Monday, August 3, 2020

RP: Did My Letter to Pope Francis Put Emeritus Pope Benedict onto His DEATH BED??? / WECT-TV6, Wilmington and Sheriff Ed McMahon PROVE They Are NAZI/Catholic TRAITORS / "Hurricane Isaisa" isa isa Lot Less, Now Approaching Wilmington (now passed) / Rev. Rich Scott and OTHERS Are Certain Teri Motsinger's Benefits Management, Inc., Is STEALING THEIR FUNDS!!!


It is now 11:06 PM and the power (as I began this sentence), went out for 15 seconds. I'd just heard MSNBC say the BIGGEST WINDS are over Wilmington -- right now!!! The last forecast was for sustained 47 MPH winds, but we are getting gusts much higher. I might not be able to finish this until morning -- if it gets too much worse. We'll see. The eye is set to cross us about midnight.

The most GRATIFYING thing to me, was to see WECT-TV6, Wilmington's NBC affiliate, report so much POSITIVE B.S. about the "Blue Lives Matter" marchers, who were actually LED by the Knights of Columbus, and SENT by the Roman Catholic Church -- NOT because they LIED (no news media should do that), but because it was their top Producer, who in 2015, told me that ALL WILMINGTON PRESS had agreed to NEVER report on me or what I disclose about CHRISTIAN HARD-DRUG CORRUPTION of Wilmington -- set up by my parents on order of Pope John Paul II. 

We just had another brief power interruption. So I took a toke. The internet is struggling hard, but not yet up so I can access links I plan to drop in here. 

New Hanover County Sheriff Ed McMahon -- with Chip Jones, head of "American Honor Guards of North Carolina" -- a Catholic Church NAZI DOGS ATTACK PARAMILITARY GROUP.

Chip Jones leading that march with FEW of them wearing masks (although in WECT-TV6's coverage, they found a small group of them who did).


THIS was ready to be uploaded, and SINCE THEN, the Vatican has said Pope Benedict XVI's health is "not so worrying":


He's been NEAR DEATH due to an infection of his FACE!!!

I think they CANCELED City Council Meeting last night, so didn't VOTE on giving Katrina Knight and the Good Shepherd -- one of the BIGGEST HEROIN and other Hard Drug Distributors in Wilmington -- $420,000.00 (4:20 TIME, no???), in EXTRA FUNDS to EMBEZZLE!!!


And my power finally came on FOR GOOD (fingers crossed), at 10:00 AM this morning (Wednesday). Below is what I wrote during all of those hours off-line:

At 3:00 PM Tuesday August 4, 2020, the power came on for about four seconds, went out, and flashed on two more times. It is 18 minutes later, but they must be working on my neighborhood’s circuit, and will probably have it back on soon.

I awoke at 6:30 AM today (Tuesday), and the sky was solid clouds and there was a good breeze. I went back to bed and slept another hour. Went out to walk around Spofford Circle and discovered no limbs were down thicker than two inches – except a massive limb had fallen on the old FEMA trailer parked at the house with the person on oxygen, and their generator was going. Two ladies, both widows living alone in their eighties, were raking their yards, “before it gets hot”. I spoke with both for a while.

One of them – after I told her I’d lived in Mexico for nearly five years and had been through two minor hurricanes in Puerto Vallarta -- asked me what I thought of the Mexicans and Mexico. I love both -- and also had a lot of trouble with both – but I didn’t get into any of my troubles. She said, “Well Mexicans are just TERRIBLE PEOPLE – I can’t believe the disgusting and sick things they do in their families!!!”

Well, they DO tend to drink Coca-Cola in huge amounts at breakfast, but I doubt that was what she meant, and I didn’t want to hear the hateful lies she believed. She’d already thanked Jesus we’d gotten through the storm so well, and told me where-all she’d lived, and it was nowhere outside S.E. North Carolina.

Later, I spoke with the older couple – not including the one on oxygen – who were removing the huge limb from the FEMA trailer. That whole household is full of “Jesus-Lovers” and TRUMP-WORHIPERS, and without bringing up anything but the storm, we had the FIRST friendly conversation EVER – except that two years ago after hurricane Florence, I’d offered they could siphon gas from my car for their generator to run the oxygen, but they got out in their hepped-up macho-truck, and found gasoline somewhere that had electricity to pump it. USUALLY, they refuse to return a smile or a wave when I pass them on the street. Several middle-aged, blue-collar men smoke cigs on the front porch, so I see them often.

My mother did fine in Raleigh, and had power when I spoke with her about 9:30.

I took a drive downtown late morning, and it appeared that ¾ of Wilmington had already gotten power back on, and the restaurants and other businesses on Front Street were open and BUSY!!! I drove past the Visitors Center where homeless people hang out, and of the three there, my former roommate, the late-onset schizophrenia-sufferer Rev. Rich Scott, was one of them.

He said that HE had never gotten one of the many hotel rooms Katrina Knight and her Good Shepherd Center had received many hundreds of thousands of dollars to put homeless into for “COVID-19 Safety” – and last night City Council was to vote on whether to give them ANOTHER $420,000.00, in the meeting that I bet was cancelled.

Rev, Scott also said that he GAVE UP (and he IS an ordained Christian Minister with a four-year degree in Religion and he’s an Army Vet of four or six years as well, with Honorable Discharge), worshiping the “worthless Jesus”, and now only worships Krishna. And he told ME that he thinks the rabid Christian Teri Motsinger, owner of Benefits Management, Inc., has been STEALING HIS MONEY!!!

He gets both regular Disability and Veterans Disability, netting more per month than my +/- $1,300.00/month Social Security – but instead of now allowing him to have however much he wants when he wants it, she only allows him to get $200.00/week, or $860.00/month

I asked him if they are SAVING it for him, and he said he didn’t think so – and that several others are CERTAIN B.M. is also stealing their money. Rich said he might sic his brother, an accountant, on Teri Motsinger!!!

I then told him I’m almost certain that Teri stole $600.00 from me, and her accounting system is like a foreign language, nearly impossible to figure out – and if so, I would LOVE to put that hateful Christian BITCH into PRISON  – she said that Katrina Knight was FABULOUS – even though Teri KNEW Katrina’s Good Shepherd is one of the BIGGEST HEROIN DISTRIBUTORS in town – beside they murdered two friends of my former roommate David Escalante in 2011, as well as hung a “Wanted Dead or Alive” poster in Good Shepherd with my photo, name, and contact info!!!

I drove by Gold Walker’s house, but she was not in the yard, to tell her everything is fine in these apartments, then passed Democratic NC Representative Deb Butler’s House. Deb wasn’t out either, BUT, I could see a SINGLE GIGANTIC SUNFLOWER standing alone in her back garden (a MIRACLE that if survived the storm), so her DONORS to her current FUNDRAISER will NOT be disappointed, and her watermelons growing on the ground (which I could not see – it’s a VERY small garden), probably are fine as well.

AND, I had not thought about the pine cones that this time of year begin falling GREEN, HEAVY, and from HIGH UP from the two huge pines over most of our parking, and one – or two -- CRACKED MY WINDSHIELD two places in front of the driver – but not enough to obstruct a good view. Chad Wagner, next-door, had SOMETHING truly SMASH his windshield on the passenger side (one cracked like crazy and pushed in, the other simpler), on his new Toyota – but I haven’t seen him to ask, but I’m sure he was at his retreat at Spirit Lake overnight.

It is now over 1.5 hours since the power flashed on here, and no more flashes of power. I’m about ready to go out to get some HOT FOOD and eat it in AIR CONDITIONING!!!

The power came ON at about 7:30 PM – I caught up much blogging – and then an EXPLOSION in my neighborhood (not as bad as in Beirut), and after the temp in my apartment fell from 81 – 77 degrees, the power is again OFF and Duke Energy texted they have NO IDEA when it will get repaired!!!

It FINALLY came on at 10:00 AM Wednesday!!!


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