Dear Friend of Journalists and Bloggers,
First, I have taken some time to sort the best way to describe what happened to me in the case in Chicago where I was charged with Libel and sued for $50,000.00 and to remove some blog postings – but I was never LEGALLY served, the lawyer told the judge that Mail Boxes, Etc., here in Puerto Vallarta’s having signed for it at their door was PROOF of my service, when in fact, MBE sent me an email that I had something from Saper Law LLC, Chicago about a day before I left for the USA on a road trip, and lived then a 90 minute drive from Puerto Vallarta, so being concerned about something from lawyers, I immediately emailed Saper Law asking what it was, but they did NOT answer at all – and so I did not then go out of my way to get it before driving the opposite direction for the USA. I had no idea it was actual Legal Service attempt until I got back from the US and picked it up immediately, but its active 30 day life had already expired.
You should also know that several times I INFORMED Saper Law that I had not in fact been legally served, an easily provable fact, and their response was they were sorry for my opinion, but the judge saw it differently and they were going ahead.
I was tried in absentia and NO proof of Libel was given – or at least I had no right to contribute a defense. Worse, the judge (who did NOT sign the SCANNED-ONLY doc, no paper doc was ever mailed to me, judgment), awarded not 50K, but a half million dollars, plus these things NEVER asked for by plaintiff Jed Clampon of Windy City Wazoos:
1. Copyright ownership of my memoir WALKING ON GLASS: A MEMOIR OF THE LATER DAYS OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS, my story of having worked for the playwright which John Lahr of THE NEW YORKER as well as several top Williams scholars gave RAVE reviews. Jed later got Amazon to stop its sales with this judgment. Amazon has REFUSED to answer my questions of WHY they stopped sales and refused, too, to simply remove the listing completely.
2. Copyright ownership of ALL my blog posts as well as the assigned blogspot domain, to my original blog I since began writing , but becauase no one seems to find my NEW blog after more than a month using search engines, I also publish each posting on the original blog which continues to get many hundreds of hits daily.
3. Copyright ownership of all my emails past and future on a list of subjects.
I will attach the scan to a separate email in case you do not accept attachments.
I think these simple facts would be enough to overturn it, but you should also know that there are many complicating political factors, including:
1. It is street knowledge in Puerto Vallarta that Jed Clampon is a top narco-trafficker, and IN FACT the largest fine paid then for laundering drug money was paid in Chicago by Wells Fargo Bank in about 2010 -- $200,000,000.00 as I recall. I had actually REMOVED this info from my blog before the suit was served, and Jed said he was fine with that – out of anger, I returned some of it later. Daliah Saper, who seems to have taken the suit OUT of Jed's hands, is also a talking head on FOX NEWS.
2. What remained, and Jed said was no problem to him, was my report that Jed had seen President Obama in his private gay bathhouse when Obama was a Senator. I believe this was the real problem.
3. Although there is nothing politically controversial in my memoir, all know that I was with Tennessee Williams when Jackie Kennedy Onassis told him that The University of the South (aka Sewanee – an Episcopal University and Seminary), had learned he intended to change his will to leave control of his estate to Harvard, so with the Republican Party planned to kill him first. Without all the details, I know John Uecker (later James Gandolfini’s long term drama coach), actually smothered TW and told the coroner Tenn died of choking on bottle cap, later proved impossible and six months later the coroner quietly changed the cause of death to sudden intolerance to a drug he’d taken his entire adult life – also a lie.
Later, one of the people who SWORE THIS, and I knew him well, told me that after three of them testified that Tennessee was incompetent when he signed the Jackie Onassis-suggested Codicil, then a high-placed Republican legislator in the Tennessee State Legislature paid all the bills for two of their luxurious lifestyles first in Atlanta (where I ran into them frequently), then in Chattanooga, TN until both had died of AIDS in the early 1990s.
Tennessee’s brother Dakin, a lawyer, SWORE to the day he died that the Episcopal Church murdered Tennessee Williams, but was such an eccentric character he was simply dismissed as crazy. Dotson Rader, who had been the highest paid magazine writer in America at the time of Tennessee’s death (mostly PARADE insert in newspapers), also swore the Episcopal Church murdered Tennessee – and his career was KILLED. He now lives in sort of hiding near Los Angeles.
So the problem with the book was that if it sold well, I might have a platform to speak the truth. And Tennessee Williams estate, valued at about $10,000.000.00 at the time of his death, is now worth nearly a BILLION dollars, according to some Sewanee alumni, now lawyers, who contacted me.
4. In 1978, my mother went to a lot of trouble to get a psychiatrist to claim I was bipolar and needed Lithium – because I would NOT shut up about being raised with daily beatings and swastikas on our dinner plates. My own shrink said that I just needed to talk some things out. So I was on Lithium for 31 years before another doctor took me off, seeing no sign of bipolar. The drug slowed my mind and kept me from seeing how events connected.
In 1990, two top Jewish business leaders in Atlanta told me my parents were the top NAZIs in the USA, and in fact, in 1968 – 1970, we lived across the street from Coach Lou Holtz who was my parents’ best friend and then assistant football coach to Woody Hayes. He did so much for Mom that SHE got him the job coaching at Notre Dame – and her brother, Robert J. Meyer, DDS, the job of Official Dentist to the Fighting Irish. As is common knowledge, Lou Holtz is currently John Boehner’s closest personal friend and political co-strategist. Last fall, I caught Mom at a political meeting at the EXACT time President Obama made the deal with Republicans to RE-OPEN Government – I assume on secured communications with them.
5. In things resolved, legally – but I intend to sue for damages, eventually, probably not your area of help – I was jailed in Wilmington, NC in 2011- 2012 five times on eight false charges, the first got me convicted of Cyber-Stalking but the claims did NOT fit that charge. I had blogged about all the drug deals I had witnessed in a lawyer’s piano bar. I was held in an unheated holding tank at court for eight hours on the freak coldest day of the year and violently trembled and teeth-chattered. I was accused of “libelous writings” which no one ever tried to prove, and although the judge acknowledged the Constitutional issue, he convicted me – all as the last case of the day so no one was there to witness the case.
I appealed – and more and more charges were piled on me. I got new council, the head of the public defenders Jennifer Harjo, and she served me well, eventually cutting a deal that ALL charges would be dropped if I left North Carolina for a year (privately, Jen was told there was absolutely NO evidence to convict me of anything), which explains WHY I was falsely committed to a mental hospital TWICE during this time – Dr. Martin, the head of the facility, getting me out ASAP because he knew the commitments were false.
There is NO RECORD of my ever having stayed in New Hanover County Detention Center, although I was in for about two months all together. I DO have much of that paperwork.
And I had earlier troubles in the Atlanta area in 2010 (I lived in Stone Mountain, GA 1988 – 2010 when I first fled to Mexico after FIVE attempts to commit me in one month – and with the help of Dottie Newman, the recently retired Chief Protocol Officer for Gen. Colin Powell, returning six months later, but to NC), when Christal Presley, a very close friend of Sean Hannity of FOX NEWS, got a restraining order against me on false grounds when I was unable to attend the hearing. Later, she filed false claim of my FELONY violation by blogging about her while I was actually in Mexico, and THAT charge was brought up as proof of my character in my icy trial as well. It has disappeared from Dekalb County Courts database since.
Also changed in Dekalb Courts database:
In August of 2010, American Express sued me and WON (ADDED: in absentia), a $25,000.00 judgment, but in December 2012, that was CHANGED retroactively to “Dismissed”. The Sunday night, January 2010 that I had confronted Christal Presley over her previous lies to control me, AMEX called after 10:00 PM (about 15 minutes later), and in a robo-call informed me they were cutting my credit limit by $25,000.00 to about $243.00 available – despite the fact that such robo-calls were then illegal on Sundays or after 9:00 PM any night. At the time, I had a perfect credit record going back to 1990, twenty years.
Also changed in late 2012 was that my nolo conviction of simple trespass (I had been trying to report all the drugs I saw brought into Stone Mountain Park behind my home and even had tracked where they were then taken to give to distributors), so hopelessly, I pled nolo to that false charge, then. But the several court actions about it were erased to protect NOW Superior Court Judge Linda Warren Hunter, leaving only my filing writ of habeus corpus against Sheriff Jarvis – I was held a total of about 15 weeks in jail before any kind of trial.
I have TONS of paperwork in my possession – including Judge Hunter’s signed judgment!!! I also have screen captures showing how the Dekalb County database was changed.
I apologize for having so much I feel you should know, and hope I have not been too confusing. I think it would be best to keep all simple for now to overturn the Chicago conviction – but serious resistance should be expected.
In 2010, because of my naiveté, Mexican criminals tricked me out of my entire life savings. In early 2012, right before fleeing to Mexico again, I got full Disability via a kindly shrink who did NOT diagnose me with a mental illness – just said I was rational, friendly, etc., but then “went somewhere he could not go”, and making no sense (actually, he fully understood my political situation). So now I live on about $1,200.00 USD/month which is fine for Mexico, but I have no extra money at all.
I thank you for your consideration and hope to hear from you soon. My cell phone can be dialed directly from the USA: +011 – 52 – 1 (322) XXX – XXXX.
I will also copy an address at your org I saw on the website. PLEASE RETURN A SIMPLE NOTE THAT YOU GOT THIS. Too many of my emails have not reached their intended recipients the last four years.
I will probably post this “organized summary” on my blog, but NOT any of our communications going forward. There is nothing in this communication that I have not published previously.
Scott David Kenan
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