Monday, November 28, 2011

Runnin' on Empty (pffffft . . .)

 . . . and hallucinatin' at 100MPH!!!

I'm afraid that's what District Attorney Benjamin R. David's campaign to trick or trap me in jail, a mental hospital, or death is doing these days.

Sad to say, since Ben is actually quite a smart guy -- and by one or two accounts, rather personable!!!

>>> But today, a few things happened, and I'll let you in on as much as I feel at liberty to discuss:

1. A THIRD assistant District Attorney -- I knew about the handsome Mr. Nicely and the woman I used to call (un-nicely), Miss Coca Leaf (unfairly as well -- turns out she put out the word she wants info from street people about evidence to convict one of the horse-drawn tourist trolleys of distributing major quantities of drugs, so she's actually MY kinda woman -- too bad I'm blanking on her name, and the trolley driver's as well. Both are in this blog but I can't find the right words to google 'em up), called my Public Defender over the weekend asking about my response to the non-specific plea-bargain they offered:

That I plead guilty to a couple of (not-specified-which) things and the others would be dropped, OR, some bizarre deal where things are "continued" (not sure if this is the exact word), with prosecutions put basically on hold -- assuming I don't break any judges orders limiting my behaviors. But that I sign secret confessions of the crimes that would be pulled out and thrown in my face to quickly and easily convict me if a judge (Criner? Little Miss Drunken Blackmore??? Who?) decides I have violated anything.

>>> HELLO?!?!?!?!?!? Can you spell T*R*A*P???

To her credit, Jennifer was laughing as she spelled all this out to me, and of course I told her we will go to court for trials. Also, I told her how Wicked Judge Criner, who REFUSED to allow me to have a Public Defender, granted one to "Jersey" (Michael Keogh) a few days ago -- for the EXACT SAME CHARGE (in MY case, at least -- and maybe Jersey's too: FALSE) of Open Container. Jen told me she had ALREADY put my court date on her calendar and I should plead "Attorney" at roll call.

>>> But the MOST bizarre thing imaginable is the one I need to publicly communicate here with Ben David about -- unfortunately, without details. (I'm not supposed to contact him privately without my busy attorney present.):

Dear Ben:

Today, at a coffee shop on Market Street and in a very public way, two of your people (straight couple, white, 40-ish, tattooed, drugged and giggling) accused me of a crime that not only did I not commit, but the setting and manner in which they accused me were meant to smear me. I believe they actually committed a felony today, but it might have only been a misdemeanor.

Like so many of the drug-addled, drug-dealing, or otherwise corrupted of your associates that I've had to deal with, they refused to give me their names -- ALTHOUGH THEY KNEW MINE. I considered calling the police to get police to get their names so I could try to press charges, or at least swear out a restraining order against future LIBEL, SLANDER, or whatever the proper term is here in North Carolina. If they ACTUALLY accuse me of a crime, they should go to Police and give evidence (something they claim they have "our own reasons" not to do).

Rather than further inconvenience the business owner and other patrons, I sat outside hoping to flag a cop, but none appeared. I walked to Jennifer's office.

>>> Ben, baby, THIS DOG DON'T HUNT!!! (you know and I know that months ago there was a similar "peep" of the same non-sense -- allegedly attributed to one of my accusers, whom I KNOW to have spent much time high on CRACK WHICH MAKES ONE PARANOID).

I forgot to inform Jennifer of that part of this event today, but will do so soon.

>>> BEN: I KNOW the website says that the Assistant District Attorneys work AT YOUR PLEASURE (maybe not exact word, but you can hire and fire them with or without reason at any time and they have NO LEGAL RECOURSE AGAINST YOU). Do NOT think that I will take pity on anyone who follows you into illegal actions against me or others and claims it was because he had to feed his three month old twins.


and if YOU don't have any and THEY do NOT refuse to break the law to carry out your demands -- I WILL TAKE THEM OUT (IN THE LEGAL SENSE) AS WELL AS YOU.



* * *

>>>IN OTHER NEWS: The Smiths returned my remaining belongings from Brenda McKnight's house to Jennifer Harjo's office today. I took a quick peek, and didn't see the 200-250 DVDs/Blu-Ray disks that make up the great bulk of the value of the belongings, but I'll get to search more thoroughly tomorrow when I arrange to pick them up (if it's not raining). I bet they are still there -- although any DRUG ADDICT like Brenda could have sold them off to buy drugs . . .


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