Monday, November 22, 2010

Talking to Latin American TV for immanent release of my blog's key points.

Dear Jim,

Thank you for all your assistance so far, but in an effort to be sure no misunderstandings get in our way, I want to get get clarity on one thing, and make another thing quite clear.

When we were talking an hour ago, you got quite emotional about my using my finger to point while making strong points. This is common American behavior, and has NEVER gotten you riled before. I asked you why you walked up and chest-bumped me while looking straight into my eyes and by tone of voice, threatening me while saying, "If you EVER do that again, I'm going to let you know exactly WHO I AM."

So why have you been letting me think you are someone other than you are so far? I thought we had an honest and friendly relationwhip that was characterized by mutual respect. As I mentioned, I had not expected to visit you -- nor had you expected me -- so I can see how it was a bit of a surprise. I had hoped to stop by my distant relatives' business to have them give the 60 Minutes producer they had introduced me to a heads up that I had just given an interview to several Latin American TV networks -- a serendipitous meeting with a journalist who had already studied the Rockefeller family in depth, so he was already somewhat familiar with my family.

Anyway, I'll email them later with that info. The plan is that the key points from my blog are to be released this Wednesday at the latest, and on as many Latin American media as possible. Since I had given 60 Minutes/CNN an exclusive for video work for a week back then (which for various reasons they could not take me up on), I did want them to know that I still prefer my favorite US News media break my stories first -- but it is not necessary, and here in Mexicao, we are on Mexican time, so no telling when things will actually pop.

Although I know that you and your wife do not take drugs (except prescription -- I did see you have quite a large collection in the kitchen, but did NOT snoop to see which ones), I was concerned that your behavior as well as Kim's behavior (as reported by you -- I did not see her and the bedroom door was closed. 2:45 PM and I hope she was not actually ill or had ingested something that disagreed with her). You see, this is the EXACT behavior I have had from people pretending not to be protecting drug interests before, so just to be sure the three of us keep our consciousnesses clear, I am telling you of my honest concerns so you can explain your behavior in a way that helps me see how it fits into your ALL-BLISS-ALL-THE-TIME program.

Additional things that waved like a red flag trying to attract a bull were your love the I OF THE EYE author, whom some friends and I studied until he went into absolute raptures over the spiritual excelence of George W. Bush and Sam Walton. As you know -- and as reported on my blog -- Amy Fortenberry, former top dog lawyer in Walmart's attack-dog group of twenty lawyers pretended to befriend me this past spring, and then poisoned me with a tamale from a restaurant in Tucker, GA. This after Christal Presley (best friends with Fox Commentator Sean Hannity's wife) got mad at me and ten minutes later, American Express cut my credit limit by $24,000.00 USD, leaving me $230.00 USD available, approx.

This on a Sunday night, late, as I recall!!! American Express sure likes to be sure they do THE DEVIL'S biddding -- no matter the hour!

Anyway, you also said that Religious Science (Science of Mind -- NOT to be confused with Scientology -- which you have given much praise of, too.) was quite passe', yet you claim a connection to Michael Beckwith and that you actually stalked Ekhard Tolle in the woods for quite a while to be sure he was "legit", as you put it. You found he was, and then met him.

You are a compound/complex guy -- and since you also claim that Kim, who had previously had ashtrays in the livingroom, but I took one outside to smoke -- and cleaned the buts and ash smear out of it after smoking (non-smokers hate dirty ashtrays even more than I do, so I like to stay considerate), now has said she does not want me smoking outside. I hope you understand that thses kinds of behaviors on your part -- and reported by YOU to be true on Kim's part, although she has shown no such inclinations to me -- are highly suspect to this dangerous mind.

The book you lent me is GREAT -- although the stuff in it is "old hat" to me. It is a nice refresher. I know you like to rehash old philosophers. I prefer to break new-to-me ground in consciousness, although I will not claim political fire-storming is even in your catelogue of spiritual activities. That has been your attitude. That and all that gay-sashaying you do with me and the guy in your building (also married) who has that new theater in town. Your happiness is not tied to my behaving the way you seem to think you can control me to behave. Sorry.

Re-read your books.

Oh! the other point:


Then, several minutes later, this computer had a massive failure, but the staff here fnally revived it. Five other computers here are in use, but no other one had a problem.

Just as I got going again, a phishing warning popped up. This Library's computers are on XP with anti-virus copywrighted 2000-2006.

Jim: You must please call or text me tonight letting me know how long you need me tomorrow so I know when it will be fair to leave you and Jill at Liverpool Department Store, which we are heading toward at 9:30 AM. I MIGHT have to leave you after an agreed upon time if something (like a media feeding frenzy) occurs, but I don´t expect it. We are trying to keep violence to a minimum -- and I will certainly be involved in NONE.

I look forward to seeing how the responses go to the Craig's List ads you posted for me to get a reasonable room -- possibly rent-free in exchange for some driving-around of the owner, and what the guy with the timeshare-closing classes says. I don´t feel I need this, but it should be interesting.

Also, a one friend I saw since leaving you said, "It sure would appear that Jim is trying to delay your getting an FM·!!!" I'm sure this couldn´t possibly be the case, but I do need to get those times from you before I can pick you up tomorrow. Let's avoid the tensiions of yesterday when you implied that we'd be through mid-day, but things dragged on til dinner -- and YES! I appreciate all your generosity. After buying sugar, filters, Coffeemate, and FINALLY toilet paper, I still had enough money to buy cigs and two 5 peso tacos for food today. Been eating those peanuts you bought, and enjoyed the coffee so much!!!

I am NOT being ungrateful, but you need to know that paternalistic pandering (not that I´m accusing you, but you DO come close -- as your wife Kim stated the other day.

I re-confirm our Thanksgiving Dinner Date for 7:00 PM at Tia Catrina's, 418 Basillo Badillo, Zona Romantica. Thanks so much for the invite! With luck, the TV won´t be on blasting my blog stuff (with or without credit to me). It should be available internationally by then -- although that is not to say anyone will have the huevos to air it. LOL!!!


REMEMBER: I need to hear the times from you tonight and will let you know if there's a problem. I'll bend over backwards to make everything work -- but not literally.

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