Tuesday, April 19, 2022

RP: Costco Woke Me This Morning and CANCELLED My Membership -- but the "Manager" Did NOT EXPLAIN Why He Called Me from a New Hanover County Government Office Phone -- Listed to County Offices on Market Place Drive -- LOL!!!

For WIDER GRAPHICShttps://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2022/04/costco-woke-me-this-morning-and.html

Craig Jelinek, CEO of Costco


COSTCO: Top Ally of Kenan Family/Biden/Trump/Zuckerberg/Puti

You get the idea: Putin. HA!!! And Costco allied itself with TOP CHRISTIAN DEMS and REPUBS in Wilmington, North Carolina -- and did both ME and YOU a huge favor.

And "The Emperor" has NO CLOTHES: CNN reports the Russian Orthodox Church is making HUGE MONEY off the War of Total Destruction of Ukraine -- CHRISTIANS: WHO NEEDS THEM???



I was up early -- and THRILLED to see that my posting of yesterday is doubling hits of the posting before ithttps://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2022/04/letter-to-second-nc-sheriff-whom-i-know.html

And I saw Port City Daily's Political Profile of Sheriff Alan Cutler of Pender County. I have met MORE PEOPLE claiming that the Sheriff's Deputies of Pender County actually sell CRACK and METH from their cruisers!!! Not only that, but my second cousin Robert C. "Bobby" Kenan, Jr., a lawyer and many tell me "Drug Court Judge" as well, passed word to me that the wealthy Kenans of Chapel Hill had BLACK-LISTED me with ALL LAWYERS this side of Asheville (400 miles west), and then MY OWN LAWYER, Bruce Mason, FIRED ME and told me the wealthy Kenans had forced him to -- and that I would not find a lawyer this side of Asheville.

Robert C. "Bobby" Kenan, Jr. is NOT A HEALTHY-LOOKING PERSONAND my mother told me many times that years ago when she was setting up the Christian Drug Mafia of Wilmington with John Ehrlichman and on Orders of Pope John-Paul II, that Bobby Kenan was one of her BIGGEST PARTNERS in that.

Bruce and Amanda Mason of https://www.masonmasonlaw.com/

Readers will recall that after Bruce Mason told me all of that, I waited in the outer office while speaking with his Admin, Hannah. Bruce said he would tell me how to get the MAXIMUM from Time/Warner (right as they transitioned to SPECTRUM), but instead, he RAN OUT THE DOOR past us, we followed to the front porch, and as he ran west on Princess Street, he hollered back to us, "I have NO CONSCIENCE!!!"

I ran into Hannah at Walmart two weeks later, and she said she was so afraid SHE was caught in Bruce's ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES, that she had WALKED OFF THE JOB!!!

And this was over this truck that Mayor Saffo and Councilman Charlie Rivenbark had such a GOOD LAUGH about it having hit me, that Rivenbark told me he hoped I got a DOG and it was run over TOO!!!

Anyway, you can see how Port City Daily REFUSED to report Sheriff Alan Cutler's Crimes -- since HE TOO, is a CIA-CHRISTIAN!!!

He ALSO works with D.A. Benjamin R. David who covers TWO Counties, and D.A. David with Wells Fargo Advisors, Fox News, Rahm Emanuel, and Barack Obama charged me falsely with LIBEL, never legally served me in Mexico, then tried me IN ABSENTIA in Chicago's Cook County Court, and LOOK WHAT THEY GOT!!!

Not only THAT, but Ben David has THREE TIMES to my face claimed he would get it UNDONE -- but that BASTARD-ELDER of First Presbyterian has NOT DONE A THING!!!


>>> BEST NEWS ITEMS TODAY are all about DEMOCRATS ABANDONING JOE BIDEN!!! But I won't post any -- they are ALL OVER THE NEWS, including CNN and MSNBC!!!

And Robert Reich sent me this video that pretty well shows how Trump will get back into the Oval Office -- ONLY POSSIBLE if Democrats CONTINUE to support Joe Biden, Rahm Emanuel, David Plouffe/Mark Zuckerberg/Priscilla Chan, and Vladimir Putin's PLAN TO DESTROY DEMOCRACY for JESUS CHRIST.

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