North Carolina GOP's power grab to limit Democratic governor
DON'T GET ME WRONG!!! CNN has ALWAYS supported Donald Trump and the NAZI/Christian Drug Mafia that was SUPPOSED to be led by Hillary Clinton!!! They PUSHED Hillary first, and when my Kenan Family's PROMOTION of Donald Trump turned out to be STRONGER, they continue to support Mr. Trump.
They and their former employee, Newt Gingrich, were CHIEF in getting me arrested on false charges after I reported the MEGA narco-trafficking running through Stone Mountain Park in 1990 to BOTH Congressman Gingrich's office and CNN HQ -- VERY NAIVELY!!!
SO FAR, only one of the bills has been passed and signed by outgoing Republican Governor Pat McCrory -- who AS I REPORTED a few days ago, had a PRIVATE MEETING with Donald Trump, Kenan Family TOP Businessman Rex Tillerson CEO of Exxon-Mobil, and Rahm Emanuel -- Emanuel, the CHIEF Obama/Clinton narco-trafficker and partner with El Chapo Guzman.
If Ya Can’t Beat ‘Em, Screw ‘Em: Defeated North Carolina Governor Signs Bill Gutting Election Integrity
After losing the election, Gov. Pat McCrory (R) has signed one of two bills that will undermine his Democratic successor.
Christian Narco-Trafficking White Supremacist Pam Sander, Executive Editor of the Wilmington Star News is UNDENIABLY a co-conspirator in this Power Grab.
She should be PROPERLY TRIED and hung by a NOOSE if guilty -- just like the "NIGGERS" she hates with her WHOLE BEING!!!
I do NOT condone any kind of "extralegal" actions -- especially violent ones -- but Pam Sander DESERVES IT, and if I still had my house in Stone Mountain, that I only LATE in the 1988 - 2010 that I owned it, learned that the tree in front was where Imperial Wizard James R. Venable (one-time Mayor of Stone Mountain who also had had TWO moonshine stills on what became my property), LYNCHED BLACKS in my yard!!!
James R. Venable -- a HUGE ALLY of my Kenan Family, centered in Chapel Hill, North Carolina -- SINGLE-HANDEDLY resurrected the Ku Klux Klan in the Twentieth Century -- in STONE MOUNTAIN:
James R. Venable -- whose SURNAME was used by Tennessee Williams for the DEMONESS Violet Venable in his play Suddenly Last Summer:
I was SO HATED by Stone Mountain Mayor and City Council (narco-traffickers, all), that when I sold out and FLED TO MEXICO with Colin Powell's people's help, my house was QUICKLY "DE-HOMOSEXUALIZED".
It is now as BARREN and UGLY as a Christian's Heart!!!:
RIGHT AFTER he and I agreed NOT TO try anything else to find my old roommate for now, THIS email crossed with me as I emailed out my LAST blog posting. I have no problem with it, per se, but Old Testo must be very PROUD of himself to do this while HIDING his contact info, and making MINE known!!!
And who KNOWS if the Salvation Army Shelter will actually ACCEPT this mail:
Fwd: (Testosteroni's) assistance

I just mailed this, with my email addresses trimmed off, to
(My old roommate) (shelter occupant)
Maybe Salvation will put it on the bulletin, or Return To Sender,
I handwrote a note naming his presents, including cigarettes.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Testosteroni
Date: Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 3:53 PM
Subject: (Testosteroni's) assistance
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Hello "Scott's Former Roomie"
I respect you as a straight man who's been through a lot but has the urge to work and control his own life. Recent events have again wiped you out, so I want to give you a boost.
I have arranged with Scott to pay him to provide you with a "storage locker" in his apartment so you can preserve much of your stuff from theft or total loss, and can avoid overload in temporary quarters. You can contact him several times a month to leave or pick up clothes or possessions.
This week I am sending you and Scott Christmas presents. I am also paying Scott to pass my money to you. Right now he has $500 to give you immediately for January. In the first week of each month, he will give another $500 in February and in March. Please contact him to get the ball rolling.
I'm including one of my mail addresses below if you have a real need to contact me. (I never expect to provide bail because it puts my credit card at risk.)
XXXX Broadway (Testo's "business address")
New York, NY 10025
Scott Kenan 910-200-XXXX
Well, perhaps Old Roomie will GET THIS VIA THE INTERNET (or whispered rumor)!!! At the MOMENT, I'm too busy clearing the SNOW JOB to worry about the poor fella AT ALL!!!
AND, of course, I'm getting ready for CHRISTMAS -- Bless my HEART (and roughed-up sphincter)!!
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