Top Kenan Executive Rex Tillerson of Exxon-Mobil COULD have been grooving on Vladimir Putin's body, no???
And I HAVE TO SAY that Old Roomie's body is NOT this filled out from gaining ten pounds, and he ACTUALLY has less body hair than Beck Bennett/Putin, Putin/Bennett winning the attractiveness contest, here!!!
However, I have no reason to believe that Tillerson is at all gay, and in a related matter, although many find my blog googling "Mayor Saffo gay" (and Renee Saffo restraining order), I have heard NOTHING of any boyfriends of Bill Saffo, so that could be IDLE RUMOR, and as I sometimes remind my readers, I know of NO ONE who could have led Wilmington through the last decade as well as Bill -- balancing the needs of citizens and DEMANDS of the Christian Drug Mafia.
Mayor Bill Saffo, refreshed after a week of NOT being harassed by Scott Kenan
And Bill's ex, Renee, sure knows how to DECORATE for CHRISTMAS, no???
Well, in an article in the Wilmington Star News this morning,, Mayor Saffo admits to being HOPEFUL, then "bitterly disappointed" by the Republican Kangaroo Legislature that promised to -- then failed to -- repeal HB2, the Bathroom Bill.
And also this morning, I found THIS, published by Andrew Reynolds, a KEY PROFESSOR of Kenan-Founded-and-Controlled UNC Chapel Hill, and published in the Raleigh News & Observer:
"In the just released EIP report, North Carolina’s overall electoral integrity score of 58/100 for the 2016 election places us alongside authoritarian states and pseudo-democracies like Cuba, Indonesia and Sierra Leone. If it were a nation state, North Carolina would rank right in the middle of the global league table – a deeply flawed, partly free democracy that is only slightly ahead of the failed democracies that constitute much of the developing world.
"Indeed, North Carolina does so poorly on the measures of legal framework and voter registration, that on those indicators we rank alongside Iran and Venezuela. When it comes to the integrity of the voting district boundaries no country has ever received as low a score as the 7/100 North Carolina received. North Carolina is not only the worst state in the USA for unfair districting but the worst entity in the world ever analyzed by the Electoral Integrity Project.
"Respect for democracy is not a partisan issue. In America true Republicans are as loyal to democratic principles as are Democrats."
So given Executive Editor of the Star New's coverage of this matter, I now award Pam Sander my KELLYANNE CONWAY AWARD:
Possums have MORE TEETH than any other mammal!!!
When pushed to name their new group, Harrison suggested "the Trembling Wilburys." Another member, alternately reported as Lynne or Dylan, suggested "Traveling" might be a better fit.
So they WEREN'T named for Maria St. Just's (nee Britneva's), PALLADIAN PALACE, "Wilbury Park":
Maria St. Just with a self portrait of Tennessee Williams -- in Wilbury Park.
But Maria's BANK (The Grenfel Bank, later sold to Deutche Bank, becoming the CENTER of its International Dealings), was AGAIN in the news for its MEGA CRIMES!!!:
Well, too bad the Traveling Wilburys didn't ALSO pick up Pete Townsend to HAVE MORE FUN, no???
Pete Townshend: Mick Jagger’s Penis Was ‘Huge And Extremely Tasty’
>>> AND TO GO AHEAD AND FINISH THIS POSTING: before BUSSING IT to Costco to refill my prescriptions -- so YES, "DING-DONGS", I AM TAKING MY MEDICATIONS (just not the ones AMATEURS and CHRISTIANS wished I took -- LOL)!!!
1. My neighbor Neal Duffy (carried home once by Robert F. Kennedy when he was campaigning for President and Neal was about five, also worked for my old friend Lt. Gen. Russel Honore' when he was a Colonel, and with Bill Clinton on a special project in the Middle East while on one of Neal's THREE deployments to that region -- Neal "hating" both Honore' and Clinton), tossed some stale bread out for the critters in the neighborhood -- and I caught TWO squirrels burying BREAD CRUSTS in my New Hanging Gardens of Babylon!!!
Even the SQUIRRELS in Wilmington do TOO MUCH Drugs and Alcohol!!!
2. Old Roomie showed up in front early this morning with his backpack and black trash bag full of possessions. He just dropped them here for safe-keeping, and isn't moving back in -- despite appearances.
3. Here's a NEW ONE I got from the mysterious FACEBOOK this morning:
Facebook currently shows me having 502 Friends, and my "Feed" has NEVER been lacking in their posts -- until TODAY. Only six things were there and then the suggestion I "find more friends", which for another 1.5 weeks, they won't ALLOW me to do -- or anything more than READ what shows up in my or others' feeds.
But here are two of what DID show up:
Join us Friday morning December 23, for the television debut of the new single HARD TIMES on FOX 5 NY for the Good Day New York morning show. Catch us in the 9 am hour with Rosanna, Greg, Mike, Duke, Inez and the rest of the fun crew! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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