While I’m pleased the State Department has completed its environmental review, I’m disappointed a firm deadline for a final decision has not been set. I once again call on Secretary Kerry and President Obama to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline that will create tens of thousands of American jobs and support American energy security. Energy security is a national security issue, and I support comprehensive efforts—including clean and renewable energy — to reduce our dependence on oil imported from overseas, especially from unstable countries.
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Scott Kenan I am a Kenan of North Carolina -- the family that still controls the bulk of Standard Oil, now most publicly as Exxon/Mobil and Chevron. Either you allowed my relatives to BUY YOU -- or you show a complete lack of Integrity on this. Which is it, Senator Kay Hagan ???
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1. Begins with the email comments I recently heard from Falconer de St. Just (aka Testosteroni or Claude Cadillihopper), absolute ASTONISHMENT that his local Whole Foods in Manhattan now features kalemole next to the guacamole – but ANYONE who reads Huffington Post, a Kenan Family associated News Source, has known for at least six weeks that kale is the vegetable of the year, and from “Dagwood” – a sort of shirt-tail associate of Thomas S. Kenan III of Chapel Hill – who like me but for different reasons, has been hounded by Drug Mafia and the CIA and several times has barely escaped with his life as well, wrote a lot of things I’m not certain make full sense – because he REFUSES TO ANSWER my clear question: Since you are clearly straight with a totally cool and loving wife, yet enjoy the company of gay men due to their honesty and humor, WHY is your Facebook page full of FUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIANITY, and HOW MANY out gay people attend your services and WHAT would be preached to them about that???
2. Naturally, I am THRILLED to be in Puerto Vallarta and to have found my old writers group – a group blessed with intelligence and HOTNESS, sexual heat for me emanating from the inner and making the outer hot, so I had some fantasies of doing something about that with even a couple of old geezers, that most might find impossibly absurd – and in fact they are likely straight and I get hot over any guy or gal who USES their God-given intelligence, anyway, so no real loss to me. (Just not certain what to do with the women – due to certain of my predilections.)
And I made a few comments there, perhaps the best received of mine – and in response to a writer I’ve been acquainted with for nearly four years, who read a list of things about his life to include in a memoir full of salacious sex and questionable financial dealings that ends up with his finding JESUS, so he is forgiven everything and even claims his third (or was it fourth), wife found then is the only REAL ONE in God’s eyes. (So what happened to HER, anyway???) I reminded all that Cecil B. DeMille's Bible epics of about 1960 were so salacious showing SERIOUS tits n' ass that NO ONE could have gotten the films past censors except that it was the BIBLE -- and Lew Wallace, who wrote BEN HUR was born in a house owned by my mother's cousin in Brookville, Indiana.
This perfectly illustrates the HEART of the difference between the Catholicism I grew up in and Protestantism, the latter completely chucking the idea of the Sacrament of Confession and believing that God forgives “Believing Christians” simply because they BELIEVE (although they bicker about many specifics on that). Catholic teaching is that one must first make amends before getting forgiveness – far more adult and pragmatic.
And the WORST extension of this Protestant idea I found in North Carolina state Senator Thom Goolsby of Wilmington, Republican, who BRAGGED ENDLESSLY when he sponsored a bill that passed and was signed into law by Gov. Bitterness McCrory, Republican, allowing Christians to carry concealed guns to church services.
Of course I KNOW Sen. Goolsby and his family – and his connection to the narco-trafficking in Port Wilmington, and I made of point of scorching him in this blog – causing him to decide to NOT seek re-election, even though he had recently been voted President of the NC Senate and at the PEEK of his Republican popularity. Earlier, I forced Tom Kenan-owned The Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach, Florida, to STOP being the largest-by-far advertiser on FOX NEWS online, especially making hay of Tom’s having hosted the third serial wedding of Drug-Rush Limbaugh – with Elton John getting a cool million to play for his former drug-bud Rush (and nearly losing all his gay cred for having done that).
And I’ve veered from my point which is simply that in Wilmington, all the pious Fundamentalists – at least the street or trailer trash – claim that since they are SAVED, they can traffic drugs, violently hurt or murder to protect drug trafficking, and rape at will without spiritual consequence. It is so crazy there that dentists advertise on their STREET SIGNS “Sedation Dentistry”, which is a way to mess around with teeth enough to write prescriptions of long duration for opiates – Mexican dentists prescribing only NSAIDs, which I find are actually more effective for pain, even for the extraction of a wisdom tooth a couple of weeks ago.
3. Now, I truly enjoyed today’s meeting, but was somewhat chagrined to see only a very few people younger than my 62 years – never a sign of health in an idea-generation setting – but the members proved NOT to be just old fogies, and I spoke to one man in his forties afterward, thinking then, if I were Batman, he’d be a very cool Robin.
Our conversation was breath-takingly stimulating (I had been on the run from those seeking to harm me for four years, so little time for CIVIL LIFE until now), join “us” for lunch – me having no idea who “us” was. It turned out to be not only himself, A Canadian and dealer in certain financial instruments, but our fearless leader Colin who is British, and a woman originally from Wales who lived in Canada for years before moving to Puerto Vallarta, and what free-wheeling, wide-ranging discussions we had!!!
4. I only regret that I did not ask my “bat-guy sidekick” how on EARTH he can stand having his chest hairs clippered like that. When Marc LaFont trimmed MINE to keep the hairs from tickling his face in 1996, my chest itched like CRAZY for four months.
To each his own.
Not exactly clippered chest hair, but an illustration that Christians will fine Jesus wherever they can – even shave his image onto their CHESTS to prove points I do NOT understand.
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