Sunday, December 22, 2019

RP: After Calling My Mother (America's former TOP CATHOLIC NAZI), and My Landlady Gold Walker, I also RESPONDED to My Alma Mater's (Denison University's), President, Adam S. Weinberg -- and MIRACULOUSLY My Comment Was NOT ERASED (like Denison USED TO DO)!!!


My favorite photo of Mom, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan, was taken ten years ago at this event:

Today, Mom is about ten days short of 97 years old, drives to Church and her Bridge Club -- where she COMPLAINS that 40-year-olds can't keep up with her game -- HA!!!

As I expected (see:, Mom never BLOCKED MY CALLS, but it must have been CIA/Christian, Republican, or Russian HACKERS.

She was in a great mood today, and I told her that to my knowledge, Sheriff Jody Greene of Columbus County, NC (and Local Law Enforcement who would work with him), have NOT removed Brandon Scott Kennedy and charged him with the Felonies he admitted to me he committed near Delco, NC during the last year. Brandon's homeless camp is a few hundred feet from my apartment.

But Mom is fine, and she might come visit me when my sister Jane of Raleigh drives down after the Holidays!!!

I called Gold Walker and wished her an early Merry Christmas. I told her about all the ODD THINGS that have been going on in this apartment building (which I enumerated in my last blog posting), and even though Rob McKinney's had no water for months (a lease violation), and that he has been coming and going -- often through a window!!! 

But has been "long-gone" now, but keeping a couple of windows unlocked and open an inch or so -- presumably he's lost his keys.

Gold said Rob's father always pays the rent on time, and that seems to be all she is concerned with. She said I have been awfully quiet lately (proving she does NOT read this blog), and I caught her up on all my medical procedures of the last year: two stents and a Pacemaker placed, repair of my Aorta Aneurysm in my abdomen, and a few weeks ago the cauterization of the growths on my butt (which continues to heal faster now -- with the application of a lot of gauze).

And then I caught Chad Wagner next-door preparing to leave for most of a week, to catch him up as well. His buddy Paul, who lives two blocks away and works sometimes with Chad in carpentry, will be checking in on Chad's cat.

From Phillip J Pineau: "Can I call the pope?" Answer: "Yes, I call him everyday -- a NAZI Child-Molester!!!"

  • Scott Kenan @Phillip J Pineau: My own mother set up the Christian Drug Mafias of Wilmington, NC where I live and Atlanta, GA by direct order of Pope John-Paul II, with Nixon's Aide John Ehrlichman, whom I knew well, in Atlanta with my employer 1990 - 2010, Patrick Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, GA (who distributes the Hard-Drugs flown into Maxwell AFB from Maine to Florida), Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, etc. My distant Kenan relatives who co-founded UNC Chapel Hill in 1789, and are RABID supporters of the "Silent Sam" statue (symbol of Confederates waiting to take over again), inherited control of Standard Oil from Henry Flagler in 1913 and now control Exxon-Mobil/Rex Tillerson, Bank of America, Coca-Cola, Kenan Advantage Group, the Ku Klux Klan, entire Republican Party and "Clinton Democrats". I work with Patriots including General Colin L. Powell and Lt. Gen. Russel Honore' to bring them to JUSTICE. I was the last assistant to playwright Thomas Lanier Williams (Tennessee Williams), so a bit of a DRAMA QUEEN, but that is how I knew most of JFK's family and the Reagans. Anyway, my Political Blog is getting TONS OF HITS (over 1.6 million so far), as I EXPOSE my family's crimes which they commit with Vladimir Putin who signed a deal with Rex Tillerson for Kenan-controlled Exxon-Mobil financed by Kenan-controlled Bank of America valued at HALF A TRLLION DOLLARS (MSNBC's Rachel Maddow found the proof of this a few months ago), for my Kenan Family to profit by developing Russia's Oil Reserves, and WHY Kenans put Trump into power in the name of Jesus Christ their SAVIOR (they are devout Episcopalian like Pete Buttigieg who can't get blacks or young people to vote for him -- HA!!!), and then to attack all non-Whites and non-Christians. Lately, I am getting almost as many hits from Russia and Ukraine as from the USA -- because they can get the DIRT on what my Kenan Family has been doing. You can read it here:
    The Weather Continues . . .
    The Weather Continues . . .
    The Weather Continues . . .

After 18 years, Denison has decided to end their partnership with Posse. On Tuesday, December 10, University President Adam Weinberg alerted students, faculty, staff and alumni via a mass email that Denison would be ending its partnership with The Posse Foundation. The Posse Foundation and Denison’s Posse scholars were not aware of this final decision until the email announcement. Read the article below to learn more.
  • Scott Kenan I graduated Denison University in 1973 and attended with my parents paying 1/3, I paying 1/3 including working four years for Denison (library, security, and Head Resident of Crawford Hall), and Denison provided the rest as Grant-in-Aid. I TOTALLY support diversity, and helped shut Denison down for Black Demands my freshman year, and with Dean Hansell (who went on to co-found GLAAD), and others founded the first GAY group at Denison in 1972 (it did not last). I understand President Weinberg's reasoning. My family's William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust -- gave Denison over $1,000,000.00 one year after I graduated (it had NOTHING to do with me -- my immediate family is "middle-class" but I know the wealthy ones -- they SUPPORT "Silent Sam" a Confederate monument on UNC's campus!!!) I was Thomas Lanier Williams's (Tennessee Williams's) last assistant and today work with General Colin L. Powell, Lt. Gen. Russel Honore' and other patriots to REMOVE Donald Trump from power. My wealthy relatives who co-founded UNC The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and today control Exxon-Mobil, Bank of America, Kenan Advantage Group, the Ku Klux Klan, etc., put Trump into power to DESTROY Democracy for Kenan Friend Vladimir Putin!!! More can be seen on my blog that's gotten more than 1.6 million hits so far:
    The Weather Continues . . .
    The Weather Continues . . .
    The Weather Continues . . .


I'm speechless to find this on the CRIMINAL Don Weise's Party for my personal friend Aiden Shaw's book: SORDID TRUTHS -- and it was AT my friend while I worked for Tennessee Williams artist Mark Beard's apartment -- where I attended Mark's Christmas Parties in 2009 and 2012!!! 

Anyway, I found it on a new Facebook Friend's Profile by chasing one of his LIKES

This is the almost LAST THING Alyson Books ever published on their Facebook Page -- right about the time they CANCELLED the contract to publish my book -- but they hadn't actually planned to publish it

Don Weise returned my materials that he had had for months, and not broken one seal on the many manila envelopes, each containing one photo or other publishable thing that I had sent him!!! They cancelled me about January 10, 2010.

Don Weise (center), and the Alyson Team at Mark Beard's apartment for Alyson's Book Launch Party for Aiden Shaw's Sordid Truths.

Alyson Books added 19 new photos to the album: Sordid Truths Book Release.
Written by Aiden Shaw

And for the REST of 2009 and since themAlyson Books has posted NOTHING!!!

Aiden Shaw (legally Aiden Brady), modeling in 2015.

YOU be the Judge!!!

I love HAIRY MEN!!!


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