Thursday, September 28, 2017

RP: Well, What's Up -- TODAY???

RE-PRINTED from here

“All gods are homemade, and it is we who pull their strings, and so, give them the power to pull ours.”

― Aldous Huxley, Island

It was a mystery Wednesday as to how Jared Kushner came to be registered as female in New York state voter registration records, but he’s been listed that…

PERHAPS Mr. Kushner wanted to show some "WOMAN'S STYLE"no???

In this candid interview, 96-year-old New York style icon Iris Apfel gives her take on fashion, technology and what really makes a woman look old.

Scott Kenan

Tennessee Williams/ New Orleans Literary Festival 938 Lafayette St., Suite 514 New Orleans, LA 70113 …
My personal friend Russel Honore' (we had two meetings at the 2015 Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival -- and he knew ALL ABOUT the Kenan Family Narco-Trafficking in Atlanta) -- was ALSO my former neighbor Neal Duffy's commanding officer years ago -- and KNOWN for "barking the truth"not caring what others think of him -- has some CHOICE WORDS for Donald Trump -- GO RUSSEL!!!

Retired Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré, who commanded the military response to Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, slams President Donald Trump's response to…
PRE-DATES the Garden of Eden, which Mormon Orthodoxy claims was in the USA state of Missouri (Jackson County)

I hope Mitt Romney and Harry Reid -- who are BOTH DEVOUT MORMONS -- are cool with that -- LOL!!!

Traces of life were found in rocks dating back 3.95 billion years -- just a few hundred million years after the planet was formed.

Scott Kenan

When Christians hear Mormons refer to the Garden of Eden they may incorrectly assume that the LDS believe it…
Well, I'm glad that at least THIS has finally been cleared up!!!

Are you satisfied, internet?
"Phantom Playboys" sound like FUN TO ME!!! (at a drinking event in gay-as-a-goose Wilmington, NC!!!)

Well, my grasshopper is BACKeating my basil (but not too much)

He took a DAY OFF, yesterday, and I had a LONG discussion about him (and other local bugs), with psychologist Ben behind me -- as Ben cooked a Swordfish steak on his grill for the first time (and it was a BIG HIT with his family)!!!

Today, a young green lizard was climbing plants within two feet of my face -- seemingly not afraid of ME. So perhaps I'm more like St. Francis of Assisi:

Than like Saint Sebastian:

Saint Sebastian, long recognized as the "Patron Saint of Homosexuals".

Brad Wernle, now retired as an automotive reporter for Crain, posted THIS on Facebook:
Tuesday's episode of Ken Burns' powerful Vietnam documentary on PBS showed footage of the antiwar protests that came to dominate the headlines in those days. I participated in one of the biggest ones: the Nov. 15, 1969 March on Washington, which drew a crowd of 500,000 including a good-size group from our small liberal arts college in Ohio. I have kept my button from that march in remembrance of those turbulent times and a reminder that I have been fortunate to live in a country that has always honored freedom of speech and differences of opinion.

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Stephen Cain Brad Wernle I convinced my editors at The Detroit News to let me go with a bus load of protesters from Detroit ... heck of a thing to get paid to attend and write about, and my stories ran pretty much the way I wrote them.

Reply12 hrs
Betsy Husting Glad you were there, Brad.

Reply11 hrs
Kevin Ransom Amen, brother

Reply11 hrs
Alysha Webb Thanks for that insight Brad Wernle. Can you add Lynn Novick to your attribution for The Vietnam War documentary? I am on a bit of a war horse about Burns getting do much credit when Novick was an equality contributor. Even PJS SoCal leaves her name off the voice over attribution. Driving me crazy

Reply11 hrs
Scott Kenan I was there with you Brad Wernle -- from Denison University in two U-Haul trucks, unheated in back and bitterly cold on much of the trip. Today, I work directly with Rob Reiner (whose cousin Jonathan made me an "honorary Jew" in 2010), Morgan Freeman, Vicente Fox, Gen. Russel Honore', and others to TAKE DOWN my Kenan Family's puppet, Donald Trump

ReplyRemove Preview10 hrs
Claudia Gostine Brave of you to be following the series. The first episode was so depressing for me, I stopped.

Reply5 hrs
Scott Kenan There has been a lot of criticism of this Ken Burns series from the LEFT, claiming it PROMOTES old, false stereotypes, but I've seen none of it so couldn't say if I think that is true.

Reply3 hrs
Jim Henry I've tried twice now on two different installments, got 5 minutes into it and turned it off. It's still "too soon." That's not a helpful attitude, I guess. I think it's a function of the current poison political atmosphere as much as anything. Still angry.

 1 hr
Charles Greacen David Palmer, Ann Fish, Bruce Coleman and I somehow talked Bullet Bob Feis into taking his car to that event. Most striking image was rows of armed soldiers on the rooftops lining the Mall.

Reply30 mins
Scott Kenan My parents gave me my (older) first cousin's husband's phone number to take to that March -- in case I got into any trouble

Army Col. Fred Smith, who then taught at the National War College, and his ASHES now reside in First Presbyterian, Wilmington, NC's columbarium, across the street from my current apartment. 

LATER, Col. Smith told my homophobic parents that there was NOTHING WRONG AT ALL with me for being GAY -- HA!!!

Reply5 mins


1. Roommate "Warden" got all dressed up last night and went out on the town after 9:00 -- but came back WITHOUT drinking hard liquor, as he had threatened. This shows he DOES HAVE some SELF-RESPECT!!! See more here:

2. And while THAT posting of yesterday got GREAT HITS, the one from BEFORE IT, got more hits on its SECOND DAY, than its viral FIRST DAY (almost), and for the FIRST TIME, a posting of mine got nearly 100 hits in a day from South Korea -- I suppose they are trying to figure out Donald Trump by viewing the info on how my wealthy Kenan relatives put Trump in power to get Russia's Oil -- and to DESTROY the US Constitution.

3. The money my mother and brother Mike sent me, CLEARED overnight, and before the beach, I must pick up my meds at Costco -- today's being all I had left of all of them.


4. I spoke with Gold Walker this morning to let her know that Spectrum Cable's lawyer Brian M. Williams of Raleigh had called to say he expects to offer me a settlement for their truck knocking me way out of a crosswalk back in February -- by the end of next week.

Gold is THRILLED, and said it's a reward for my POSITIVE ATTITUDE, like in the movie The Secret, and she's FINE waiting until I get the money to settle the debt I owe her for the extermination of bed-bugs, half a year ago.

And I have seen NO FURTHER EVIDENCE of a bed-bug infestation, after finding only ONE, four or five days ago, but I'm RESERVING enough money of what Mike/Mom sent me in case I need to buy the SLEEVES for my mattress and box springs that are IMPERVIOUS to bed-bugs.





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