God-Hating FAKE Christians and Republicans about Donald Trump -- and the God-Hating Christian Politicians of BOTH Parties here in Wilmington, NC -- THEY run all the HARD DRUGS for Jesus Christ and their Christian Churches!!!

WHEN will any of it  HEAL ???

But then as we approached noon, I got a text from my brother announcing his Christmas gift to me -- and soon another announcement of the SAME from my mother and sisters -- and NOW, I'm feeling MORE AT EASE!!! 

Well, Elizabeth Warren is one of the FEW Democrats running that I don't have major reservations about -- and Joe Biden would be as bad as HILLARY CLINTON, with his major CORRUPTIONS and DEVIL-CHRISTIANITY (Roman Catholicism). Senator Warren is listed as Methodist -- but it says she attends MANY denominations.

The ONE THING that is CLEAR AS A BELL is that looking at ALL the US Senators and their religionsEACH CHRISTIAN DENOMINATION has about EQUAL NUMBERS of Democrats and Republicans -- so CHRISTIANITY is WORTHLESS in molding MORALITY and ETHICS.

The 14 Jews, Buddhists, and Unaffiliated are all DEMOCRATS!!!

If Christianity (or any of its denominations), were any GOOD -- all its adherents would BE ON THE SAME SIDE!!!


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