Monday, April 18, 2022

RP: Letter to the SECOND NC Sheriff Whom I Know: Blake Wallace of Duplin County. His Office is around the Corner from Liberty Hall in Kenansville, North Carolina:


Sheriff Blake Wallace (Republican), is the PICTURE of a healthy White man -- with a "confused focus".

(and the colored-girls sang"This is gonna be GOO-OOOOD!!!")

>>> Time to ARREST Joe Biden and his fellow Putin-Lovers!!! (Barack and Michelle Obama will REALLY love this):

TOO MANY PEOPLE and news agencies have ALREADY sent me received receipts for this posting to stop the TRUTH from getting out -- and now to SCOTUS and TONS OF DEMS, real and Christian TRAITORS!!!

I include some REALLY funny FACES:


Just look at the TOTAL CRAP that both Political Parties have running in the Lower Cape Fear:


Korn and Wildeboer are Republicans, while Beaulieu (whom I've actually conversed with), and Robinson are Democrats. NOT A ONE OF THEM looks like a NATURAL HUMAN!!! And they ALL chose these photos to accurately represent themselves.

ALL Locals KNOW that the Port City Daily partners with NBC affiliate WECT-TV6 to LIE ABOUT CANDIDATES with the goal to elect White Supremacist and Hard-Drug-Trafficking CHRISTIANS for the CIA and our NAZI FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

Read about them and more local candidates here.

I'd never even heard of Mike Korn, but it is OBVIOUS why the Republicans are running him:

Port City Daily (PCD): What sets you apart as a candidate? 

Korn: " . . . More recently (this week???), I have been one of the most active volunteers working with Americans for Prosperity and the Trump Victory Team. I have spent much time in local and neighboring counties and traveling the country, meeting candidates and others who help make our community and country safe. I have run charitable fundraising organizations, raising money for cancer organizations, youth organizations and more."

The FIRST thing you know from this photo I got from Nelson's Facebook page, is that the TATTOOS mean he CANNOT BE A CHRISTIAN!!!

And I met Nelson Beaulieu at a FUNDRAISER for Julia Olson-Boseman in fall of 2015 (where I also met County Commissioner Rob Zapple -- who KNEW of all the Kenan Crimes that he and I discussed then, and Zapple -- with Deb Butler, since she reformed -- are the TWO local Politicians I TRUST)!!!

Julia, a devout Methodist, has since had her LAW LICENCE REMOVED, and she went on to partner with the Cameron Family, Live Oak Bank, Kevin Maurer and his fellow CIA Agents, the Presbyterian and Episcopalian Congregations of Wilmington, and STOLE New Hanover Regional Medical Center from the Citizens of New Hanover County -- she's a TRUE CHRISTIAN!!!

Anyway, Dem Beaulieu is a TOTAL ANTI-MASKER and opposed students wearing COVID masks -- back when it was MORE IMPORTANT than today. And he FREQUENTLY got into VERBAL FIGHTS with probably non-diagnosed or treated Bipolar Board Member Judy Justice (also a Dem). I met her daughter in an Aldi a couple of years ago, and Judy's daughter SERIOUSLY BULLIED ME -- because she had not LISTENED TO ME and we were actually IN AGREEMENT!!!

If DEB BUTLER endorses Judy JusticeagainI'll DEFINITELY VOTE FOR JUDY!!!

But rather than an electionthese two Dem Party Foes should go at it MUD-WRESTLING for the position!!!

And just like in this photo, Judy should RIP OFF NELSON'S PANTS so we can see if he even HAS A DORK!!! Although a Military Veteran, Nelson has a HIGH, SQUEAKY VOICE, so maybe he lost something during his Military Service.

TOTALLY UNDERSTAND when Adam Kinzinger says he is "tired in his bonesof his fight within the Republican Party, I am too, although MY FIGHT is with my own Democratic Party more than the REPUBLICANS, now that Biden is proven to be aligned with Vladimir Putin -- like Trump was!!!

I think his COURAGEOUS STAND will actually give him a REAL CHANCE at running for President -- especially after Trump and MANY TOP REPUBLICANS are convicted and imprisoned as TRAITORS.

THIS was sent to me by the Pew Charitable Trusts. Sun Oil Company was founded by J. Howard Pew, a TOTALLY WHITE SUPREMACIST PRESBYTERIAN, whom both my father and brother worked for nearly their entire lives. Mike now works for the Bush and Cheney Families overseeing Accounting of many of THEIR Oil Refineries!!!

At Denison University, a few of the Pew Heirs were students while I was -- and they told me that J. Howard would TURN OVER IN HIS GRAVE if he knew his HEIRS had REJECTED HATEFUL CHRISTIANITY, and now support DEMOCRACY!!!

ALSO, my father rescued a lot of furniture when Sun Oil's HQ on Walnut Street in downtown Philadelphia was renovated, and I wrote my Tennessee Williams Memoir -- while sitting in a walnut board-room chair from Sun Oil!!!

The GIST of this is that LOCAL GOVERNMENTS and others will DESTROY EXXON-MOBIL (the WORST BY FAR of Oil Companies) -- if Putin's ally Joe Biden and all the Progressive Dems CONTINUE TO SUPPORT VLADIMIR PUTIN.

Blake Wallace is EXHAUSTED and retiring as Sheriff at the end of 2022.

Steve Carell and I both graduated from Denison University, and often comment on Politics and Religion, together. Please see

Sheriff Blake Wallace

Cc: Sheriff Ed McMahon:, nearly 500 via email, and ALL my Secured Server Contacts from the Supreme Court on down.

April 18, 2022

Dear Sheriff Wallace,

I just now learned you are RETIRING, and that changes everything!!! The BEST THING about meeting you in 2015 was learning what a TOTAL GENTLEMAN and SMOOTH SMOOTHER you are -- when I drove up to Liberty Hall in 2015 and everything was LOCKED when it should have been OPEN.

You approached me in the friendliest way, shook my hand and introduced yourself, then told me that two "hysterical women" had gone NUTS and were SCARED TO DEATH OF ME, but to please return in a week or two and I would be ALLOWED INTO both Liberty Hall and the Cowan Museum!!!

I knew you were a man of INTEGRITY!!!

And I guess there is no point discussing your life and career, since you are ending the latter one (only). But my having been a member of First Presbyterian here in Wilmington the second half of 2011 -- BECAUSE a woman at Liberty Hall many years ago had allowed me to examine and skim several Presbyterian Thought books that were nearly 300 years old. I was SHOCKED how close it is to Science of Mind (which I am a Practitioner of), and the Religious Science Church in Wilmington was then TOTALLY CORRUPTED and now GONE.

So I sought out Pastor Ernie Trice Thompson IV of First Presbyterian -- known locally as "The Kenan Cathedral to White Supremacy and Addictive-Drug-Trafficking", and Ernie SHOWED ME how he kept the congregation Lily White -- and he also told me he wanted to have SEX with me (a surprise to me!!!), but could not because of his Marriage Vows.

And the Asst. Pastor then told me that they DO PROTECT District Attorney Benjamin R. David's HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING. Also -- and YES, back to Denison University and 1973 -- I was close friends with Bert Bennett III, and traveled with him to Winston-Salem, never then knowing that his TOTALLY COOL FATHER, Bert Bennett, Jr., was the ARCHITECT of MODERN NORTH CAROLINA POLITICS, having gotten SEVERAL Dems elected to Governor and my HERO, JFK to win in North Carolina!!!

And this was while Frank Hawkins Kenan, a lifelong Ku Klux Klan Member and HEAD of "The Gang of Five" in Raleigh, ran the NC Republican Party. And it was Frank's brother James Graham Kenan of Atlanta (where I then lived), who sent me to his ROMAN CATHOLIC nephew by marriage -- not blood -- Lawyer, Race-Car Driver, Stunt Pilot, and Best-Selling Author Gregg Loomis, and Gregg told me that the wealthy, Episcopalian Kenans hated only JEWS more than they hate "Niggers".

I suspect that God hates Presbyterians and Episcopalians more than he hates SATAN!!!

Well, I am BEYOND DISGUSTED as the WORST LAWYER with a TV Show and ALSO a JEW-GONE-BADAri Melber, is PROMOTING Vladimir Putin's connection to Joe Biden, Joe Manchin, etc. -- David Plouffe -- as I type!!!

MSNBC saw a 62% drop among viewers 25-54 year-over-year, and a 47% decline among all viewers. Fox News Channel was the only cable news network to increase its viewership—up 6% in the key demo and up 2% among total viewers—compared to the same period in 2021.Feb 21, 2022

WHICH of the two is SUBSERVIENT???


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