Wednesday, August 5, 2020

RP: Progressives Are SICK over Joe Biden's Candidacy / "Rob" McKinney FREAKS Due to Adderall or LSD / My Brother Mike ENDS His Long Silence and Calls Me to Tell Me He Loves Me!!!


Scott Kenan
YesTRUMP may win if Biden doesn't get over his ROMAN CATHOLIC NAZISM!!!: 

The letter, obtained by HuffPost, attacks the “poor judgment” of former Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, who’s rumored to be on Biden’s short list of vice presidential candidates, and Antony BlinkenBiden’s long-time chief aide on foreign affairs, as well as several other prominent advisers who would likely be in line for cabinet-level appointments in a Biden administration.

Scott Kenan
WONDERED where all the ZOMBIES that went into the City when Jesus rose from the dead went -- THANKS for telling me!!!

Image may contain: text that says 'When the "g" falls off the graveyard sign. Void Mistress'
Sandra Beckham
“We must rewrite our story from one of fear to one of celebration.”
― Kameron Hurley, Rapture

Today, after getting electricity at 10:00 AM, I got a TON of things done, from washing all my bed clothes and the ripening, clammy clothes I'd worn in the 95 degree heat and humidity with no A/C for most of two days, showered, organized my DESK, which had become a DISASTER -- even for me -- paid up all my bills, discussed with one billing physician's office that I might SUE THEM for PAIN and SUFFERING since they BOTCHED an I.V. stick, and a month later I have still have edema, and they are testing me, so far finding I have no blood clots or infection, and they are BILLING me for these tests (the Ultrasound Scan for clots was charged at $1,329.00) -- plus I have a MORE expensive CT Scan scheduled Friday -- to see if I have a TUMOR in my arm.

The edema was SUDDENLY obvious from the time I completed the Chemical Stress Test where the tech had poked all around very painfully, before sticking my vein. How I could SUDDENLY get a tumor at that time seems COUNTER-INTUITIVE to me, and I've already threatened them with a Lawsuit -- if it's found she messed up my vein and it needs repair now -- unless they pay for ALL OF THIS. I know it was not an INTENTIONAL error, but it was NOT MY FAULT and that's why doctors carry INSURANCE!!!

I also got some gardening done, and made fresh Marinara Sauce. I learned my sister Julie lost power in Exton, PA due to Isaisa, which really tore up a lot of the Mid-Atlantic, and only one storm in HISTORY tore up New York City MORE!!!

Well, a LOT of funny things happened during the time of the storm and its extended Power Outage, including:

1. With me unable to blog (although I got PART of my last posting up during two brief times of power), Readers hit THIS posting the most:

And this second most:

2. Remember my neighbors, the ADDERALL/METHAMPHETAMINE ADDICTS and DEALERS: Robert "Rob" James McKinney, Jr., and James "Aaron" Gallimore, Jr. (also a GAY WHORE), as seen on Rob's front porch, recently???:

Aaron is waving me and my camera off.

Well, Rob showed up at my door at 10:30 last night -- after the power had come on for 1.5 hours and then went off (until 10:00 this morning), wearing a TRIPPY HUGE T-SHIRT Joseph Faulk had bought for me and shipped to me in Puerto Vallarta years ago -- but it was the size of a MUUMUU -- even on 6' 11" me, so I'd given it to Aaron, who loved it, while he lived here -- and I asked Rob how HE came to be wearing it.

"Aaron and I were running around at Greenfield Lake, and I tore my shirt I was wearing completely apart, poured creek water all over it, and Aaron gave me his shirt to wear."

Sounds more like they were doing LSD -- rather than ADDERALLno???

And last night, Rob told me he was COMPLETELY FREAKED OUT because the power had come on so long and then gone out -- and he was SWEATING LIKE A PIG (which he smelled like)HAD NO SOFA TO SLEEP ON, and didn't know WHAT TO DO!!!

I told him we would PROBABLY get power back in the morning, and if it is THAT psychologically and physically uncomfortable for him -- to go stay overnight at his FATHER'S HOUSE.

I pointed out that two weeks ago, I spent half an hour helping him remove his OLD sofa, because he said he was getting a NEW ONE delivered that day. (Rob also has a BED that he NEVER sleeps on, it covered with tools, papers, etc.), and last night he said he is getting a new sofa in two weeks. I said, just like you said two weeks ago -- you are as ADDERALL-CRAZED as Donald Trump!!!

Rob laughed -- then drove to his father's house for the night.

My Letter RECEIVED by Steve Schmidt, Rick Wilson, David Plouffe, Glenn Greenwald, and the Daily Kos:

3. I had a long discussion with former S.D.S. (Students for a Democratic Society, 1960s), member, Boxing Champion, Military Vet, and he had many MORE careers, Richard from across the street, and when I told him that my MOTHER, America's TOP NAZI (formerly), had THANKED ME for writing my Letter and getting RIGHT TO POPE FRANCIS via email through a GAY CATHOLIC GROUP -- letting him know that the Knights of Columbus, under LYING GUISE of "American Honor Guards of North Carolina", had worn TRUMP-WEAR, the CROSS OF JESUS, and NAZI and Ku Klux Klan flags and symbols, calling Blacks "Niggers" and threatening to KILL THEM -- THIS WHILE CLAIMING TO REPRESENT THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH -- well Richard CONGRATULATED ME for making SO MUCH PROGRESS with my mother!!!

My mother is showing signs of having been REDEEMED!!!

4. And THIS leads to my brother, Mike, calling to say he loves me today (and not much else):

Mike and Gail on right, at Taylor's UNC Graduation a few years ago -- Connor and Max to the left.

Mom told me a couple of days ago that she RARELY speaks to Mike -- and he has issues with Mom to work out that I have ALREADY worked out for myself:

But Mike is PROUD of me, for finding the BALLS to tell off both Luis Raphael Zarama, the Archbishop of North Carolina -- AND POPE FRANCIS!!!

And getting Mom to THANK ME.

5. EVERYONE in Wilmington, North Carolina should THANK ME -- for NOT driving this MEXICAN BLOGGING MACHINE that I found in Villanueva, Mexico BACK to use in the USA:

6. But thinking "Villanueva", I am FONDLY REMEMBERING the VERY FIRST Mexican I ever dated -- back in Atlanta in 1983:

Dr. Jose Octavio Tripp Villanueva

Me, in a Mexican Mood.


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