Saturday, November 27, 2010

Ah . . . Sabado Gigante!!!

Am I the luckiest person alive, or what???

First, the head cook at the ultra-taco stand that Dr. Mabrey’s perhaps-es-girlfriend owns gave me about eight (ocho!) fried tacos for breakfast today, then I got free coffee from a vender at the market across from Coco’s fabulous Kitchen. Next thing I know, I find a vendor up that street who can sell me a new model Apple laptop for less than the authorized dealers – and set me up with a larger screen to replace the one Benjamin and Arianna Shields stole from me, and while admitting they still have it, absolutely REFUSE to return it. Of course it appears they are in jail now, actually. Their flagship store, Gecho’s Bar, upstairs and three or so doors from McDonalds on the north end of the Malecon, has been closed for three days straight. (More email addresses at – my former employer in Georgia – have gone dead. This, just for the record. That’ll teach GA Rep. John Linder, Newt Gingrich, and Dick Cheney to watch their p`s and q`s!!! The documents in my (and now also law enforcement’s) hand PROVE they were Patrick Stansbury’s bosses.

Don´t mess me with, Republicans/CIA/Mexican PRI Party (actually, just a front for the CIA and the Bush family/Dick Cheney). If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times: I channel this thing I call KENAN, and I CANNOT be defeated. This is only true because I draw my strength and inspiration from my allies. My “family”, so to speak. I am no one special – and no one knows and loves that more than me.

As I was writing this, someone texted me “proving” that my friend and metaphysical teacher, Jim Wilson, is one of the largest narco-traffickers to the USA. I refuse to believe it, and will judge the evidence of how he treats he with a very keen eye from now on.

SAY IT ISN’T SO!!!!!!!!!!!

Because of this, I will communicate no more of the miracles that happened to me here today in Paradise. (My friends are sometimes harassed if I mention names, etc.)

My immediate family can find peace in their self-inflicted divorce from me. I hold no grudge against them whatsoever, and await their contacting me with no strings attached. I do NOT want or expect an apology. I consider their absolute and hateful-seeming resistance to me to prove they are my spiritual betters and teachers. Because of my training with them, I am able to collapse most of the top of the Republican Party (Sen. Lugar, excepted), the CIA, and the Mexican PRI Party (an impoverished disrespected no-self-esteem wing of the Bush/Cheney family of devils).

No, I don’t now believe in devils. It’s a form of speech used at the writer’s prerogative.

I could never have done this without the sacrifice of their assuming unpleasant roles. I thank then and look forward to making all of them rich.

When they let me.


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