Saturday, July 4, 2015

RP: Some Experiences in Wilmington, NC -- Since My Return -- PROVE It Has Improved Since 2012, BUT Some Mafia STILL Control PUBLIC INFORMATION, for the DRUG MAFIA!!!

RE-PRINTED from here

Just an hour ago, I bought the BEST REAL Buffalo Mozzarella from the woman who runs the shop-side of things at Frank Delia's Italian Gourmet Market & Cafe -- to make a Caprese Salad with the heirloom tomatoes and basil I bought at

I nearly RAN HOME, and made and ate the salad, after sharing some of the GIANT bunch of basil with that woman, who is ALWAYS nice to me, and from whom I bought a platter hand-painted with eggplants that I presented in 2011 to my cousin Judy Whitney.

You see, despite Frank Delia's banning me for life from his stores, and allowing his customers (actually sent by multi-failed Republican Politician Justin LaNasa, a common Tattoo-Parlorist, whose other groupies used to cat-call me a child molester and FAGGOT on the streets of Wilmington in 2011), to accuse me in front of many customers of having MOLESTED THEIR SON. But when I challenged them to have me ARRESTED IMMEDIATELY and we could let the Law sort it out, they said "Oh no -- we won't do THAT, we intend to have MUCH MORE FUN WITH YOU!!!"

This proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Frank Delia is either part of or controlled by the local bipartisan Drug Mafia -- but I'd just as soon forget that, as I have FAR BIGGER "fish to fry."

But here is the Historical Record of what happened:

Justin LaNasa

And two nights ago, I stopped into Hardwire Tattoo, looking for Justin (who might be a Traitorous Crook, but is FUN to talk or email with), but he wasn't in.


1. The words in quotes just above are actually the TITLE of William Rand Kenan, Jr.'s autobiography, in which he PROVED how much he came to HATE Wilmington, NC -- for its SMALL MINDEDNESS and RAMPANT RACISM, by only writing a few sentences about it in his autobiography, which can be read here

And that despite his building The Carolina Apartments (in which I now live), the most technologically advanced building in all of North Carolina at the time -- and giving the city Kenan Fountain, which sits below.

Perhaps ALSO of interest is that this building has the ORIGINAL horse stables still -- in the basement!!!

And the devastatingly handsome Mr. Kenan, at age 32, married Alice Pomroy, a "horsey woman" (as they used to say), had NO children, and when Alice died in 1947, "Will" Kenan moved in with his LIFE-LONG male secretary, Scotty, until Kenan's death in 1965!!!

THIS is why I include him with Thomas S. Kenan III and me as the most HOMOSEXUAL of the Kenans. Things were TOUGHER if you were gay back then!!!

2. I have stopped in the offices of First Baptist (across the street from my apartment), and THANKED the main staff for their HUGE support of homeless when I lived homeless in Wilmington 2011 into 2012, but STILL need to find Gary who is still in charge of that.

>>> SIDE NOTE: Two years ago, I CASTIGATED First Baptist because Republican Judge Sandra Ray Criner CLAIMED on her website to be a MEMBER there -- and the HEAD MINISTER of First Baptist emailed me back to say that NEITHER of the Criners (her husband, Sherman Lee Criner, had diddled the vagina of a young girl in Thalian Hall (antebellum) Theatre about ten years ago -- and Wilmington cops PRESSURED the girl's father into NOT pressing charges (claiming the girl would be HARASSED by fake Christians in Wilmington as a SIX YEAR OLD SLUT!!!), had EVER been members -- or been known to EVER worship there -- LOL!!!

"Wilmington attorney and state Senate candidate Sherman Lee Criner will not be charged in connection with allegations that he molested a young girl earlier this year, investigators confirmed Wednesday.

Criner didn't return calls to his work and cell phones Wednesday afternoon, but a member of his legal defense team said he views the decision as total vindication for Criner."

And the ONLY of many friends I have on Facebook who has FRIENDED Sherman Lee Criner, is Ryan Lee Burris, now HEAD of Cape Fear Equality as well as an OFFICER of the County Democratic Party!!!

Ryan with James Elks

When I met Ryan in 2011, his boyfriend was James Elks, and his other roommate in the SO-CALLED "Gay House" on Fifth Street was John Mann, who ended up PERJURING himself in my trial on charges of "Cyber-Stalking" brought by lawyer David Nash -- LOL!!!

BOTH James Elks and John Mann were NOTORIOUS drug dealers in Wilmington, then (and Ryan has a MAJOR drug conviction on his record too, he told me once).

Five days ago, I JOINED Cape Fear Equality, but got NO CONFIRMATION of that -- and also wrote asking WHEN and WHERE they meet (since their on-line calendar is EMPTY) -- and have gotten NO REPLY about that!!!

Then, James Elks told me that THOM GOOLSBY frequently PARTIED AT THEIR GAY HOUSE!!!

Is Cape Fear Equality a DRUG MAFIA FRONT???

3. It has been FUN to discover how many remember me rather FONDLY from my homeless stay in Wilmington a few years ago -- and wish me the BEST in my project with Generals Colin Powell and Russel Honore!!!

But I've had THREE seriously RUDE encounters in the last two days. The first when I bought a love-seat from the Re-Store (Habititat for Humanity), the one on Third Street (to be clear, staff at their OTHER location in town were DELIGHTFUL!!!), and the woman would NOT let the delivery person (whom THEY had recommended!!!), pick it up until I came down and showed my receipt -- despite my sending a text to the delivery guy OK-ing his doing that -- and it SHOWED that MY cell MATCHED the phone number ON MY RECIEPT!!!

I called that black woman a "Prime Bitch" to her face, she then told me she hoped that I TOO had a "Blessed Day", and I told told her to just "SHUT YOUR IGNORANT CHRISTIAN MOUTH" as I left.

The OTHER thing is that a woman named Jenny, on my floor, KNOCKED ON MY DOOR at 4:20 AM, yesterday morning, but I REFUSED to answer. She has claimed to be bipolar on meds, a "Jack Mormon", the sister of a New Hanover County Sheriff (meaning deputy, I assume), and that she supplied a woman with prescription pain pills a while back -- as if that was NORMAL!!!

She's also showed up twice DRUNK!!! She has also claimed that she flies all around the country as a Lobbyist for some kind of organization promoting GREEN BUILDING TECHNIQUES -- and FREQUENTLY works with Mayor Saffoas well as the mayors of Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and about five other nearby towns.

She is VERY interruptive and argumentative when drinking, but I am dealing with her well, now, and will NOT cause her a legal or other problem.

I should mention that the OTHER floor resident I've had much contact with, an electrician who works 70 hours/week on a Cape Fear Community College building under construction, named Anthony, seems TOTALLY COOL!!! He is the HOTTEST white boy I've seen in ages -- but obviously to me totally straight. He even offered that he was walking to the store and asked if he could pick up anything for me, yesterday.

SWEAR, I get along with totally STRAIGHT guys better than gay guys!!!

The third rudeness was a COMPLETE SURPRISE to me, because in 2011, after I had scripted a walking tour of Wilmington about the Kenan Family's involvement -- as well as a dubious tie of Tennessee Williams to the town, a woman who I THOUGHT said she was an owner was VERY ENCOURAGING to me -- and that they might sell tickets to it along with other tours sold there.

This was only a few days BEFORE my marketing partner in the venture, Evan Fish, was FORCED by Wilmington Police to jump to his death from the parking deck by the downtown Library. Evan had been supplied in MAINEwhere he had for two years been the LARGEST distributor of cocaine, before moving here and TRYING to leave that in his past, by Lee Gosney my CO-WORKER of 18 years at, supplied him with cocaine -- as Lee ALSO supplied many Wilmington dealers (by THEIR admission to me!!!).

Evan KNEW too much, and had to be MURDERED by Wilmington Police!!!

Well, the point I have been trying to reach is that the MANAGER of the Black Cat Shoppe, today, was VERY hostile to me and CLAIMED that the owners (who she REFUSED to name, but are Kim and John Hirchak), would NEVER allow ANY walking tour that had info of CRIMES of anyone even LONG DEAD -- IF THEIR FAMILY STILL HAS INFLUENCE IN WILMINGTON (HELLOThomas S. Kenan III and Betty (Price) Kenan!!!).


But I BET that manager is a DRUG MAFIA PLANT and does this WITHOUT the Hirchaks knowing about it.

found the Hirchaks' email address, so will email them this posting first!!!

>>> FINALLY, I was contacted by THIS bi-sexual of Wilmington via internet, last night, who after our discussion, has agreed that we should have a CASUAL (no strings), and continuing sexual relationship, so who KNOWS if he'll pull THROUGH!!!

I like 'em MANLY enough not to be ashamed to grow some dang HAIR!!!




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