Sunday, November 13, 2011

Straightening Out Something

If you don't know who this English duo is who have (so far) sold over 100,000,000 records worldwide, you are probably a straight American (of any race). Answer at bottom of this blog post.

>>> GOOD NEWS FOR PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN!!!: I keep forgetting to say that although Wilmington, NC is overwhelmed by gay and bi males hiding behind relationships with women, this is HARDLY THE CASE at First Presbyterian -- and probably why I get along with everyone there so well (despite my unique peculiarities).

Now, I have some SERIOUS gay-dar, and every Sunday I look around and all I see are REAL HETEROSEXUAL MALES with REAL HETEROSEXUAL FEMALES -- apparently in honest-to-God marriages. How cool is that??? There is a sprinkling of single-appearing gay males, as well as single, straight males and females.

I just felt it important to state this after all the brew-ha-ha I've been up to in this blog. Only today did I --for the first time -- mention that I have a blog in Sunday School Class, and if any of those in attendance google to find it, I don't want them to get the wrong idea. Someone ELSE brought up politics, dishing Democrats (so I said something about Republicans on the NATIONAL scene -- not wanting to get too Democrat-local).

Later, someone lauded Newt Gingrich and I DID state what I know about his drug dealing from 1990, and how he had me jailed on false charges after I went to him for help in shutting down an operation I did not know he was directing. See: . See also (regarding his THIRD WIFE -- he married right BEFORE turning Catholic so he could get away with those divorces. LOL!!!): and see also here: .

In discussion of Prayer, I opined that the only necessary prayer is one of Gratitude and Affirmation that we have all "God's" gifts already and mindfully use them recognizing we always receive everything we need to deal with any situation IN THE TIME THAT WE NEED THE THE INFORMATION, GOODS, ETC. (Not necessarily in the earlier moment when we are tempted to worry about it).

Never knowing my proper place, I went on to add that the prayers early in our service (before -- about 1/3 into things -- when the "Frozen Chosen" equivalent of shouting "Hosannas" begins to happen), seem like we have hangovers from drinking too much the night before and forget that God gave ALL everything already and we just need to be mindful, thankful, and expectant. I pointed out that I have often been tempted to re-write those prayers into an affirmative form and send them to the ministers. HA!!!

But that recently, I have realized that it is our Human Nature that we forget and become depressed and NEED a little under-handed up-lift that is most successful because it does not challenge us to think TOO much while we are engaging our minds in the service before rising up in consciousness via our Presbyterian Format.

These Presbyterians are VERY CLEVER PEOPLE!!! -- despite mostly being straight, so not-Presbyterian Peoples: YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE TO BE MINDLESS. HA!!! (our DNA is not so different from yours).

>>> Ernie's gonna get a kick out of this. (I hope.)


1. Despite Jennifer Harjo's suggestion that I NOT bother appearing in court for the 9:00 AM trial (which will get a continuance) and SHE will "take the heat" for my not being where I don't need to be, I'm going. I trust Jen -- it's the judges I worry about, and they are POWERFUL!!!

I already had ONE surprise by taking people's advice that I did not need to be in court (but in fairness must add that I pretty much knew it was a trick by the District Attorney's people to keep the biggest crack dealer in my old South 8th Street neighborhood from getting an assault conviction. He's GOOD at protecting his dealers!!!

See: , beginning with " >>>THEN: " -- halfway down the posting. (Please ignore the uncouthness of the top portion of the posting that I wrote while SERIOUSLY angry.)

2. The District Attorney's office has sent out feelers to Jennifer regarding a possible plea bargain, and Jen told them I was unlikely to be at all interested as I never committed any of the crimes and my ONLY reason for appealing is to clear my name -- I ALREADY SPENT THE TIME IN JAIL THAT WAS TO BE THE PUNISHMENT (except for one flimsy charge).

Still, I AM considering the idea (we have some time, so why not?).

>>> But here is what I REALLY am considering:

They mentioned they have at least TWO other people who might press charges against me (presumably Cyber-Stalking, because of what I've written in this blog).

Well guess what???: Either people want to press charges against me or they don't. POSSIBLE PRESSING OF CHARGES AS IF THAT DEPENDS ON HOW I REACT TO A PLEA BARGAIN is (in my amateur book) proof positive that ALL THESE FALSE CHARGES are part of what I call RACKETEERING!!!

I'll soon talk to Federal Prosecutors about that -- if ALL charges against me are not dropped fairly soon (I'll allow a small cooling-off period for the D.A and his Assistants to attempt to save face).


>>> ANSWER TO PHOTO-RIDDLE: This group had consistent hits in the US until the early 1990s when the boys came out gay. They were then blacklisted on Top 40 radio stations from that day on (in USA only -- they remain enormously popular elsewhere in the world, especially in Europe and Latin America). See: .

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