Tuesday, February 18, 2014

R-P.: Almost Forgotten Things . . .

Reprinted from herehttp://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2014/02/almost-forgotten-things.html


1. This past Saturday, I DID read at the Puerto Vallarta Writers Group meeting. Colin, the Brit-in-Charge, and I had decided that my letter to Glenn Greenwald (seen here: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2014/02/my-letter-just-sent-to-glenn-greenwald.html ), might be a TETCH too "emotionally volatile" (rather than the audience being such), so I chose to read my letter to:

And before I read it, I explained that of the two groups that are not portrayed in a GOOD LIGHT in it, Episcopalians and Republicans, that I am NOT picking on either of them -- MANY Episcopalians I have known are FINE PEOPLE, and the same can be said of at least SOME Republicans. You can read it here: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2014/02/my-appeal-to-reporters-committee-for.html .

I certainly had everyone's rapt attention, and the first question afterward was "WHY did you read this???" ("Because this is what I've been writing for four years now, primarily, and I intend to make it into a book or books.") I can't believe I didn't think to tell them what I had intended -- that freedom of the press is VITAL to all writers, not just political ones, and MANY of them have blogs of their own.

Most of what happened or was said is a blur -- I was so RELIEVED to have finally addressed a gathering of educated writers, for the first time in 3.5 years (and the same group), but someone honored my "courage", which I feel I have NONE OF, really. But I DO have initiation-motivation, stick-to-it-iveness, and fearlessness. I just get an idea I judge GOOD and then run with it, knowing "God" will work out the details in process.

While I smoked a cigarette outside after the meeting, one gentleman came up and wished me Good Luck, and I said, "Thank you. While I completely appreciate the sentiments, you don't need luck when you walk with God." And I discussed things with others as well, and met the owners of the theater and I will soon see about some volunteer helping I can do.

2. Before beginning this post, I REMOVED all the email addresses in the last posting. I had wanted everyone to KNOW who gets my emails without them bouncing back -- whether they read them or not, I can PROVE in a Court of Law that I TRIED to tell them. But I do NOT want nutballs to be able to just come on and grab them.

Earlier, I REMOVED reference to Thomas Elliot Keith's giant danglies from just over the top of the head of Ms. Allean Hale -- Mammy was RIGHT, some things just ain't fittin'. See halfway down here: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2014/02/some-remaining-mysteries.html .

3. In the matter of search engines finding my blogs, I have recently misunderstood some Google Statistics Reports, and the fact is that BOTH Google and Bing have since the beginning found my original blog, http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx , but although it took a couple of weeks for Google to find the NEW blog, http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx , Bing still has not found it after nearly two months.

And, regarding the NEW blog, NO ONE using Google has searched for a word or phrase!!! How can that BE??? Do they all get here by choosing that "I Feel Lucky" button or similar???

4. And for the record, NO RESPONSE still from Thomas S. Kenan III ( http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2014/01/my-letter-to-thomas-s-kenan-iii.html ), although he responded to at least ONE of "Dagwood's" two letters . . .

I SHOULD hear something from Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press by the end of the week. My letter to Glenn Greenwald does NOT need a reply (although that would be interesting, at least). I mostly wanted to OUT FRONT connect to those people, having heard from time to time from orgs like WikiLeaks and Occupy Wall Street -- and Anonymous as well -- simple, anonymous salutes that they like this blog.

And I wrote the Atlanta area lawyer who is a friend of Dagwood's -- but only two business days ago.



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