Tuesday, May 19, 2015

RP: Lord Have MERCY -- Your American Tax Dollars AT WORK!!!

RE-PRINTED from herehttp://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2015/05/lord-have-mercy-your-american-tax.html

Dean Hansell in 2009, after just winning a HUGE AWARD for Michael Jackson's mother.

I just called Dean's office in Los Angeles and had a long conversation with his assistant. Nearly two weeks ago, I left messages for BOTH Dean and his assistant, and she is certain she never got got HER message.

I must ASSUMEneither did Dean, nor did he get the email I sent to him: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2015/05/today-i-emailed-lawyer-in-my.html.

I remind readers that the ACLU of Illinois did NOT get most of my emails or voice-mails left for them, last summer.

And don't forget that Jack Stein, Risk Manager for the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, read back to me the number his phone showed I was calling from -- and when I googled it, it is one WELL KNOWN as a number used by the NSA to channel phone calls!!!


Dean's assistant and I worked out how Dean and I will soon be in communication.



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