Monday, November 21, 2011

Sloe Monday Fizz

Sloe Monday and I've got a sinus infection and am dragging. This just seemed a bit festive as we prepare for Thanksgiving later this week. I haven't had one of these since I was 19 (who has???), and don't particularly recommend them.


1. Since I promised an update on the situation between me and the Sinatra Family, I might as well do that now -- today being a sloe day and all.

Two months ago, Danny Sinatra (great-nephew of Frank), helped me remove half my belongings from Brenda McKnight's house. Brenda had taken me in as a roommate in the house at 2726 Oleander Drive that she leased from Charles Smith, a career Navy man, currently stationed in Virginia. About three weeks later, I learned that Brenda had a little problem with "mother's little helpers" and her supplier, Gerald Austin-Wynn had a HUGE problem with me living there. Gerald insisted Brenda demand I move out, but she being a fundamentally gentle woman and averse to confrontation, did NOT and claimed to Gerald I had refused. They then planned to move Brenda out -- or so they claimed.

But they came up with a better plan: Gerald put Brenda up to lying to a judge and getting me committed to a mental hospital. This worked for a couple of days, but the doctor (seeing it was based on lies) decided he had no choice but to release me after three days (minimum requirement since a judge had signed the order). When Gerald learned of this, he had Brenda get a Family Violence Restraining Order against me (based on the exact same lies) so I could not resume residence -- even though I had paid rent for another half month.

There was a hearing on the Restraining Order, and neither Brenda nor Gerald (as witness) were in court when Judge Sandra Ray Criner called the case and then had the hallway checked, so Judge Criner DISMISSED the case (which I double-checked, being somewhat flabbergasted that such a think would happen).

I left the courthouse, talked to some people outside about my surprising good fortune, smoked most of a cigarette, and then the bailiff chased me down (I was no longer on court property), called me back to court, and the hearing was commenced as if nothing unusual had happened at all!!!

My clear and comprehensive appeal to the Judicial Review Board in Raleigh (my complaint begins about 1/3 way down this posting: ), went to a hearing there on November 10, at which it was decided that there was NO EVIDENCE that Judge Criner acted inappropriately -- this DESPITE the fact that ALL business in court is audio and video taped -- as well as a court reporter taking transcripts. These were NOT checked, which would have been the duty of the investigative body (even if it had been MY responsibility, the appropriate response would have been that I needed to get the evidence to the committee -- NOT THAT IT DID NOT EXIST!!!)

>>> How does this involve the Sinatra family??? Well, it does NOT involve Danny's mother, Pat (who lives in California and was the first of them I met), but Danny helped me get the first half of my belongings and promised to help me get the rest -- and here's where it gets dicey . . .

First, it took Danny seven phone calls to me to figure out how to drive to where I waited for him -- despite that taking only TWO TURNS on well-labelled roads. I knew Danny had spent time in prison for Methamphetamine violations and that he is currently prescribed Adderal as a long-term replacement for Meth (note: this is REPLACEMENT THERAPY, NOT a plan to reduce or eliminate the drug!!!). I also know that Adderal is addictive and one builds up a tolerance to it. Danny told me he always runs out early and goes through withdrawal for several days before being OK for the rests of the month before he can re-new his monthly prescription.

Danny was hepped up on the Adderal when he helped me, but about a day or two later, I witnessed him beg his doctor (by phone) for a "bridge" prescription, which was turned down. He called his wife, Phoebe Dollar , and complained about that to her.

But the day he helped me get things out of Brenda McKnight's house, he spent WAY too much time talking privately with Brenda, and I believe he later used her dealer Gerald to get him either Adderal (which is easy to get black-market in Wilmington) or Meth.

Interesting, too, that Danny said Brenda was OK with HIM coming back to get the rest of my things WITHOUT ME OR POLICE ESCORT. This did NOT happen. And although I left messages for Mr. Smith (the property owner) asking him to help set this up, he communicated ONLY through a woman (we presume it was his wife) via my Public Defender, Jennifer Harjo. I believe this shows that Charles Smith did NOT trust Brenda or Danny -- he was AHEAD of me in understanding the relationships, as it took me a while longer to see how Danny/Brenda/Gerald must have connected.

As it stands now:

A.: The Smiths are coming to town over Thanksgiving and will help get my belongings returned to me. (Jennifer Harjo told me some weeks ago that "the other person living there" had moved on, so presumably Brenda vacated the premises and the house is now empty except for my things).

B.: Danny was very eager to get his hands on my collection of 200-250 DVDs and Blu-Ray disks of movies, which I had told him I'd let him borrow until I got my own place again. I hope he and Brenda did not take them to sell "nickle-and-dime" to buy drugs.

C.: Danny's claim when he first met me that he and his wife were getting a small Hi-Def video camera and they wanted to film either my story in Wilmington or work with my Tennessee Williams material was ENTIRELY bogus -- although he DID turn on a small voice recorder that he slipped into his chest pocket before going in to talk to Brenda -- which he claimed would be the beginning of recording my story. Since it has become clear that he/they (and his wife, Phoebe Dollar) NEVER intended to work with me, I'm guessing that either he's an under-cover narc who recorded evidence against Brenda (highly unlikely), or he had claimed to his mother Pat (or someone else) that they needed money to buy the camera to record my story and he had to extend his lying to me -- until they got it. The plan has NEVER been mentioned again.

D.: A couple of weeks ago, I ran into Danny who was with his father-in-law, "Confederate" Dollar (long explanation) and after talking a little while, asked if Danny had three dollars (money, not relatives), that he could spare so I could buy some Starbucks (the only place open at 6:00 AM), coffee in the morning when the shelter lets us out. Danny got very upset, saying I was making him UNCOMFORTABLE asking for money, which SERIOUSLY annoyed me, given that Danny had a nice two-story house, two late model cars, and plenty of money (seemingly) to continue his lifestyle while living with his wife, infant daughter, and his wife's parents. He could have simply said no -- or claimed he had no cash.

>>> I DIDN'T GIVE A RAT'S BEHONKUS WHETHER OR NOT ASKING FOR COFFEE MONEY MADE HIM UNCOMFORTABLE when I had been homeless -- and sometimes hungry or living on a concrete slab -- (mostly) for over a year -- and I let him know that in no uncertain terms.

Two weeks later, I saw him on Front Street in a shark suit looking like an old fashioned "Guinea" thug. He hollared across the street that I was on his "shit list," and I yelled back that THAT was not MY problem. Haven't seen him since -- nor do I care to. I'm OVER DRUG ADDICTS!!! -- legal or not (including combo-deals like folks that run out of Adderal early and buy illegally on the street until they can gete another fix from a physician.

>>> News for Patrick Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc. : I spoke with a lawyer this morning and learned that my accepting the 10% ($3,800.00) of the $38,000.00 for sale back to him of stock in his company PROBABLY consituted a complete legal sale, although the complications might make for a complicated claim which I'd need to file in Georgia. I never wanted to get into a legal "tar baby" with Patrick, so I'll contact Patrick to see what he'll offer me (if anything) before leaning on the people he contracts with at the Defense Department schools, asking for their assistance. I DO still have not only the email trail beginning with Patrick's promise to pay $100.00 per share as well as a few of his emails about his being so "Christian" and my "lifestyle" (gay) being basically anti-Jesus -- and all his ensuing harassment, that even my cousin's daughter Andrea wrote Patrick shaming him for (while also saying she didn't know enough about the issues to know what I did or did not deserve).

I think I might find a sympathetic ear or two at the Service Academies or War Colleges, especially now that Don't Ask, Don't Tell has ended.

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