Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Good News for Nutballs!!!

This graphic pretty much clears up any confusion and I will also add that THE PAST IS THE PAST. If you and I do NOT have pending legal matters still to be settled in court (or out of it), and you are NOT to be a witness who LIES in a case for or against me (telling the truth -- even if it does not help MY case is PERFECTLY FINE AS LONG AS IT IS THE TRUTH), I don't CARE about that crap NOW IN THE PAST.

Let's treat each other with respect (if we can't find love) NOW AND IN THE FUTURE and ALL is well in MY book. I hope you can find similar feelings within yourself.

Given my second blog post from yesterday, I'd especially like to declare that this INCLUDES how I feel about "Numby", James Sharpe, and all the little snip-heads who mimicked their mutterings and toss me small insults. I'M OVER IT. I don't care and I will not prosecute you, commit you, take out restraining orders against you, or even identify you to the Library staff. DIG???

I intuitively knew that if I continued to blog the truth and refused to be intimidated that EVERYONE would eventually get his or her sense of humor back -- and we all did last night at the Shelter (except that James Sharpe was too tired and slept through all the fun). I'll report on some of the fun shortly, but first a note to Rosencrantz:

As requested, I dropped the offending word from a previous post and needing to re-fill the space, replaced it with "and briefly tried to inflate me." Anyone else having a problem with what I have posted should speak with me and we MIGHT even negotiate what I replace offending words with. Why Rosencrantz didn't consider that, as they say, "the cure is often worse than the problem," is surprising, given his high native intelligence. Luckily for me, he also has a very sophisticated sense of humor -- and in fact took the lead in healing the atmosphere in Mercy House Shelter, which had been dripping with poison when we first arrived for initial lockdown -- and THANK GOD, no one had apparently read my second post before arriving (it had just been posted).

Also, I CANNOT delete new comments about the mystereious "Numby". I did EXACTLY what he requested a couple of days ago and instead of thanks I got attacked again by him with GREATER vehemence. What motivated him is a mystery to no one who knows whom he spent a lot of time getting advice from in the meantime -- and I'll not elaborate on that unless future actions DEMAND I do so . . .

>>> SO . . . the true fun began when Rosencrantz (soon joined by Guildenstern and just about everybody else) thoroughly roasted my behonkus with rousing renditions of many verses (which I CANNOT publish here due to the fact that I am trying to keep this a FAMILY VALUES blog) of the song "Bend Over, Ben David," sung to the tune of "You're Nothin' But A Hound Dog, Cryin' All The Time".

This tune is now ENTIRELY stuck in my head worse than a DoubleMint gum jingle from the 1960s!!!

I do NOT want to belabor this as I have no problems with Ben, personally. I KNOW he's done many good things and deeply befriended many fine people in this town. I DO have a problem with the MONEY from narco-trafficking that corrupts politics and with the addictions that drive people to destroy their own lives and commit crimes against people and property to serve those addictions.

I also have no problem with those addicts and PETTY drug sellers just trying to defray the cost of their addictions. I DO think society would be better served by legalizing marijuana (who ever got violent on that??? -- and it can't be controlled since it grows any and every where -- not even by the Drug Mafia). It should be taxed and sold -- probably in State Stores -- like liquor.

Yes, I know many will grow their own or grow and sell to others at less than the taxed price sold openly in stores. So what??? White People HATE to be seen as law-breakers, so suburbanites and the similar-minded will mostly pay more money to buy trendy, designer blends legally, and enjoy showing off the clever packaging, debating the qualities of various blends, etc. Those who sell illegally, when caught, should be fined based on DOUBLE the taxes due on the demonstrable estimate of volume they have sold, but NOT jailed.

Marijuana costs next to nothing to produce, so if street prices remained about what they now are, HUGE taxes would be collected to help us get out of our debts. The other drugs I'm not so sure about, but I understand that in France ALL are legal and the percentage of the population using or addicted to drugs is far lower than here. (Of course, they are not burdened by living under what is commonly called American Politics, which has become the TRUE pox on our nation.)

Education programs and programs to help people OUT of their chemical or psychological addictions should be easily available to all.

>>> ALSO I'D LIKE TO SAY: that (to my knowledge) NO other homeless shelter in Wilmington, NC is open to ANYONE who can be reasonably behaved, no matter their minor condition of intoxication, criminal record, or even blog-post contentions. In my opinion, the staff and management of MERCY HOUSE SHELTER are most fully alligned with the values of what real Christians might call THE HEART OF JESUS.

Thank you -- one and all.

>>> AND TO CLARIFY ONE THING: Mercy House had been dominated by ex-cons, who, having been brainwashed in prison, exited it not realizing that "normal" society into which they supposedly are trying to transition is NOT based on the thug-style behavior control that dominates our prisons (and jails to a lesser extent) and mostly serves to make more effective criminals of inmates.

I always knew that this misunderstanding of the function of a transitional facility such as Mercy House was why I had so much difficulty and was so often called and threatened for allegedly BEING a "snitch." I never took it personally.

>>> This morning's observation: The same city "clean-up" worker I found reading a paperback book at The Pavilion on the river a few days ago (while his co-worker actually worked), and who often is seen driving a city golf cart while his co-worker leans out and picks up trash with a pick-up stick devise (TOTALLY LABOR AND EQUIPMENT AND ENERGY INEFFICIENT USE OF TAXPAYERS' MONEY!!!), stopped at a Front Street coffee cafe for about 40 minutes this morning -- just to shoot the breeze, smoke cigarettes outside while he spoke to John of The Good Shepherd (the guy I identified as recruiting people out of the Shepherd to fly to California to work a magazine-sales scam operation -- see paragraph begining "Kimberly's friend . . ." halfway down this post: ). They exchanged info by viewing each others' cell phones and exchanged keys to something. A car pulled up to the curb and John loaded his bike into the trunk, got in, and they drove off. The city worker then FINALLY left after his 40 minute "break."

DON'T TELL ME SOME CITY WORKERS DON'T GET JOBS THAT ARE NOT ACTUALLY JOBS THAT HELP THE CITY!!! This is the same guy that through subtile, good-'ol-boy chumminess used to try to get me to leave Ben David alone. I contend that his REAL job is to keep ears to the street to stop any problem that might adversely affect the drug trade in the bud. I've seen him dispensing small favors of cigarettes, small monies, leads to small jobs, etc. to many people.

See more: Item #4, halfway down: .

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