Sunday, May 19, 2024

RP: Coming Up Father's Day . . . WHICH Urinal of Religious Dogma Does/Did YOUR DAD Drink From??? There are MANY CHOICES!!!


>>> Dear V.P. Harris (and all others):

"A word to the WISE is SUFFICIENT!!!":

Dear Mr. President (Biden),

I doubt it is your Birthday, but I'm pretending that it IS -- and THIS is your PRESENT (from me):

Scott David Kenan

Wilmington, North Carolina

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Dr. Phil is one of the charletons brought to us by Oprah Winfrey!!! Dr. Oz is the other biggest one. HOWEVER Phil McGraw lost his licence -- it's GONE -- LOL!!!
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'u/truehalf Dr. Phil lost his းစးသ် license to practice psychology in 2006. Therefore, all guests on his TV show must sign a contract stating they are only there to receive "advice" from individual, not a psychologist. Nsn an'
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Asked about criticism from “conservative bishops” in the US who have opposed Francis’ more progressive papacy and efforts to reform the Catholic Church, the Pope paused on the word “conservative,” saying a conservative is “one who clings to something and does not want to see beyond that. It is a suicidal attitude.”

There is an important difference between taking “tradition into account” and being “closed up inside a dogmatic box,” Francis emphasized. Francis has envisioned a merciful Catholic Church open to everyone, a “field hospital” ready to bind up the wounds of a suffering humanity. But during his pontificate, the Argentinian Pope has faced attacks from some inside the church who see him as breaking with tradition and have resisted his call for reform, including an embrace of LGBTQ+ Catholics. Internal backlash has also emerged to his outspokenness on the plight of migrants and need to address climate change.

 Star News 
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LOL!!! That is HER opinion!!!

EVERYONE at the Wilmington Star News (and the Gannett/USA Today Network), supports CIA HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING with the CHRISTIAN CHURCHES and BOTH the Republican and Democratic Parties!!!

BOTH Joe Biden and Donald Trump WORSHIP Jesus Christ, the bringer of TOTAL WHITE SUPREMACY and Slavery and DEATH to Black African and Native American races.

We need to TRY THEM FAIRLY -- and then DRAW AND QUARTER them in public:

"Drawn and Quartered!!!"

In Wilmington, North Carolina, this includes -- ESPECIALLY -- Benjamin Schachtman, because he KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT HE IS DOING, and CIA Agent Kevin Maurer (Schachtman's closest friend), who not only interviewed me for the CIA by phone on FALSE PRETENSES while I was in Political Exile in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (by help of Colin Powell's people), but wrote the best-selling "No Easy Day" about the assassination of Osama bin Laden ordered by President Obama -- since Rahm Emanuel, Vladimir Putin, and George W. Bush (and you can add my wealthy Kenan relatives), BLACKMAILED Obama over his GAY LOVERS.

So, Obama, too, was in service to Vladimir Putin via my Kenan Family's EXXON-MOBIL, Bank of America, Coca-Cola, etc.

Also, Dem Mayor "Bill" Saffo, Repub City Councilman Charlie Rivenbark, Dem Sheriff Ed McMahon, Dem D.A. Benjamin R. David, and basically EVERY CITY COUNCIL MEMBER and EVERY NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMMISSIONER (especially the Christian Ministers who are HUGE DRUG TRAFFICKERS for JESUS CHRIST their LORD!!!).

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I'm with Cardi B -- and I HOPE MY READERS are too!!! We need REAL CANDIDATES -- not DRUG-TRAFFICKING CHRISTIANS!!!:

"Cardi B says she’s refusing to vote for either a Democrat or Republican for president. Bluntly offering her take on President Joe Biden and opponent Donald Trump in a sprawling interview with Rolling Stone out on Thursday, she said bluntly, “I don’t fuck with both of y’all niggas.”

The rapper, who made the same pledge back in March, talked about feeling “layers and layers of disappointment” from Biden, who she went to bat for during the 2020 election cycle. “I feel like people got betrayed,” she said, citing towering cost of living, stagnating wages and an utter lack of action from people at the top.

THE CIA is TOTALLY CORRUPTING MY COMPUTER!!! I'll try to complete this LATER -- after watching Pope Francis's interview on CBS 60 MINUTES this evening!!!


HAVING JUST WATCHED THE ENTIRE INTERVIEW WITH POPE FRANCIS -- I am impressed that he is so OPEN and LOVING -- unlike too many Catholics and like most of my NAZI-Meyer cousins

And I am GLAD that I have been in dialogue with SEVERAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH LEADERS, including the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Top Moderator of the Church of Scotland/Presbyterianism!!!

Pope Francis apologizing to Native Americans in Alberta, Canada.

TOTAL PARADOX since this, too, is TRUE!!!:

Three CHRISTIAN NAZIS eating dinner like SWINE!!!

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"While some of my more conservative friends don't like it, I have always been a fan of James Carville.

"I deeply respect his service to our nation in the U.S. Marine Corps and admire the fact that he got his degree from LSU at night while working during the day.

"I enjoy his political analysis because he has walked the walk quite successfully over the years, and I especially like the fact that he had the good sense to marry Mary Matalin, a woman I have crossed paths with politically over the years and consider to be an exceptional strategist."

And TONIGHT, I "PAUSE" BLOGGING -- as the Christian CIA or Other Hackers have CORRUPTED MY COMPUTER more than they have been able to since I FLED BACK TO WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA from PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO in May of 2015!!!




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