>>> BREAKING!!!: The emailing of this posting was blocked to my good friend Gregory Mosher at Columbia University: Williams scholar, play director and producer; ALL AOL.com email addresses; and Father Jon Emanuelson at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, Wilmington.
And NO ONE else.
‘If You Take Out Kenan Thompson, The Studio Will Explode’
Insiders at SNL consider Kenan Thompson to be one of the greatest sketch comics ever. As he approaches a record 15th season on the show, maybe you should, too.
THIS EMAIL that I've responded to, came in this morning, giving me HOPE that some people have ETHICAL GOALS and care about Our Country and Education -- UNLIKE the other two I will also discuss:

Hi Louise -- and it was a very nice surprise to hear from you today!!!
I have already added your link to that posting -- and to its mirror blog, which you did not mention. Recently, on Fridays, I often have posted "Thank God It's Frida" materials (and will add your link in the future to those), that I have gotten mostly from a Facebook friend who has a HUGE audience, and does this EVERY Friday, I believe. He is an important leader in Science of Mind/Religious Science, which I studied deeply, and I suggest you contact him, too: XXXX@gmail.com, https://www.facebook.com/JimLockard?lst=1111771878%3A1660838671%3A1493218760.
My degree is in Art as a print-maker, but today I am a writer, and was the last assistant to Tennessee Williams. I come from an unusual family, my relatives (some of whom I know, and I FIGHT them politically), have controlled Exxon-Mobil, Bank of America, etc., for many years and put Trump into power so Exxon can get Russia's oil for more profit (a deal I believe I helped PREVENT) -- and actually, I am now associated with the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke -- partly to expose crimes of my family!!! I've known many of the Kennedys, Reagans. Sinatras, etc. -- and have many contacts high in the US and Mexican Armed Forces, and with Mexican Presidents, as well.
What might help you is that my relatives have ENORMOUS Art collections, and Thomas "Tom" S. Kenan III (late 70s now), is the family figurehead. If you google his name with "Arts", he is a HUGE supporter, and his work associate, Steve Armstrong, could probably put you in touch with whomever knows who might help you in Artsy's project -- if they aren't involved, already. Kenan-owned art is all over the place, and coming to mind now is a collection of medieval tapestries hanging in Kenan-owned The Breakers Hotel, Palm Beach.
Flemish tapestries at The Breakers
The Tapestry Bar at The Breakers
Tom or Steve can be reached at Kenan Management, Inc., Europa Drive, Chapel Hill, NC (919) 967-XXXX
Best to you -- and here is my cell number, should it help to call me: (910) 200-XXXX.
-----Original Message-----
From: Artsy Team
To: scottdkenan
Sent: Wed, Apr 26, 2017 10:20 am
Subject: Reaching out about theweathercontinues.blogspot.com
Hi - my name is Louise, and I work at Artsy. While researching Frida Kahlo, I found your page: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2015/05/i-scott-kenan-must-now-confess.html.
I am reaching out to certain website and blog owners that publish content in line with our mission to make all the world’s art accessible to anyone. We hope to continue promoting arts education and accessibility with your help.
Our Frida Kahlo page provides visitors with Kahlo's bio, over 8 of her works, exclusive articles, and up-to-date Kahlo exhibition listings. The page also includes related artists and categories, allowing viewers to discover art beyond our Kahlo page. We would love to be included as an additional resource for your visitors via a link on your page.
If you are able to add a link to our Kahlo page, please let me know, and thanks in advance for your consideration.
"I paint self-portraits because I am so often alone, because I am the person I know best."
OTHERWISE, the "Lilliputians-of-MIND-and-HEART" are BACK AT WORK trying to TIE ME DOWN in the HELLS they live in!!!
1. As far back as I remember, CHRISTIAN HATE-BOTS (including my parents), have DISCOURAGED ME from using my MIND!!! My parents told me I could be NOTHING higher than a "cog accountant" (like my brother, Mike, still is), and they made CERTAIN that my sister Jane, a NATIONAL HONORS STUDENT, is TODAY -- age 64 and she earned her MASTERS DEGREE, too!!! -- wasting her smarts as a Disability Claims Determinaton Agent for North Carolina -- and is paid LESS than most high-school-only-educated people!!!
I tied for 1st place in college boards in my EXCELLENT high school (and RECENTLY I was tested at 12 points above Genius in IQ), had THIRTY of my Art prints hung in US Embassies and Consulates around the world -- BEFORE I graduated Denison University in 1973 -- I WINNING first place in a contest by Great Lakes Colleges Association. Later, I co-founded www.WhalesTaleCapeMay.com, worked for playwright Tennessee Williams, sold Ad space very successfully in all the yearbooks for the US Service Academies and War Colleges -- until my boss, Patrick Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc, Snellville, Georgia, FIRED me because I found out he distributes the illegal drugs flown into Maxwell AFB -- from Maine to Florida, but ESPECIALLY here in Wilmington, NC.
Anyway, as much as I TRULY APPRECIATE Joseph Crawford Faulk, Jr.'s FINANCIAL SUPPORT of the last 5.5 years -- it really saved my life -- his ADVICE is usually to GET MYSELF KILLED -- or to disappear into oblivion so I am OUT of Joseph's NAZI SUPPORTERS hair -- he might not be sending me his OWN money, a likelihood I'd RATHER not explore and prosecute him over, but he is BEGGING me to -- especially this morning.
RECENTLY, Joseph is pushing me HARD to get a minimum-wage job in a convenience store or restaurant kitchen. He ALSO wants me to get a roommate -- another CRIMINAL he can beat-off thinking about -- REMEMBER, he's 83, gets Testosterone shots that no doctor says he needs, Daily Cialis, and "Poppers" to pleasure himself to his GAY PORN COLLECTION.
AT LEAST the OTHER ignorant person is pushing me to WRITE BOOKS to make money -- my own intention -- Joseph NEVER, EVER, EVER encourages me to be CREATIVE!!!
Joseph, who only four times in 5.5 years COMPLIMENTED me on the CONTENT of my blog. His ONLY concerns have been the STREET PEOPLE I have tried to help -- and OTHER than the TOO-LONG attempt with Haston Lavern Caulder II, at least HALF of the about eight have gone on to more productive lives -- including SEVERAL Veterans!!!
Previously, Joseph ALSO had fallen in love/lust with Dewain Hall -- here are photos of the two to show Joseph's TASTE in men:
ONLY a couple of days ago did Joseph say he CUT HASTON OFF two weeks before that -- but NEVER let me know it the many times we spoke since then and I'd brought up the subject.
Joseph has pushed me to ask Gold Walker (my landlady), about moving into her smaller cottage to save money, and since Joseph is not expected to send me ANY more money by the end of June, it WON'T affect him -- so WHY is he trying to CONTROL ME, STILL???
He is HELL-BENT to stop me from writing BOOKS -- or to challenge those who violated my Constitutional Rights.
2. Gold Walker and I spoke for about 45 minutes two nights ago, and she made CLEAR that she lets NO tenants move to OTHERS of her apartments, so the smaller cottage is NOT possible -- and she PUSHES ME HARD every time that I see her to write books -- FINE on the surface.
Unfortunately, her properties are somewhat mis-managed, she recently evicting TWO dead-beats -- one so violent and caught dealing heroin that TWO OTHER tenants FLED the property, too (Wilmington Police REFUSED to arrest anyone, but putting all the Heroin they saw on their official report of their visit), and the other recently from a prime commercial building on Front Street -- and her NEW tenants, recommended by her SON and the lease drawn up by her son's girlfriend a HYPER-rich lawyer (according to Gold), for FREE. First they were doing Soul Food, and now a common-here "steak and seafood" restaurant -- but they HAVE NOT GOTTEN ANY REAL WORK DONE, and it MIGHT be another drug-front bunch -- like nearby Betsy's Crepes.
Her son's "Walker World" -- HEAVILY getting free publicity in publications that SUPPORT THE DRUG MAFIA: Salt and Port City Daily in recent months:
I just checked and the best price for May 19 - 21 -- two nights @ $600.00 each, come to with all taxes $1,502.00!!! WHO would pay that on the river where MOST drugs are brought in on small boats -- the Wilmington area RECOGNIZED as the largest Heroin and Opioid Trafficking City in the ENTIRE USA!!!
NO person who could afford this would stay in such a DANGEROUS AREA without proper Security Force!!! Except narco-traffickers, no???
Now, I have NO REASON to think her son is into narco-trafficking -- but I have no idea how he makes money, otherwise -- the reports I hear from Gold are that he has few guests.
And Gold has in MANY WAYS been extremely helpful and generous with me. I'm just afraid that she's having a TOUGH TIME getting used to no longer making HUGE BUCKS off film companies renting her main house. That largess COVERED for all her previous renting mistakes, and she is NOT likely to get it again, soon.
Also, if Gold DID have some kind of "financial collapse" (unlikely, since she's a FIGHTER), the leases would continue to be valid with whomever owned the properties next.
I've been telling Joseph Faulk about this all along, he DISMISSING IT, ALWAYS. In recent weeks, I CONTINUE to lose internet connection every few minutes -- and WHEN I post something new and damaging -- TRY to get into my bank account and email, etc. Normally it lasts only five to ten seconds, but this week I am AGAIN having to FORCE the computer off when dialogue boxes and other targets begin jumping WILDLY all over the page -- the TOP KNOWN corruption credited to the CIA and NSA since at least 2008 -- google to learn about it!!!
Aol.com for about four months now will NOT deliver my emails that significantly criticize "Christianity" to ANY AOL email address, and Gmail blocked my emails once a week ago to all THEIR recipients -- for the first time in THREE YEARS -- THIS WEEK!!!
And for a few months, when I get notice from Facebook that someone has LIKED a comment or posting of mine, it RARELY REGISTERS IN FACEBOOK (not even then showing in the "drop-down" from the icon upper right-ish!!!), and not only that, but MANY of my comments on others' Timelines, DISAPPEAR, come back later -- and/or NO ONE ELSE CAN READ THEM!!!
My Kenan Family -- both near and distant -- are GOD-HATING CHRISTIANS, WHITE SUPREMACISTS, and NARCO-TRAFFICKERS, so I understand THEIR hatred of me.
And MOST of the men, including my brother and his two sons, are just CLOSET-CASE FAGGOTS.
And MOST of the men, including my brother and his two sons, are just CLOSET-CASE FAGGOTS.
Well, I'm STILL WINNING ANYWAY -- and will decide whether or not to sue Joseph Faulk for Palimony with Compensation for 5.5 years of PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE, later.
Thank you for reading this,
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